/* * JOALSoundImpl.java * Copyright (C) 2004 * * $Id: JOALSoundImpl.java,v 1.4 2004-09-19 09:12:20 hzi Exp $ */ package jake2.sound.joal; import jake2.Defines; import jake2.Globals; import jake2.client.CL; import jake2.game.*; import jake2.qcommon.*; import jake2.sound.*; import jake2.util.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.*; import net.java.games.joal.*; import net.java.games.joal.eax.EAX; import net.java.games.joal.eax.EAXFactory; /** * JOALSoundImpl */ public final class JOALSoundImpl implements Sound { static { S.register(new JOALSoundImpl()); }; static AL al; static ALC alc; static EAX eax; cvar_t s_volume; private static final int MAX_SFX = Defines.MAX_SOUNDS * 2; private static final int MAX_CHANNELS = 32; private int[] buffers = new int[MAX_SFX]; private int[] sources = new int[MAX_CHANNELS]; private Channel[] channels = null; private int num_channels = 0; // singleton private JOALSoundImpl() { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jake2.sound.SoundImpl#Init() */ public boolean Init() { // preload OpenAL native library String os = System.getProperty("os.name"); if (os.startsWith("Linux")) { System.loadLibrary("openal"); } else if (os.startsWith("Windows")) { System.loadLibrary("OpenAL32"); } try { initOpenAL(); al = ALFactory.getAL(); checkError(); initOpenALExtensions(); } catch (OpenALException e) { Com.Printf(e.getMessage() + '\n'); return false; } catch (Exception e) { Com.DPrintf(e.getMessage() + '\n'); return false; } al.alGenBuffers(MAX_SFX, buffers); s_volume = Cvar.Get("s_volume", "0.7", Defines.CVAR_ARCHIVE); initChannels(); al.alDistanceModel(AL.AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED); Cmd.AddCommand("play", new xcommand_t() { public void execute() { Play(); } }); Cmd.AddCommand("stopsound", new xcommand_t() { public void execute() { StopAllSounds(); } }); Cmd.AddCommand("soundlist", new xcommand_t() { public void execute() { SoundList(); } }); Cmd.AddCommand("soundinfo", new xcommand_t() { public void execute() { SoundInfo_f(); } }); num_sfx = 0; Com.Printf("sound sampling rate: 44100Hz\n"); StopAllSounds(); Com.Printf("------------------------------------\n"); return true; } private void initOpenAL() throws OpenALException { ALFactory.initialize(); alc = ALFactory.getALC(); String deviceName = null; String os = System.getProperty("os.name"); if (os.startsWith("Windows")) { deviceName = "DirectSound3D"; } ALC.Device device = alc.alcOpenDevice(deviceName); String deviceSpecifier = alc.alcGetString(device, ALC.ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); String defaultSpecifier = alc.alcGetString(device, ALC.ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); Com.Printf(os + " using " + ((deviceName == null) ? defaultSpecifier : deviceName) + '\n'); ALC.Context context = alc.alcCreateContext(device, new int[] {0}); alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(context); // Check for an error. if (alc.alcGetError(device) != ALC.ALC_NO_ERROR) { Com.DPrintf("Error with SoundDevice"); } } private void initOpenALExtensions() throws OpenALException { if (al.alIsExtensionPresent("EAX2.0")) { Com.Printf("... using EAX2.0\n"); eax = EAXFactory.getEAX(); } else { Com.Printf("... EAX2.0 not found\n"); eax = null; } } void exitOpenAL() { // Get the current context. ALC.Context curContext = alc.alcGetCurrentContext(); // Get the device used by that context. ALC.Device curDevice = alc.alcGetContextsDevice(curContext); // Reset the current context to NULL. alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(null); // Release the context and the device. alc.alcDestroyContext(curContext); alc.alcCloseDevice(curDevice); } private void