/* * java * Copyright (C) 2004 * * $Id: CL_fx.java,v 1.8 2005-01-17 21:50:42 cawe Exp $ */ /* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package jake2.client; import jake2.Defines; import jake2.Globals; import jake2.game.M_Flash; import jake2.game.entity_state_t; import jake2.qcommon.Com; import jake2.qcommon.MSG; import jake2.sound.S; import jake2.util.Lib; import jake2.util.Math3D; /** * Client Graphics Effects. */ public class CL_fx { static class cdlight_t { int key; // so entities can reuse same entry float[] color = { 0, 0, 0 }; float[] origin = { 0, 0, 0 }; float radius; float die; // stop lighting after this time float minlight; // don't add when contributing less void clear() { radius = minlight = color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0; } } static cparticle_t[] particles = new cparticle_t[Defines.MAX_PARTICLES]; static { for (int i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) particles[i] = new cparticle_t(); } static int cl_numparticles = Defines.MAX_PARTICLES; static final float INSTANT_PARTICLE = -10000.0f; static float[][] avelocities = new float[Defines.NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3]; static clightstyle_t[] cl_lightstyle = new clightstyle_t[Defines.MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]; static int lastofs; /* * ============================================================== * * LIGHT STYLE MANAGEMENT * * ============================================================== */ static class clightstyle_t { int length; float[] value = new float[3]; float[] map = new float[Defines.MAX_QPATH]; void clear() { value[0] = value[1] = value[2] = length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) map[i] = 0.0f; } } static { for (int i = 0; i < cl_lightstyle.length; i++) { cl_lightstyle[i] = new clightstyle_t(); } } /* * ============================================================== * * DLIGHT MANAGEMENT * * ============================================================== */ static cdlight_t[] cl_dlights = new cdlight_t[Defines.MAX_DLIGHTS]; static { for (int i = 0; i < cl_dlights.length; i++) cl_dlights[i] = new cdlight_t(); } /* * ================ CL_ClearDlights ================ */ static void ClearDlights() { // memset (cl_dlights, 0, sizeof(cl_dlights)); for (int i = 0; i < cl_dlights.length; i++) { cl_dlights[i].clear(); } } /* * ================ CL_ClearLightStyles ================ */ static void ClearLightStyles() { //memset (cl_lightstyle, 0, sizeof(cl_lightstyle)); for (int i = 0; i < cl_lightstyle.length; i++) cl_lightstyle[i].clear(); lastofs = -1; } /* * ================ CL_RunLightStyles ================ */ static void RunLightStyles() { clightstyle_t ls; int ofs = Globals.cl.time / 100; if (ofs == lastofs) return; lastofs = ofs; for (int i = 0; i < cl_lightstyle.length; i++) { ls = cl_lightstyle[i]; if (ls.length == 0) { ls.value[0] = ls.value[1] = ls.value[2] = 1.0f; continue; } if (ls.length == 1) ls.value[0] = ls.value[1] = ls.value[2] = ls.map[0]; else ls.value[0] = ls.value[1] = ls.value[2] = ls.map[ofs % ls.length]; } } static void SetLightstyle(int i) { String s; int j, k; s = Globals.cl.configstrings[i + Defines.CS_LIGHTS]; j = s.length(); if (j >= Defines.MAX_QPATH) Com.Error(Defines.ERR_DROP, "svc_lightstyle length=" + j); cl_lightstyle[i].length = j; for (k = 0; k < j; k++) cl_lightstyle[i].map[k] = (float) (s.charAt(k) - 'a') / (float) ('m' - 'a'); } /* * ================ CL_AddLightStyles ================ */ static void AddLightStyles() { clightstyle_t ls; for (int i = 0; i < cl_lightstyle.length; i++) { ls = cl_lightstyle[i]; V.AddLightStyle(i, ls.value[0], ls.value[1], ls.value[2]); } } /* * =============== CL_AllocDlight * * =============== */ static cdlight_t AllocDlight(int key) { int i; cdlight_t dl; // first look for an exact key match if (key != 0) { for (i = 0; i < Defines.MAX_DLIGHTS; i++) { dl = cl_dlights[i]; if (dl.key == key) { //memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl)); dl.clear(); dl.key = key; return dl; } } } // then look for anything else for (i = 0; i < Defines.MAX_DLIGHTS; i++) { dl = cl_dlights[i]; if (dl.die < Globals.cl.time) { //memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl)); dl.clear(); dl.key = key; return dl; } } //dl = &cl_dlights[0]; //memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl)); dl = cl_dlights[0]; dl.clear(); dl.key = key; return dl; } /* * =============== * CL_RunDLights * =============== */ static void RunDLights() { cdlight_t dl; for (int i = 0; i < Defines.MAX_DLIGHTS; i++) { dl = cl_dlights[i]; if (dl.radius == 0.0f) continue; if (dl.die < Globals.cl.time) { dl.radius = 0.0f; return; } } } // stack variable private static final float[] fv = {0, 0, 0}; private static final float[] rv = {0, 0, 0}; /* * ============== * CL_ParseMuzzleFlash * ============== */ static void ParseMuzzleFlash() { float volume; String soundname; int i = MSG.ReadShort(Globals.net_message); if (i < 1 || i >= Defines.MAX_EDICTS) Com.Error(Defines.ERR_DROP, "CL_ParseMuzzleFlash: bad entity"); int weapon = MSG.ReadByte(Globals.net_message); int silenced = weapon & Defines.MZ_SILENCED; weapon &= ~Defines.MZ_SILENCED; centity_t pl = Globals.cl_entities[i]; cdlight_t dl = AllocDlight(i); Math3D.VectorCopy(pl.current.origin, dl.origin); Math3D.AngleVectors(pl.current.angles, fv, rv, null); Math3D.VectorMA(dl.origin, 18, fv, dl.origin); Math3D.VectorMA(dl.origin, 16, rv, dl.origin); if (silenced != 0) dl.radius = 100 + (Globals.rnd.nextInt() & 31); else dl.radius = 200 + (Globals.rnd.nextInt() & 31); dl.minlight = 32; dl.die = Globals.cl.time; // + 0.1; if (silenced != 0) volume = 0.2f; else volume = 1; switch (weapon) { case Defines.MZ_BLASTER: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/blastf1a.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_BLUEHYPERBLASTER: dl.color[0] = 0; dl.color[1] = 0; dl.color[2] = 1; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/hyprbf1a.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_HYPERBLASTER: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/hyprbf1a.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_MACHINEGUN: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; //Com_sprintf(soundname, sizeof(soundname), // "weapons/machgf%ib.wav", (rand() % 5) + 1); soundname = "weapons/machgf" + ((Globals.rnd.nextInt(5)) + 1) + "b.wav"; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound(soundname), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_SHOTGUN: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/shotgf1b.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_AUTO, S.RegisterSound("weapons/shotgr1b.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0.1f); break; case Defines.MZ_SSHOTGUN: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/sshotf1b.