/* * Com.java * Copyright (C) 2003 * * $Id: Com.java,v 1.2 2004-07-08 15:58:46 hzi Exp $ */ /* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package jake2.qcommon; import jake2.Defines; import jake2.Globals; import jake2.client.CL; import jake2.client.Console; import jake2.game.Cmd; import jake2.server.SV_MAIN; import jake2.sys.Sys; import jake2.util.*; import java.io.*; /** * Com * TODO complete Com interface */ public final class Com { static int com_argc; static String[] com_argv = new String[Defines.MAX_NUM_ARGVS]; public abstract static class RD_Flusher { public abstract void rd_flush(int target, byte [] buffer); } static int rd_target; static byte[] rd_buffer; static int rd_buffersize; static RD_Flusher rd_flusher; public static void BeginRedirect(int target, byte [] buffer, int buffersize, RD_Flusher flush) { if (0 == target || null == buffer || 0 == buffersize || null == flush) return; rd_target = target; rd_buffer = buffer; rd_buffersize = buffersize; rd_flusher = flush; rd_buffer = null; } public static void EndRedirect() { rd_flusher.rd_flush(rd_target, rd_buffer); rd_target = 0; rd_buffer = null; rd_buffersize = 0; rd_flusher = null; } static boolean recursive = false; static String msg = ""; // helper class to replace the pointer-pointer public static class ParseHelp { public ParseHelp(String in, int offset) { this(in.toCharArray(), offset); } public ParseHelp(String in) { if (in == null) { data = null; } else { data = in.toCharArray(); } index = 0; } public ParseHelp(char in[]) { this(in, 0); } public ParseHelp(char in[], int offset) { if (in == null || in.length == 0) data = null; else data = in; index = offset; } public char getchar() { // faster than if try { return data[index]; } catch (Exception e) { data = null; // last char return 0; } } public char nextchar() { // faster than if try { index++; return data[index]; } catch (Exception e) { data = null; // avoid int wraps; index--; // last char return 0; } } public boolean isEof() { return data == null; } public int index; public char data[]; public char skipwhites() { char c; while (((c = getchar()) <= ' ') && c != 0) index++; return c; } public char skipwhitestoeol() { char c; while (((c = getchar()) <= ' ') && c != '\n' && c != 0) index++; return c; } public char skiptoeol() { char c; while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != 0) index++; return c; } } public static char com_token[] = new char[Defines.MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; // See GameSpanw.ED_ParseEdict() to see how to use it now. // works perfect ! public static String Parse(ParseHelp hlp) { int c; int len = 0; len = 0; com_token[0] = 0; if (hlp.data == null) { return ""; } // skip whitespace hlp.skipwhites(); if (hlp.isEof()) { return ""; } // skip // comments if (hlp.getchar() == '/') { if (hlp.nextchar() == '/') { if ((hlp.skiptoeol() == 0) || (hlp.skipwhites() == 0)) { return ""; } } else { com_token[len] = '/'; len++; } } // handle quoted strings specially if (hlp.getchar() == '\"') { while (true) { c = hlp.nextchar(); if (c == '\"' || c == 0) { hlp.nextchar(); com_token[len] = '?'; return new String(com_token, 0, len); } if (len < Defines.MAX_TOKEN_CHARS) { com_token[len] = hlp.getchar(); len++; } } } // parse a regular word do { if (len < Defines.MAX_TOKEN_CHARS) { com_token[len] = hlp.getchar(); len++; } c = hlp.nextchar(); } while (c > 32); if (len == Defines.MAX_TOKEN_CHARS) { Printf("Token exceeded " + Defines.MAX_TOKEN_CHARS + " chars, discarded.