initChannels() { // create channels channels = new Channel[MAX_CHANNELS]; int sourceId; int[] tmp = {0}; int error; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { al.alGenSources(1, tmp); sourceId = tmp[0]; //if ((error = al.alGetError()) != AL.AL_NO_ERROR) break; if (sourceId <= 0) break; sources[i] = sourceId; channels[i] = new Channel(sourceId); num_channels++; // set default values for AL sources al.alSourcef (sourceId, AL.AL_GAIN, s_volume.value); al.alSourcef (sourceId, AL.AL_PITCH, 1.0f); al.alSourcei (sourceId, AL.AL_SOURCE_ABSOLUTE, AL.AL_TRUE); al.alSourcefv(sourceId, AL.AL_VELOCITY, NULLVECTOR); al.alSourcei (sourceId, AL.AL_LOOPING, AL.AL_FALSE); al.alSourcef (sourceId, AL.AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, 300.0f); al.alSourcef (sourceId, AL.AL_MIN_GAIN, 0.0005f); al.alSourcef (sourceId, AL.AL_MAX_GAIN, 1.0f); } Com.Printf("... using " + num_channels + " channels\n"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jake2.sound.SoundImpl#RegisterSound(jake2.sound.sfx_t) */ private void initBuffer(sfx_t sfx) { if (sfx.cache == null ) { //System.out.println(sfx.name + " " + sfx.cache.length+ " " + sfx.cache.loopstart + " " + sfx.cache.speed + " " + sfx.cache.stereo + " " + sfx.cache.width); return; } int format = AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO16; byte[] data = sfx.cache.data; int freq = sfx.cache.speed; int size = data.length; al.alBufferData( buffers[sfx.bufferId], format, data, size, freq); } private void checkError() { Com.DPrintf("AL Error: " + alErrorString() +'\n'); } private String alErrorString(){ int error; String message = ""; if ((error = al.alGetError()) != AL.AL_NO_ERROR) { switch(error) { case AL.AL_INVALID_OPERATION: message = "invalid operation"; break; case AL.AL_INVALID_VALUE: message = "invalid value"; break; case AL.AL_INVALID_ENUM: message = "invalid enum"; break; case AL.AL_INVALID_NAME: message = "invalid name"; break; default: message = "" + error; } } return message; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jake2.sound.SoundImpl#Shutdown() */ public void Shutdown() { StopAllSounds(); al.alDeleteSources(sources.length, sources); al.alDeleteBuffers(buffers.length, buffers); exitOpenAL(); Cmd.RemoveCommand("play"); Cmd.RemoveCommand("stopsound"); Cmd.RemoveCommand("soundlist"); Cmd.RemoveCommand("soundinfo"); // free all sounds for (int i = 0; i < num_sfx; i++) { if (known_sfx[i].name == null) continue; known_sfx[i].clear(); } num_sfx = 0; num_channels = 0; } private final static float[] NULLVECTOR = {0, 0, 0}; private float[] entityOrigin = {0, 0, 0}; private float[] sourceOrigin = {0, 0, 0}; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jake2.sound.SoundImpl#StartSound(float[], int, int, jake2.sound.sfx_t, float, float, float) */ public void StartSound(float[] origin, int entnum, int entchannel, sfx_t sfx, float fvol, float attenuation, float timeofs) { if (sfx == null) return; if (sfx.name.charAt(0) == '*') sfx = RegisterSexedSound(Globals.cl_entities[entnum].current, sfx.name); if (LoadSound(sfx) == null) return; // can't load sound if (attenuation != Defines.ATTN_STATIC) attenuation *= 0.5f; Channel ch = pickChannel(entnum, entchannel, buffers[sfx.bufferId], attenuation); if (ch == null) return; if (entnum == Globals.cl.playernum + 1) { ch.addListener(); } else if (origin != null) { ch.addFixed(origin); } else { ch.addDynamic(entnum); } } Channel pickChannel(int entnum, int entchannel, int bufferId, float rolloff) { Channel ch = null; int state; int i; for (i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) { ch = channels[i]; if (entchannel != 0 && ch.entnum == entnum && ch.entchannel == entchannel) { // always