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_CHAINGUN1: dl.radius = 200 + (Globals.rnd.nextInt() & 31); dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 0.25f; dl.color[2] = 0; //Com_sprintf(soundname, sizeof(soundname), // "weapons/machgf%ib.wav", (rand() % 5) + 1); soundname = "weapons/machgf" + ((Globals.rnd.nextInt(5)) + 1) + "b.wav"; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound(soundname), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_CHAINGUN2: dl.radius = 225 + (Globals.rnd.nextInt() & 31); dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 0.5f; dl.color[2] = 0; dl.die = Globals.cl.time + 0.1f; // long delay //Com_sprintf(soundname, sizeof(soundname), // "weapons/machgf%ib.wav", (rand() % 5) + 1); soundname = "weapons/machgf" + ((Globals.rnd.nextInt(5)) + 1) + "b.wav"; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound(soundname), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); //Com_sprintf(soundname, sizeof(soundname), // "weapons/machgf%ib.wav", (rand() % 5) + 1); soundname = "weapons/machgf" + ((Globals.rnd.nextInt(5)) + 1) + "b.wav"; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound(soundname), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0.05f); break; case Defines.MZ_CHAINGUN3: dl.radius = 250 + (Globals.rnd.nextInt() & 31); dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; dl.die = Globals.cl.time + 0.1f; // long delay //Com_sprintf(soundname, sizeof(soundname), // "weapons/machgf%ib.wav", (rand() % 5) + 1); soundname = "weapons/machgf" + ((Globals.rnd.nextInt(5)) + 1) + "b.wav"; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound(soundname), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); //Com_sprintf(soundname, sizeof(soundname), // "weapons/machgf%ib.wav", (rand() % 5) + 1); soundname = "weapons/machgf" + ((Globals.rnd.nextInt(5)) + 1) + "b.wav"; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound(soundname), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0.033f); //Com_sprintf(soundname, sizeof(soundname), // "weapons/machgf%ib.wav", (rand() % 5) + 1); soundname = "weapons/machgf" + ((Globals.rnd.nextInt(5)) + 1) + "b.wav"; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound(soundname), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0.066f); break; case Defines.MZ_RAILGUN: dl.color[0] = 0.5f; dl.color[1] = 0.5f; dl.color[2] = 1.0f; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/railgf1a.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_ROCKET: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 0.5f; dl.color[2] = 0.2f; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/rocklf1a.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_AUTO, S.RegisterSound("weapons/rocklr1b.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0.1f); break; case Defines.MZ_GRENADE: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 0.5f; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/grenlf1a.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_AUTO, S.RegisterSound("weapons/grenlr1b.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0.1f); break; case Defines.MZ_BFG: dl.color[0] = 0; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/bfg__f1y.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_LOGIN: dl.color[0] = 0; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; dl.die = Globals.cl.time + 1.0f; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/grenlf1a.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); LogoutEffect(pl.current.origin, weapon); break; case Defines.MZ_LOGOUT: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 0; dl.color[2] = 0; dl.die = Globals.cl.time + 1.0f; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/grenlf1a.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); LogoutEffect(pl.current.origin, weapon); break; case Defines.MZ_RESPAWN: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; dl.die = Globals.cl.time + 1.0f; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/grenlf1a.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); LogoutEffect(pl.current.origin, weapon); break; // RAFAEL case Defines.MZ_PHALANX: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 0.5f; dl.color[2] = 0.5f; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/plasshot.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; // RAFAEL case Defines.MZ_IONRIPPER: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 0.5f; dl.color[2] = 0.5f; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/rippfire.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; // ====================== // PGM case Defines.MZ_ETF_RIFLE: dl.color[0] = 0.9f; dl.color[1] = 0.7f; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/nail1.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_SHOTGUN2: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/shotg2.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_HEATBEAM: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; dl.die = Globals.cl.time + 100; // S.StartSound (null, i, CHAN_WEAPON, // S.RegisterSound("weapons/bfg__l1a.wav"), volume, ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_BLASTER2: dl.color[0] = 0; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; // FIXME - different sound for blaster2 ?? S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/blastf1a.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_TRACKER: // negative flashes handled the same in gl/soft until CL_AddDLights dl.color[0] = -1; dl.color[1] = -1; dl.color[2] = -1; S.StartSound(null, i, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/disint2.wav"), volume, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ_NUKE1: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 0; dl.color[2] = 0; dl.die = Globals.cl.time + 100; break; case Defines.MZ_NUKE2: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; dl.die = Globals.cl.time + 100; break; case Defines.MZ_NUKE4: dl.color[0] = 0; dl.color[1] = 0; dl.color[2] = 1; dl.die = Globals.cl.time + 100; break; case Defines.MZ_NUKE8: dl.color[0] = 0; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 1; dl.die = Globals.cl.time + 100; break; // PGM // ====================== } } // stack variable private static final float[] origin = {0, 0, 0}; private static final float[] forward = {0, 0, 0}; private static final float[] right = {0, 0, 0}; /* * ============== CL_ParseMuzzleFlash2 ============== */ static void ParseMuzzleFlash2() { String soundname; int ent = MSG.ReadShort(Globals.net_message); if (ent < 1 || ent >= Defines.MAX_EDICTS) Com.Error(Defines.ERR_DROP, "CL_ParseMuzzleFlash2: bad entity"); int flash_number = MSG.ReadByte(Globals.net_message); // locate the origin