\n"); len = 0; } // trigger the eof hlp.skipwhites(); com_token[len] = 0; return new String(com_token, 0, len); } public static xcommand_t Error_f = new xcommand_t() { public void execute() throws longjmpException { Error(Globals.ERR_FATAL, Cmd.Argv(1)); } }; public static void Error(int code, String fmt) throws longjmpException { Error(code, fmt, null); } public static void Error(int code, String fmt, Vargs vargs) throws longjmpException { // va_list argptr; // static char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; if (recursive) { Sys.Error("recursive error after: " + msg); } recursive = true; msg = sprintf(fmt, vargs); if (code == Defines.ERR_DISCONNECT) { CL.Drop(); recursive = false; throw new longjmpException(); } else if (code == Defines.ERR_DROP) { Com.Printf("********************\nERROR: " + msg + "\n********************\n"); SV_MAIN.SV_Shutdown("Server crashed: " + msg + "\n", false); CL.Drop(); recursive = false; throw new longjmpException(); } else { SV_MAIN.SV_Shutdown("Server fatal crashed: %s" + msg + "\n", false); CL.Shutdown(); } Sys.Error(msg); } /** * Com_InitArgv checks the number of command line arguments * and copies all arguments with valid length into com_argv. */ static void InitArgv(String[] args) throws longjmpException { if (args.length > Globals.MAX_NUM_ARGVS) { Com.Error(Globals.ERR_FATAL, "argc > MAX_NUM_ARGVS"); } Com.com_argc = args.length; for (int i = 0; i < Com.com_argc; i++) { if (args[i].length() >= Globals.MAX_TOKEN_CHARS) Com.com_argv[i] = ""; else Com.com_argv[i] = args[i]; } } public static void DPrintf(String fmt) { DPrintf(fmt, null); } public static void d(String fmt) { DPrintf(fmt + "\n", null); } public static void Printf(String fmt) { Printf(fmt, null); } public static void DPrintf(String fmt, Vargs vargs) { if (Globals.developer == null || Globals.developer.value == 0) return; // don't confuse non-developers with techie stuff... Printf(fmt, vargs); } public static void Printf(String fmt, Vargs vargs) { // TODO Com.Printf ist nur zum testen String msg = sprintf(fmt, vargs); if (rd_target != 0) { if ((msg.length() + Lib.strlen(rd_buffer)) > (rd_buffersize - 1)) { rd_flusher.rd_flush(rd_target, rd_buffer); // *rd_buffer = 0; rd_buffer[rd_buffersize] = '\0'; } // TODO handle rd_buffer // strcat(rd_buffer, msg); return; } Console.Print(msg); // also echo to debugging console Sys.ConsoleOutput(msg); // logfile if (Globals.logfile_active != null && Globals.logfile_active.value != 0) { String name; if (Globals.logfile == null) { name = FS.Gamedir() + "/qconsole.log"; if (Globals.logfile_active.value > 2) try { Globals.logfile = new RandomAccessFile(name, "a"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO: do quake2 error handling! e.printStackTrace(); } else try { Globals.logfile = new RandomAccessFile(name, "rw"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO: do quake2 error handling! e1.printStackTrace(); } } if (Globals.logfile != null) try { Globals.logfile.writeChars(msg); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO: do quake2 error handling! e.printStackTrace(); } if (Globals.logfile_active.value > 1) ; // do nothing // fflush (logfile); // force it to save every time } } public static void Println(String fmt) { Printf(fmt); Printf("\n"); } public static void p(String fmt) { Printf(fmt); Printf("\n"); } public static String sprintf(String fmt, Vargs vargs) { String msg = ""; if (vargs == null || vargs.size() == 0) { msg = fmt; } else { msg = new PrintfFormat(fmt).sprintf(vargs.toArray()); } return msg; } public static int ServerState() { return Globals.server_state; } public static int Argc() { return Com.com_argc; } public static String Argv(int arg) { if (arg < 0 || arg >= Com.com_argc || Com.com_argv[arg].length() < 1) return ""; return Com.com_argv[arg]; } public static void ClearArgv(int arg) { if (arg < 0 || arg >= Com.com_argc || Com.com_argv[arg].length() < 1) return; Com.com_argv[arg] = ""; } public static void Quit() { SV_MAIN.SV_Shutdown("Server quit\n", false); CL.Shutdown(); if (Globals.logfile != null) { try { Globals.logfile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } Globals.logfile = null; } Sys.Quit(); } public static void SetServerState(int i) { Globals.server_state = i; } public static int BlockChecksum(byte[] buf, int length) { return MD4.Com_BlockChecksum(buf, length); } public static void StripExtension(String string, String string2) { // TODO implement! } }