override sound from same entity break; } // don't let monster sounds override player sounds if ((ch.entnum == Globals.cl.playernum+1) && (entnum != Globals.cl.playernum+1) && ch.bufferId != -1) continue; // looking for a free AL source if (!ch.active) { break; } } if (i == num_channels) return null; ch.entnum = entnum; ch.entchannel = entchannel; if (ch.bufferId != bufferId) { ch.bufferId = bufferId; ch.bufferChanged = true; } ch.rolloff = rolloff * 2; ch.active = true; ch.modified = true; return ch; } private float[] listenerOrigin = {0, 0, 0}; private float[] listenerOrientation = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; private IntBuffer eaxEnv = Lib.newIntBuffer(1); private int currentEnv = -1; private boolean changeEnv = true; // TODO workaround for JOAL-bug // should be EAX.LISTENER private final static int EAX_LISTENER = 0; // should be EAX.SOURCE private final static int EAX_SOURCE = 1; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jake2.sound.SoundImpl#Update(float[], float[], float[], float[]) */ public void Update(float[] origin, float[] forward, float[] right, float[] up) { convertVector(origin, listenerOrigin); al.alListenerfv(AL.AL_POSITION, listenerOrigin); convertOrientation(forward, up, listenerOrientation); al.alListenerfv(AL.AL_ORIENTATION, listenerOrientation); if (eax != null) { // workaround for environment initialisation if (currentEnv == -1) { eaxEnv.put(0, EAX.EAX_ENVIRONMENT_UNDERWATER); eax.EAXSet(EAX_LISTENER, EAX.DSPROPERTY_EAXLISTENER_ENVIRONMENT | EAX.DSPROPERTY_EAXLISTENER_DEFERRED, 0, eaxEnv, 4); changeEnv = true; } if ((Game.gi.pointcontents.pointcontents(origin)& Defines.MASK_WATER)!= 0) { changeEnv = currentEnv != EAX.EAX_ENVIRONMENT_UNDERWATER; currentEnv = EAX.EAX_ENVIRONMENT_UNDERWATER; } else { changeEnv = currentEnv != EAX.EAX_ENVIRONMENT_GENERIC; currentEnv = EAX.EAX_ENVIRONMENT_GENERIC; } if (changeEnv) { eaxEnv.put(0, currentEnv); eax.EAXSet(EAX_LISTENER, EAX.DSPROPERTY_EAXLISTENER_ENVIRONMENT | EAX.DSPROPERTY_EAXLISTENER_DEFERRED, 0, eaxEnv, 4); } } AddLoopSounds(origin); playChannels(listenerOrigin); } Map looptable = new Hashtable(MAX_CHANNELS); /* ================== S_AddLoopSounds Entities with a ->sound field will generated looped sounds that are automatically started, stopped, and merged together as the entities are sent to the client ================== */ void AddLoopSounds(float[] listener) { if (Globals.cl_paused.value != 0.0f) { removeUnusedLoopSounds(); return; } if (Globals.cls.state != Globals.ca_active) { removeUnusedLoopSounds(); return; } if (!Globals.cl.sound_prepped) { removeUnusedLoopSounds(); return; } Channel ch; sfx_t sfx; sfxcache_t sc; int num; entity_state_t ent; Object key; int sound = 0; for (int i=0 ; i= 0) { p++; model = Globals.cl.configstrings[n].substring(p); //strcpy(model, p); p = model.indexOf('/'); if (p > 0) model = model.substring(0, p); } } // if we can't figure it out, they're male if (model == null || model.length() == 0) model = "male"; // see if we already know of the model specific sound String sexedFilename = "#players/" + model + "/" + base.substring(1); //Com_sprintf (sexedFilename, sizeof(sexedFilename), "#players/%s/%s", model, base+1); sfx = FindName(sexedFilename, false); if (sfx == null) { // no, so see if it exists RandomAccessFile f = null; try { f = FS.FOpenFile(sexedFilename.substring(1)); } catch (IOException e) {} if (f != null) { // yes, close the file and register it try { FS.FCloseFile(f); } catch (IOException e1) {} sfx = RegisterSound(sexedFilename); } else { // no, revert to the male sound in the pak0.pak String maleFilename = "player/male/" + base.substring(1); sfx = AliasName(sexedFilename, maleFilename); } } return