Math3D.AngleVectors(Globals.cl_entities[ent].current.angles, forward, right, null); origin[0] = Globals.cl_entities[ent].current.origin[0] + forward[0] * M_Flash.monster_flash_offset[flash_number][0] + right[0] * M_Flash.monster_flash_offset[flash_number][1]; origin[1] = Globals.cl_entities[ent].current.origin[1] + forward[1] * M_Flash.monster_flash_offset[flash_number][0] + right[1] * M_Flash.monster_flash_offset[flash_number][1]; origin[2] = Globals.cl_entities[ent].current.origin[2] + forward[2] * M_Flash.monster_flash_offset[flash_number][0] + right[2] * M_Flash.monster_flash_offset[flash_number][1] + M_Flash.monster_flash_offset[flash_number][2]; cdlight_t dl = AllocDlight(ent); Math3D.VectorCopy(origin, dl.origin); dl.radius = 200 + (Globals.rnd.nextInt() & 31); dl.minlight = 32; dl.die = Globals.cl.time; // + 0.1; switch (flash_number) { case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_1: case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_2: case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_3: case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_4: case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_5: case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_6: case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_7: case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_8: case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_9: case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_10: case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_11: case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_12: case Defines.MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_13: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; ParticleEffect(origin, Globals.vec3_origin, 0, 40); CL_tent.SmokeAndFlash(origin); S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("infantry/infatck1.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_1: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_2: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_3: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_4: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_5: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_6: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_7: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_8: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; ParticleEffect(origin, Globals.vec3_origin, 0, 40); CL_tent.SmokeAndFlash(origin); S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("soldier/solatck3.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_1: case Defines.MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_2: case Defines.MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_3: case Defines.MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_4: case Defines.MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_5: case Defines.MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_6: case Defines.MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_7: case Defines.MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_8: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; ParticleEffect(origin, Globals.vec3_origin, 0, 40); CL_tent.SmokeAndFlash(origin); S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("gunner/gunatck2.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_ACTOR_MACHINEGUN_1: case Defines.MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_1: case Defines.MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_2: case Defines.MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_3: case Defines.MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_4: case Defines.MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_5: case Defines.MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_6: case Defines.MZ2_TURRET_MACHINEGUN: // PGM dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; ParticleEffect(origin, Globals.vec3_origin, 0, 40); CL_tent.SmokeAndFlash(origin); S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("infantry/infatck1.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L1: case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L2: case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L3: case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L4: case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L5: case Defines.MZ2_CARRIER_MACHINEGUN_L1: // PMM case Defines.MZ2_CARRIER_MACHINEGUN_L2: // PMM dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; ParticleEffect(origin, Globals.vec3_origin, 0, 40); CL_tent.SmokeAndFlash(origin); S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("infantry/infatck1.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NONE, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_1: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_2: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_3: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_4: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_5: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_6: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_7: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_8: case Defines.MZ2_TURRET_BLASTER: // PGM dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("soldier/solatck2.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_FLYER_BLASTER_1: case Defines.MZ2_FLYER_BLASTER_2: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("flyer/flyatck3.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_MEDIC_BLASTER_1: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("medic/medatck1.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_HOVER_BLASTER_1: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("hover/hovatck1.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_FLOAT_BLASTER_1: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("floater/fltatck1.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_1: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_2: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_3: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_4: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_5: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_6: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_7: case Defines.MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_8: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; CL_tent.SmokeAndFlash(origin); S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("soldier/solatck1.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_TANK_BLASTER_1: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_BLASTER_2: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_BLASTER_3: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("tank/tnkatck3.