* Created on Nov 18, 2003
package jake2.imageio;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.imageio.ImageReader;
import javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi;
import javax.imageio.stream.ImageInputStream;
* @author cwei
* Quake 2 stores textures in a proprietary 2D image format called WAL.
* While this isn't actually part of the BSP file format,
* it's essential information for loading Quake 2 maps.
* WAL textures are stored in a 8-bit indexed color format with a specific palette being used by all textures.
* (this palette is stored in the PAK data file that comes with Quake 2 e.g. pics/colormap.pcx).
* Four mip-map levels are stored for each texture at sizes decreasing by a factor of two.
* This is mostly for software rendering since most 3D APIs will automatically generate
* the mip-map levels when you create a texture.
* Each frame of an animated texture is stored as an individual WAL file,
* and the animation sequence is encoded by storing the name of the next texture in the sequence for each frame;
* texture names are stored with paths and without any extension.
* The format for the WAL file header is the wal_header structure:
struct wal_header
char name[32]; // name of the texture
uint32 width; // width (in pixels) of the largest mipmap level
uint32 height; // height (in pixels) of the largest mipmap level
int32 offset[4]; // byte offset of the start of each of the 4 mipmap levels
char next_name[32]; // name of the next texture in the animation
uint32 flags; // ?
uint32 contents; // ?
uint32 value; // ?
* The actual texture data is stored in an 8-bits-per-pixel raw format in a left-right, top-down order.
* put the own ImageReaderSpi class name in the file (relative to classpath):
* META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi
* */
public class WALImageReaderSpi extends ImageReaderSpi {
static final String vendorName = "jteam@in-chemnitz.de";
static final String version = "1.0_beta";
static final String[] names = { "quake2 wal" };
static final String[] suffixes = { "wal" };
static final String[] MIMETypes = { "image/x-quake2-wal" };
static final String readerClassName = "jake2.imageio.WALImageReader";
static final String[] writerSpiNames = null; // { "jake2.imageio.WALImageWriterSpi" };
// Metadata formats, more information below
static final boolean supportsStandardStreamMetadataFormat = false;
static final String nativeStreamMetadataFormatName = null;
static final String nativeStreamMetadataFormatClassName = null;
static final String[] extraStreamMetadataFormatNames = null;
static final String[] extraStreamMetadataFormatClassNames = null;
static final boolean supportsStandardImageMetadataFormat = false;
static final String nativeImageMetadataFormatName =
static final String nativeImageMetadataFormatClassName = null; // "jake2.imageio.WALMetadata";
static final String[] extraImageMetadataFormatNames = null;
static final String[] extraImageMetadataFormatClassNames = null;
public WALImageReaderSpi() {
ImageReaderSpi.STANDARD_INPUT_TYPE, // Accept ImageInputStreams
public boolean canDecodeInput(Object source) throws IOException {
if (!(source instanceof ImageInputStream)) {
return false;
ImageInputStream stream = (ImageInputStream)source;
byte[] buffer = new byte[WAL.HEADER_SIZE];
try {
// buffer will be converted to members and header checked
WAL.Header wal = new WAL.Header(buffer);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return false;
return true;
* returns a WALImageReader
public ImageReader createReaderInstance(Object extension)
throws IOException {
return new WALImageReader(this);
public String getDescription(Locale locale) {
return "id-software's Quake2 wal format for textures";