Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.

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modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
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// Created on 13.01.2004 by RST.
// $Id: client_t.java,v 1.2 2004-08-22 14:25:13 salomo Exp $

package jake2.server;

import jake2.*;
import jake2.client.*;
import jake2.game.*;
import jake2.qcommon.*;
import jake2.render.*;
import jake2.server.*;

public class client_t {

	public client_t() {
		for (int n = 0; n < Defines.UPDATE_BACKUP; n++) {
			frames[n] = new client_frame_t();

	public static final int LATENCY_COUNTS = 16;
	public static final int RATE_MESSAGES = 10;

	int state;

	String userinfo = "";

	int lastframe; // for delta compression
	usercmd_t lastcmd = new usercmd_t(); // for filling in big drops

	int commandMsec; // every seconds this is reset, if user
	// commands exhaust it, assume time cheating

	int frame_latency[] = new int[LATENCY_COUNTS];
	int ping;

	int message_size[] = new int[RATE_MESSAGES]; // used to rate drop packets
	int rate;
	int surpressCount; // number of messages rate supressed

	// pointer
	edict_t edict; // EDICT_NUM(clientnum+1)

	//char				name[32];			// extracted from userinfo, high bits masked
	String name = ""; // extracted from userinfo, high bits masked

	int messagelevel; // for filtering printed messages

	// The datagram is written to by sound calls, prints, temp ents, etc.
	// It can be harmlessly overflowed.
	sizebuf_t datagram = new sizebuf_t();
	byte datagram_buf[] = new byte[Defines.MAX_MSGLEN];

	client_frame_t frames[] = new client_frame_t[Defines.UPDATE_BACKUP]; // updates can be delta'd from here

	byte download[]; // file being downloaded
	int downloadsize; // total bytes (can't use EOF because of paks)
	int downloadcount; // bytes sent

	int lastmessage; // sv.framenum when packet was last received
	int lastconnect;

	int challenge; // challenge of this user, randomly generated

	netchan_t netchan = new netchan_t();

	//this was introduced by rst, since java can't calculate the index out of the address.
	int serverindex;