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_1: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_2: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_3: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_4: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_5: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_6: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_7: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_8: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_9: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_10: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_11: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_12: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_13: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_14: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_15: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_16: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_17: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_18: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_19: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; ParticleEffect(origin, Globals.vec3_origin, 0, 40); CL_tent.SmokeAndFlash(origin); //Com_sprintf(soundname, sizeof(soundname), "tank/tnkatk2%c.wav", // 'a' + rand() % 5); soundname = "tank/tnkatk2" + (char) ('a' + Globals.rnd.nextInt(5)) + ".wav"; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound(soundname), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_CHICK_ROCKET_1: case Defines.MZ2_TURRET_ROCKET: // PGM dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 0.5f; dl.color[2] = 0.2f; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("chick/chkatck2.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_TANK_ROCKET_1: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_ROCKET_2: case Defines.MZ2_TANK_ROCKET_3: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 0.5f; dl.color[2] = 0.2f; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("tank/tnkatck1.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_SUPERTANK_ROCKET_1: case Defines.MZ2_SUPERTANK_ROCKET_2: case Defines.MZ2_SUPERTANK_ROCKET_3: case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_1: case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_2: case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_3: case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_4: case Defines.MZ2_CARRIER_ROCKET_1: // case MZ2_CARRIER_ROCKET_2: // case MZ2_CARRIER_ROCKET_3: // case MZ2_CARRIER_ROCKET_4: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 0.5f; dl.color[2] = 0.2f; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("tank/rocket.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_1: case Defines.MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_2: case Defines.MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_3: case Defines.MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_4: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 0.5f; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("gunner/gunatck3.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_GLADIATOR_RAILGUN_1: // PMM case Defines.MZ2_CARRIER_RAILGUN: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_RAIL: // pmm dl.color[0] = 0.5f; dl.color[1] = 0.5f; dl.color[2] = 1.0f; break; // --- Xian's shit starts --- case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BFG: dl.color[0] = 0.5f; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0.5f; //S.StartSound (null, ent, CHAN_WEAPON, // S.RegisterSound("makron/bfg_fire.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_1: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_2: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_3: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_4: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_5: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_6: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_7: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_8: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_9: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_10: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_11: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_12: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_13: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_14: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_15: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_16: case Defines.MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_17: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("makron/blaster.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L1: case Defines.MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L2: case Defines.MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L3: case Defines.MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L4: case Defines.MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L5: case Defines.MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L6: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; ParticleEffect(origin, Globals.vec3_origin, 0, 40); CL_tent.SmokeAndFlash(origin); S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("boss3/xfire.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R1: case Defines.MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R2: case Defines.MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R3: case Defines.MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R4: case Defines.MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R5: case Defines.MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R6: dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; ParticleEffect(origin, Globals.vec3_origin, 0, 40); CL_tent.SmokeAndFlash(origin); break; case Defines.MZ2_JORG_BFG_1: dl.color[0] = 0.5f; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0.5f; break; case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R1: case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R2: case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R3: case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R4: case Defines.MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R5: case Defines.MZ2_CARRIER_MACHINEGUN_R1: // PMM case Defines.MZ2_CARRIER_MACHINEGUN_R2: // PMM dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; ParticleEffect(origin, Globals.vec3_origin, 0, 40); CL_tent.SmokeAndFlash(origin); break; // ====== // ROGUE case Defines.MZ2_STALKER_BLASTER: case Defines.MZ2_DAEDALUS_BLASTER: case