sfx; } static sfx_t[] known_sfx = new sfx_t[MAX_SFX]; static { for (int i = 0; i< known_sfx.length; i++) known_sfx[i] = new sfx_t(); } static int num_sfx; sfx_t FindName(String name, boolean create) { int i; sfx_t sfx = null; if (name == null) Com.Error(Defines.ERR_FATAL, "S_FindName: NULL\n"); if (name.length() == 0) Com.Error(Defines.ERR_FATAL, "S_FindName: empty name\n"); if (name.length() >= Defines.MAX_QPATH) Com.Error(Defines.ERR_FATAL, "Sound name too long: " + name); // see if already loaded for (i = 0; i < num_sfx; i++) if (name.equals(known_sfx[i].name)) { return known_sfx[i]; } if (!create) return null; // find a free sfx for (i = 0; i < num_sfx; i++) if (known_sfx[i].name == null) // registration_sequence < s_registration_sequence) break; if (i == num_sfx) { if (num_sfx == MAX_SFX) Com.Error(Defines.ERR_FATAL, "S_FindName: out of sfx_t"); num_sfx++; } sfx = known_sfx[i]; sfx.clear(); sfx.name = name; sfx.registration_sequence = s_registration_sequence; sfx.bufferId = i; return sfx; } /* ================== S_AliasName ================== */ sfx_t AliasName(String aliasname, String truename) { sfx_t sfx = null; String s; int i; s = new String(truename); // find a free sfx for (i=0 ; i < num_sfx ; i++) if (known_sfx[i].name == null) break; if (i == num_sfx) { if (num_sfx == MAX_SFX) Com.Error(Defines.ERR_FATAL, "S_FindName: out of sfx_t"); num_sfx++; } sfx = known_sfx[i]; sfx.clear(); sfx.name = new String(aliasname); sfx.registration_sequence = s_registration_sequence; sfx.truename = s; // set the AL bufferId sfx.bufferId = i; return sfx; } /* ============== S_LoadSound ============== */ public sfxcache_t LoadSound(sfx_t s) { sfxcache_t sc = WaveLoader.LoadSound(s); initBuffer(s); return sc; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jake2.sound.Sound#StartLocalSound(java.lang.String) */ public void StartLocalSound(String sound) { sfx_t sfx; sfx = RegisterSound(sound); if (sfx == null) { Com.Printf("S_StartLocalSound: can't cache " + sound + "\n"); return; } StartSound(null, Globals.cl.playernum + 1, 0, sfx, 1, 1, 0); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jake2.sound.Sound#RawSamples(int, int, int, int, byte[]) */ public void RawSamples(int samples, int rate, int width, int channels, byte[] data) { // TODO implement RawSamples } /* =============================================================================== console functions =============================================================================== */ void Play() { int i; String name; sfx_t sfx; i = 1; while (i < Cmd.Argc()) { name = new String(Cmd.Argv(i)); if (name.indexOf('.') == -1) name += ".wav"; sfx = RegisterSound(name); StartSound(null, Globals.cl.playernum + 1, 0, sfx, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); i++; } } void SoundList() { int i; sfx_t sfx; sfxcache_t sc; int size, total; total = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_sfx; i++) { sfx = known_sfx[i]; if (sfx.registration_sequence == 0) continue; sc = sfx.cache; if (sc != null) { size = sc.length * sc.width * (sc.stereo + 1); total += size; if (sc.loopstart >= 0) Com.Printf("L"); else Com.Printf(" "); Com.Printf("(%2db) %6i : %s\n", new Vargs(3).add(sc.width * 8).add(size).add(sfx.name)); } else { if (sfx.name.charAt(0) == '*') Com.Printf(" placeholder : " + sfx.name + "\n"); else Com.Printf(" not loaded : " + sfx.name + "\n"); } } Com.Printf("Total resident: " + total + "\n"); } void SoundInfo_f() { Com.Printf("%5d stereo\n", new Vargs(1).add(1)); Com.Printf("%5d samples\n", new Vargs(1).add(22050)); Com.Printf("%5d samplebits\n", new Vargs(1).add(16)); Com.Printf("%5d speed\n", new Vargs(1).add(44100)); } }