package jake2.sys;

import jake2.Defines;
import jake2.client.Key;
import jake2.qcommon.Cbuf;

import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display;

 * @author dsanders
public class LWJGLKBD extends KBD {
	private char[] lwjglKeycodeMap = null;
	private boolean mouseHasTwoButtons = false;
	public void Init()
			if (!Keyboard.isCreated()) Keyboard.create();
			if (!Mouse.isCreated()) Mouse.create();
			if (!Keyboard.isBuffered()) Keyboard.enableBuffer();
			if (!Keyboard.isTranslationEnabled()) Keyboard.enableTranslation();
			if (!Mouse.isBuffered()) Mouse.enableBuffer();
			if (lwjglKeycodeMap == null) lwjglKeycodeMap = new char[256];
			mouseHasTwoButtons = (Mouse.getButtonCount() == 2);
		} catch (Exception e) {;}	

	public void Update() {
		// get events

	public void Close() {
		// free the memory for GC
		lwjglKeycodeMap = null;
	private void HandleEvents() 
		if (Display.isCloseRequested())
			Cbuf.ExecuteText(Defines.EXEC_APPEND, "quit");

		while (
			int key = Keyboard.getEventKey();
			char ch = Keyboard.getEventCharacter();
			boolean down =  Keyboard.getEventKeyState();
			// fill the character translation table
			// this is needed because the getEventCharacter() returns \0 if a key is released
			// keycode is correct but the charachter value is not
			if (down) lwjglKeycodeMap[key] = ch;

			Do_Key_Event(XLateKey(key,ch), down);
		if (IN.mouse_active)
			mx =  Mouse.getDX() << 1;
			my = -Mouse.getDY() << 1;
		while ( {
			int button = Mouse.getEventButton();
			if (button >= 0) {
				if (button == 1 && mouseHasTwoButtons) {
					button = 2; // A three button mouse numbering scheme...
				Do_Key_Event(Key.K_MOUSE1 + button, Mouse.getEventButtonState());
			} else {
				button = Mouse.getEventDWheel();
				if (button > 0) {
					Do_Key_Event(Key.K_MWHEELUP, true);
					Do_Key_Event(Key.K_MWHEELUP, false);
				} else if (button < 0) {
					Do_Key_Event(Key.K_MWHEELDOWN, true);
					Do_Key_Event(Key.K_MWHEELDOWN, false);

	private int XLateKey(int code, int ch) 
		int key = 0;

//	00626                 case XK_KP_Page_Up:      key = K_KP_PGUP; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_PRIOR: key = Key.K_PGUP; break;
//	00629                 case XK_KP_Page_Down: key = K_KP_PGDN; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_NEXT: key = Key.K_PGDN; break;

//	00632                 case XK_KP_Home: key = K_KP_HOME; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_HOME: key = Key.K_HOME; break;

//	00635                 case XK_KP_End:  key = K_KP_END; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_END: key = Key.K_END; break;
			// case Keyboard.KEY_LEFT: key = Key.K_KP_LEFTARROW; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_LEFT: key = Key.K_LEFTARROW; break;
			// case Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT: key = Key.K_KP_RIGHTARROW; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT: key = Key.K_RIGHTARROW; break;

			// case Keyboard.KEY_DOWN: key = Key.K_KP_DOWNARROW; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_DOWN: key = Key.K_DOWNARROW; break;

			// case Keyboard.KEY_UP: key = Key.K_KP_UPARROW; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_UP: key = Key.K_UPARROW; break; 

			case Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE: key = Key.K_ESCAPE; break; 

			case Keyboard.KEY_RETURN: key = Key.K_ENTER; break; 
//	00652                 case XK_KP_Enter: key = K_KP_ENTER;     break;

			case Keyboard.KEY_TAB: key = Key.K_TAB; break; 

			case Keyboard.KEY_F1: key = Key.K_F1; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_F2: key = Key.K_F2; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_F3: key = Key.K_F3; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_F4: key = Key.K_F4; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_F5: key = Key.K_F5; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_F6: key = Key.K_F6; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_F7: key = Key.K_F7; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_F8: key = Key.K_F8; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_F9: key = Key.K_F9; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_F10: key = Key.K_F10; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_F11: key = Key.K_F11; break;
			case Keyboard.KEY_F12: key = Key.K_F12; break; 

			case Keyboard.KEY_BACK: key = Key.K_BACKSPACE; break; 

			case Keyboard.KEY_DELETE: key = Key.K_DEL; break; 
//	00683                 case XK_KP_Delete: key = K_KP_DEL; break;

			case Keyboard.KEY_PAUSE: key = Key.K_PAUSE; break; 
			case Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT:
			case Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT: key = Key.K_SHIFT; break; 
			case Keyboard.KEY_RCONTROL:
			case Keyboard.KEY_LCONTROL: key = Key.K_CTRL; break; 
			case Keyboard.KEY_LMENU:
			case Keyboard.KEY_RMENU: key = Key.K_ALT; break;
//	00700                 case XK_KP_Begin: key = K_KP_5; break;
//	00701
			case Keyboard.KEY_INSERT: key = Key.K_INS; break;
			// toggle console for DE and US keyboards
			case Keyboard.KEY_GRAVE:
			case Keyboard.KEY_CIRCUMFLEX: key = '`'; break;

				key = lwjglKeycodeMap[code];
				if (key >= 'A' && key <= 'Z')
						key = key - 'A' + 'a';
		if (key > 255) key = 0;
		return key;
	public void Do_Key_Event(int key, boolean down) {
		Key.Event(key, down, Sys.Milliseconds());
	public void installGrabs()
	public void uninstallGrabs()