Defines.MZ2_MEDIC_BLASTER_2: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP1: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP2: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP3: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP4: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP5: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP6: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP7: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP8: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP9: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_100: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_90: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_80: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_70: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_60: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_50: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_40: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_30: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_20: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_10: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_0: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_10L: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_20L: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_30L: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_40L: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_50L: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_60L: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_70L: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_1: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_2: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_3: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_4: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_5: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_6: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_7: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_8: dl.color[0] = 0; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("tank/tnkatck3.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_DISRUPTOR: dl.color[0] = -1; dl.color[1] = -1; dl.color[2] = -1; S.StartSound(null, ent, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("weapons/disint2.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW_PLASMABEAM: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_1: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_2: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_3: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_4: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_5: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_1: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_2: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_3: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_4: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_5: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_6: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_7: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_8: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_9: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_10: case Defines.MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_11: dl.radius = 300 + (Globals.rnd.nextInt() & 100); dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 0; dl.die = Globals.cl.time + 200; break; // ROGUE // ====== // --- Xian's shit ends --- } } /* * =============== CL_AddDLights * * =============== */ static void AddDLights() { cdlight_t dl; // ===== // PGM if (Globals.vidref_val == Defines.VIDREF_GL) { for (int i = 0; i < Defines.MAX_DLIGHTS; i++) { dl = cl_dlights[i]; if (dl.radius == 0.0f) continue; V.AddLight(dl.origin, dl.radius, dl.color[0], dl.color[1], dl.color[2]); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < Defines.MAX_DLIGHTS; i++) { dl = cl_dlights[i]; if (dl.radius == 0.0f) continue; // negative light in software. only black allowed if ((dl.color[0] < 0) || (dl.color[1] < 0) || (dl.color[2] < 0)) { dl.radius = -(dl.radius); dl.color[0] = 1; dl.color[1] = 1; dl.color[2] = 1; } V.AddLight(dl.origin, dl.radius, dl.color[0], dl.color[1], dl.color[2]); } } // PGM // ===== } /* * =============== CL_ClearParticles =============== */ static void ClearParticles() { free_particles = particles[0]; active_particles = null; for (int i = 0; i < particles.length - 1; i++) particles[i].next = particles[i + 1]; particles[particles.length - 1].next = null; } /* * =============== CL_ParticleEffect * * Wall impact puffs =============== */ static void ParticleEffect(float[] org, float[] dir, int color, int count) { int j; cparticle_t p; float d; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.color = color + (Lib.rand() & 7); d = Lib.rand() & 31; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = org[j] + ((Lib.rand() & 7) - 4) + d * dir[j]; p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * 20; } p.accel[0] = p.accel[1] = 0; p.accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (0.5f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.3f); } } /* * =============== CL_ParticleEffect2 =============== */ static void ParticleEffect2(float[] org, float[] dir, int color, int count) { int j; cparticle_t p; float d; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.color = color; d = Lib.rand() & 7; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = org[j] + ((Lib.rand() & 7) - 4) + d * dir[j]; p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * 20; } p.accel[0] = p.accel[1] = 0; p.accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (0.5f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.3f); } } // RAFAEL /* * =============== CL_ParticleEffect3 =============== */ static void ParticleEffect3(float[] org, float[] dir, int color, int count) { int j; cparticle_t p; float d; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.color = color; d = Lib.rand() & 7; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = org[j] + ((Lib.rand() & 7) - 4) + d * dir[j]; p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * 20; } p.accel[0] = p.accel[1] = 0; p.accel[2] = PARTICLE_GRAVITY; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (0.5f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.3f); } } /* * =============== CL_TeleporterParticles =============== */ static void TeleporterParticles(entity_state_t ent) { int j; cparticle_t p; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.color = 0xdb; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { p.org[j] = ent.origin[j] - 16 + (Lib.rand() & 31); p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * 14; } p.org[2] = ent.origin[2] - 8 + (Lib.rand() & 7); p.vel[2] = 80 + (Lib.rand() & 7); p.accel[0] = p.accel[1] = 0; p.accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -0.5f; } } /* * =============== CL_LogoutEffect * * =============== */ static void LogoutEffect(float[] org, int type) { int j; cparticle_t p; for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; if (type == Defines.MZ_LOGIN) p.color = 0xd0 + (Lib.rand() & 7); // green else if (type == Defines.MZ_LOGOUT) p.color = 0x40 + (Lib.rand() & 7); // red else p.color = 0xe0 + (Lib.rand() & 7); // yellow p.org[0] = org[0] - 16 + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 32; p.org[1] = org[1] - 16 + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 32; p.org[2] = org[2] - 24 + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 56; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * 20; p.accel[0] = p.accel[1] = 0; p.accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (1.0f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.3f); } } /* * =============== CL_ItemRespawnParticles * * =============== */ static void ItemRespawnParticles(float[] org) { int j; cparticle_t p; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.color = 0xd4 + (Lib.rand() & 3); // green p.org[0] = org[0] + Lib.crand() * 8; p.org[1] = org[1] + Lib.crand() * 8; p.org[2] = org[2] + Lib.crand() * 8; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * 8; p.accel[0] = p.accel[1] = 0; p.accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY * 0.2f; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (1.0f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.3f); } } /* * =============== CL_ExplosionParticles =============== */ static void ExplosionParticles(float[] org) { int j; cparticle_t p; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.color = 0xe0 + (Lib.rand() & 7); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = org[j] + ((Lib.rand() % 32) - 16); p.vel[j] = (Lib.rand() % 384) - 192; } p.accel[0] = p.accel[1] = 0.0f; p.accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -0.8f / (0.5f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.3f); } } static void BigTeleportParticles(float[] org) { cparticle_t p; float angle, dist; for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.color = colortable[Lib.rand() & 3]; angle = (float) (Math.PI * 2 * (Lib.rand() & 1023) / 1023.0); dist = Lib.rand() & 31; p.org[0] = (float) (org[0] + Math.cos(angle) * dist); p.vel[0] = (float) (Math.cos(angle) * (70 + (Lib.rand() & 63))); p.accel[0] = (float) (-Math.cos(angle) * 100); p.org[1] = (float) (org[1] + Math.sin(angle) * dist); p.vel[1] = (float) (Math.sin(angle) * (70 + (Lib.rand() & 63))); p.accel[1] = (float) (-Math.sin(angle) * 100); p.org[2] = org[2] + 8 + (Lib.rand() % 90); p.vel[2] = -100 + (Lib.rand() & 31); p.accel[2] = PARTICLE_GRAVITY * 4; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -0.3f / (0.5f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.3f); } } /* * =============== CL_BlasterParticles * * Wall impact puffs =============== */ static void BlasterParticles(float[] org, float[] dir) { int j; cparticle_t p; float d; int count = 40; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.color = 0xe0 + (Lib.rand() & 7); d = Lib.rand() & 15; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = org[j] + ((Lib.rand() & 7) - 4) + d * dir[j]; p.vel[j] = dir[j] * 30 + Lib.crand() * 40; } p.accel[0] = p.accel[1] = 0; p.accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (0.5f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.3f); } } // stack variable private static final float[] move = {0, 0, 0}; private static final float[] vec = {0, 0, 0}; /* * =============== CL_BlasterTrail * * =============== */ static void BlasterTrail(float[] start, float[] end) { float len; int j; cparticle_t p; int dec; Math3D.VectorCopy(start, move); Math3D.VectorSubtract(end, start, vec); len = Math3D.VectorNormalize(vec); dec = 5; Math3D.VectorScale(vec, 5, vec); // FIXME: this is a really silly way to have a loop while (len > 0) { len -= dec; if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; Math3D.VectorClear(p.accel); p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (0.3f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.2f); p.color = 0xe0; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = move[j] + Lib.crand(); p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * 5; p.accel[j] = 0; } Math3D.VectorAdd(move, vec, move); } } // stack variable // move, vec /* * =============== * CL_FlagTrail * =============== */ static void FlagTrail(float[] start, float[] end, float color) { float len; int j; cparticle_t p; int dec; Math3D.VectorCopy(start, move); Math3D.VectorSubtract(end, start, vec); len = Math3D.VectorNormalize(vec); dec = 5; Math3D.VectorScale(vec, 5, vec); while (len > 0) { len -= dec; if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; Math3D.VectorClear(p.accel); p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (0.8f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.2f); p.color = color; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = move[j] + Lib.crand() * 16; p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * 5; p.accel[j] = 0; } Math3D.VectorAdd(move, vec, move); } } // stack variable // move, vec /* * =============== CL_DiminishingTrail * * =============== */ static void DiminishingTrail(float[] start, float[] end, centity_t old, int flags) { cparticle_t p; float orgscale; float velscale; Math3D.VectorCopy(start, move); Math3D.VectorSubtract(end, start, vec); float len = Math3D.VectorNormalize(vec); float dec = 0.5f; Math3D.VectorScale(vec, dec, vec); if (old.trailcount > 900) { orgscale = 4; velscale = 15; } else if (old.trailcount > 800) { orgscale = 2; velscale = 10; } else { orgscale = 1; velscale = 5; } while (len > 0) { len -= dec; if (free_particles == null) return; // drop less particles as it flies if ((Lib.rand() & 1023) < old.trailcount) { p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; Math3D.VectorClear(p.accel); p.time = Globals.cl.time; if ((flags & Defines.EF_GIB) != 0) { p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (1.0f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.4f); p.color = 0xe8 + (Lib.rand() & 7); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = move[j] + Lib.crand() * orgscale; p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * velscale; p.accel[j] = 0; } p.vel[2] -= PARTICLE_GRAVITY; } else if ((flags & Defines.EF_GREENGIB) != 0) { p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (1.0f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.4f); p.color = 0xdb + (Lib.rand() & 7); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = move[j] + Lib.crand() * orgscale; p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * velscale; p.accel[j] = 0; } p.vel[2] -= PARTICLE_GRAVITY; } else { p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (1.0f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.2f); p.color = 4 + (Lib.rand() & 7); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = move[j] + Lib.crand() * orgscale; p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * velscale; } p.accel[2] = 20; } } old.trailcount -= 5; if (old.trailcount < 100) old.trailcount = 100; Math3D.VectorAdd(move, vec, move); } } // stack variable // move, vec /* * =============== CL_RocketTrail * * =============== */ static void RocketTrail(float[] start, float[] end, centity_t old) { float len; int j; cparticle_t p; float dec; // smoke DiminishingTrail(start, end, old, Defines.EF_ROCKET); // fire Math3D.VectorCopy(start, move); Math3D.VectorSubtract(end, start, vec); len = Math3D.VectorNormalize(vec); dec = 1; Math3D.VectorScale(vec, dec, vec); while (len > 0) { len -= dec; if (free_particles == null) return; if ((Lib.rand() & 7) == 0) { p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; Math3D.VectorClear(p.accel); p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (1.0f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.2f); p.color = 0xdc + (Lib.rand() & 3); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = move[j] + Lib.crand() * 5; p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * 20; } p.accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY; } Math3D.VectorAdd(move, vec, move); } } // stack variable // move, vec /* * =============== CL_RailTrail * * =============== */ static void RailTrail(float[] start, float[] end) { float len; int j; cparticle_t p; float dec; float[] right = new float[3]; float[] up = new float[3]; int i; float d, c, s; float[] dir = new float[3]; byte clr = 0x74; Math3D.VectorCopy(start, move); Math3D.VectorSubtract(end, start, vec); len = Math3D.VectorNormalize(vec); Math3D.MakeNormalVectors(vec, right, up); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; Math3D.VectorClear(p.accel); d = i * 0.1f; c = (float) Math.cos(d); s = (float) Math.sin(d); Math3D.VectorScale(right, c, dir); Math3D.VectorMA(dir, s, up, dir); p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (1.0f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.2f); p.color = clr + (Lib.rand() & 7); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = move[j] + dir[j] * 3; p.vel[j] = dir[j] * 6; } Math3D.VectorAdd(move, vec, move); } dec = 0.75f; Math3D.VectorScale(vec, dec, vec); Math3D.VectorCopy(start, move); while (len > 0) { len -= dec; if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; Math3D.VectorClear(p.accel); p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (0.6f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.2f); p.color = 0x0 + Lib.rand() & 15; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = move[j] + Lib.crand() * 3; p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * 3; p.accel[j] = 0; } Math3D.VectorAdd(move, vec, move); } } // stack variable // move, vec /* * =============== CL_IonripperTrail =============== */ static void IonripperTrail(float[] start, float[] ent) { float len; int j; cparticle_t p; int dec; int left = 0; Math3D.VectorCopy(start, move); Math3D.VectorSubtract(ent, start, vec); len = Math3D.VectorNormalize(vec); dec = 5; Math3D.VectorScale(vec, 5, vec); while (len > 0) { len -= dec; if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; Math3D.VectorClear(p.accel); p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.alpha = 0.5f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (0.3f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.2f); p.color = 0xe4 + (Lib.rand() & 3); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = move[j]; p.accel[j] = 0; } if (left != 0) { left = 0; p.vel[0] = 10; } else { left = 1; p.vel[0] = -10; } p.vel[1] = 0; p.vel[2] = 0; Math3D.VectorAdd(move, vec, move); } } // stack variable // move, vec /* * =============== CL_BubbleTrail * * =============== */ static void BubbleTrail(float[] start, float[] end) { float len; int i, j; cparticle_t p; float dec; Math3D.VectorCopy(start, move); Math3D.VectorSubtract(end, start, vec); len = Math3D.VectorNormalize(vec); dec = 32; Math3D.VectorScale(vec, dec, vec); for (i = 0; i < len; i += dec) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; Math3D.VectorClear(p.accel); p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (1.0f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.2f); p.color = 4 + (Lib.rand() & 7); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = move[j] + Lib.crand() * 2; p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * 5; } p.vel[2] += 6; Math3D.VectorAdd(move, vec, move); } } // stack variable // forward /* * =============== CL_FlyParticles =============== */ static void FlyParticles(float[] origin, int count) { int i; cparticle_t p; float angle; float sp, sy, cp, cy; float dist = 64; float ltime; if (count > Defines.NUMVERTEXNORMALS) count = Defines.NUMVERTEXNORMALS; if (avelocities[0][0] == 0.0f) { for (i = 0; i < Defines.NUMVERTEXNORMALS; i++) { avelocities[i][0] = (Lib.rand() & 255) * 0.01f; avelocities[i][1] = (Lib.rand() & 255) * 0.01f; avelocities[i][2] = (Lib.rand() & 255) * 0.01f; } } ltime = Globals.cl.time / 1000.0f; for (i = 0; i < count; i += 2) { angle = ltime * avelocities[i][0]; sy = (float) Math.sin(angle); cy = (float) Math.cos(angle); angle = ltime * avelocities[i][1]; sp = (float) Math.sin(angle); cp = (float) Math.cos(angle); angle = ltime * avelocities[i][2]; forward[0] = cp * cy; forward[1] = cp * sy; forward[2] = -sp; if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; dist = (float) Math.sin(ltime + i) * 64; p.org[0] = origin[0] + Globals.bytedirs[i][0] * dist + forward[0] * BEAMLENGTH; p.org[1] = origin[1] + Globals.bytedirs[i][1] * dist + forward[1] * BEAMLENGTH; p.org[2] = origin[2] + Globals.bytedirs[i][2] * dist + forward[2] * BEAMLENGTH; Math3D.VectorClear(p.vel); Math3D.VectorClear(p.accel); p.color = 0; //p.colorvel = 0; p.alpha = 1; p.alphavel = -100; } } static void FlyEffect(centity_t ent, float[] origin) { int n; int count; int starttime; if (ent.fly_stoptime < Globals.cl.time) { starttime = Globals.cl.time; ent.fly_stoptime = Globals.cl.time + 60000; } else { starttime = ent.fly_stoptime - 60000; } n = Globals.cl.time - starttime; if (n < 20000) count = (int) ((n * 162) / 20000.0); else { n = ent.fly_stoptime - Globals.cl.time; if (n < 20000) count = (int) ((n * 162) / 20000.0); else count = 162; } FlyParticles(origin, count); } // stack variable private static final float[] v = {0, 0, 0}; // forward /* * =============== CL_BfgParticles =============== */ //#define BEAMLENGTH 16 static void BfgParticles(entity_t ent) { int i; cparticle_t p; float angle; float sp, sy, cp, cy; float dist = 64; float ltime; if (avelocities[0][0] == 0.0f) { for (i = 0; i < Defines.NUMVERTEXNORMALS; i++) { avelocities[i][0] = (Lib.rand() & 255) * 0.01f; avelocities[i][1] = (Lib.rand() & 255) * 0.01f; avelocities[i][2] = (Lib.rand() & 255) * 0.01f; } } ltime = Globals.cl.time / 1000.0f; for (i = 0; i < Defines.NUMVERTEXNORMALS; i++) { angle = ltime * avelocities[i][0]; sy = (float) Math.sin(angle); cy = (float) Math.cos(angle); angle = ltime * avelocities[i][1]; sp = (float) Math.sin(angle); cp = (float) Math.cos(angle); angle = ltime * avelocities[i][2]; forward[0] = cp * cy; forward[1] = cp * sy; forward[2] = -sp; if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; dist = (float) (Math.sin(ltime + i) * 64); p.org[0] = ent.origin[0] + Globals.bytedirs[i][0] * dist + forward[0] * BEAMLENGTH; p.org[1] = ent.origin[1] + Globals.bytedirs[i][1] * dist + forward[1] * BEAMLENGTH; p.org[2] = ent.origin[2] + Globals.bytedirs[i][2] * dist + forward[2] * BEAMLENGTH; Math3D.VectorClear(p.vel); Math3D.VectorClear(p.accel); Math3D.VectorSubtract(p.org, ent.origin, v); dist = Math3D.VectorLength(v) / 90.0f; p.color = (float) Math.floor(0xd0 + dist * 7); //p.colorvel = 0; p.alpha = 1.0f - dist; p.alphavel = -100; } } // stack variable // move, vec private static final float[] start = {0, 0, 0}; private static final float[] end = {0, 0, 0}; /* * =============== CL_TrapParticles =============== */ // RAFAEL static void TrapParticles(entity_t ent) { float len; int j; cparticle_t p; int dec; ent.origin[2] -= 14; Math3D.VectorCopy(ent.origin, start); Math3D.VectorCopy(ent.origin, end); end[2] += 64; Math3D.VectorCopy(start, move); Math3D.VectorSubtract(end, start, vec); len = Math3D.VectorNormalize(vec); dec = 5; Math3D.VectorScale(vec, 5, vec); // FIXME: this is a really silly way to have a loop while (len > 0) { len -= dec; if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; Math3D.VectorClear(p.accel); p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (0.3f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.2f); p.color = 0xe0; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = move[j] + Lib.crand(); p.vel[j] = Lib.crand() * 15; p.accel[j] = 0; } p.accel[2] = PARTICLE_GRAVITY; Math3D.VectorAdd(move, vec, move); } int i, k; //cparticle_t p; float vel; float[] dir = new float[3]; float[] org = new float[3]; ent.origin[2] += 14; Math3D.VectorCopy(ent.origin, org); for (i = -2; i <= 2; i += 4) for (j = -2; j <= 2; j += 4) for (k = -2; k <= 4; k += 4) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.color = 0xe0 + (Lib.rand() & 3); p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (0.3f + (Lib.rand() & 7) * 0.02f); p.org[0] = org[0] + i + ((Lib.rand() & 23) * Lib.crand()); p.org[1] = org[1] + j + ((Lib.rand() & 23) * Lib.crand()); p.org[2] = org[2] + k + ((Lib.rand() & 23) * Lib.crand()); dir[0] = j * 8; dir[1] = i * 8; dir[2] = k * 8; Math3D.VectorNormalize(dir); vel = 50 + Lib.rand() & 63; Math3D.VectorScale(dir, vel, p.vel); p.accel[0] = p.accel[1] = 0; p.accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY; } } /* * =============== CL_BFGExplosionParticles =============== */ // FIXME combined with CL_ExplosionParticles static void BFGExplosionParticles(float[] org) { int j; cparticle_t p; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.color = 0xd0 + (Lib.rand() & 7); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p.org[j] = org[j] + ((Lib.rand() % 32) - 16); p.vel[j] = (Lib.rand() % 384) - 192; } p.accel[0] = p.accel[1] = 0; p.accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY; p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -0.8f / (0.5f + Globals.rnd.nextFloat() * 0.3f); } } // stack variable private static final float[] dir = {0, 0, 0}; /* * =============== CL_TeleportParticles * * =============== */ static void TeleportParticles(float[] org) { cparticle_t p; float vel; for (int i = -16; i <= 16; i += 4) for (int j = -16; j <= 16; j += 4) for (int k = -16; k <= 32; k += 4) { if (free_particles == null) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p.next; p.next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p.time = Globals.cl.time; p.color = 7 + (Lib.rand() & 7); p.alpha = 1.0f; p.alphavel = -1.0f / (0.3f + (Lib.rand() & 7) * 0.02f); p.org[0] = org[0] + i + (Lib.rand() & 3); p.org[1] = org[1] + j + (Lib.rand() & 3); p.org[2] = org[2] + k + (Lib.rand() & 3); dir[0] = j * 8; dir[1] = i * 8; dir[2] = k * 8; Math3D.VectorNormalize(dir); vel = 50 + (Lib.rand() & 63); Math3D.VectorScale(dir, vel, p.vel); p.accel[0] = p.accel[1] = 0; p.accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY; } } // stack variable private static final float[] org = {0, 0, 0}; /* * =============== CL_AddParticles =============== */ static void AddParticles() { cparticle_t p, next; float alpha; float time = 0.0f; float time2; int color; cparticle_t active, tail; active = null; tail = null; for (p = active_particles; p != null; p = next) { next = p.next; // PMM - added INSTANT_PARTICLE handling for heat beam if (p.alphavel != INSTANT_PARTICLE) { time = (Globals.cl.time - p.time) * 0.001f; alpha = p.alpha + time * p.alphavel; if (alpha <= 0) { // faded out p.next = free_particles; free_particles = p; continue; } } else { alpha = p.alpha; } p.next = null; if (tail == null) active = tail = p; else { tail.next = p; tail = p; } if (alpha > 1.0) alpha = 1; color = (int) p.color; time2 = time * time; org[0] = p.org[0] + p.vel[0] * time + p.accel[0] * time2; org[1] = p.org[1] + p.vel[1] * time + p.accel[1] * time2; org[2] = p.org[2] + p.vel[2] * time + p.accel[2] * time2; V.AddParticle(org, color, alpha); // PMM if (p.alphavel == INSTANT_PARTICLE) { p.alphavel = 0.0f; p.alpha = 0.0f; } } active_particles = active; } /* * ============== CL_EntityEvent * * An entity has just been parsed that has an event value * * the female events are there for backwards compatability ============== */ static void EntityEvent(entity_state_t ent) { switch (ent.event) { case Defines.EV_ITEM_RESPAWN: S.StartSound(null, ent.number, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("items/respawn1.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_IDLE, 0); ItemRespawnParticles(ent.origin); break; case Defines.EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT: S.StartSound(null, ent.number, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, S.RegisterSound("misc/tele1.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_IDLE, 0); TeleportParticles(ent.origin); break; case Defines.EV_FOOTSTEP: if (Globals.cl_footsteps.value != 0.0f) S.StartSound(null, ent.number, Defines.CHAN_BODY, CL_tent.cl_sfx_footsteps[Lib.rand() & 3], 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.EV_FALLSHORT: S.StartSound(null, ent.number, Defines.CHAN_AUTO, S.RegisterSound("player/land1.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.EV_FALL: S.StartSound(null, ent.number, Defines.CHAN_AUTO, S.RegisterSound("*fall2.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Defines.EV_FALLFAR: S.StartSound(null, ent.number, Defines.CHAN_AUTO, S.RegisterSound("*fall1.wav"), 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0); break; } } /* * ============== CL_ClearEffects * * ============== */ static void ClearEffects() { ClearParticles(); ClearDlights(); ClearLightStyles(); } /* * ============================================================== * * PARTICLE MANAGEMENT * * ============================================================== */ static final int PARTICLE_GRAVITY = 40; static cparticle_t active_particles, free_particles; /* * =============== CL_BigTeleportParticles =============== */ private static int[] colortable = { 2 * 8, 13 * 8, 21 * 8, 18 * 8 }; private static final int BEAMLENGTH = 16; }