/* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // Created on 09.12.2003 by RST. // $Id: Math3D.java,v 1.5 2004-07-19 19:32:12 hzi Exp $ package jake2.util; import jake2.Defines; import jake2.game.cplane_t; import jake2.qcommon.Com; public class Math3D extends Lib { static final float shortratio = 360.0f / 65536.0f; static final float piratio = (float)(Math.PI / 360.0); public static void set(float v1[], float v2[]) { v1[0] = v2[0]; v1[1] = v2[1]; v1[2] = v2[2]; } public static void VectorSubtract(float[] a, float[] b, float[] c) { c[0] = a[0] - b[0]; c[1] = a[1] - b[1]; c[2] = a[2] - b[2]; } public static void VectorSubtract(short[] a, short[] b, int[] c) { c[0] = a[0] - b[0]; c[1] = a[1] - b[1]; c[2] = a[2] - b[2]; } public static void VectorAdd(float[] a, float[] b, float[] to) { to[0] = a[0] + b[0]; to[1] = a[1] + b[1]; to[2] = a[2] + b[2]; } public static void VectorCopy(float[] from, float[] to) { to[0] = from[0]; to[1] = from[1]; to[2] = from[2]; } public static void VectorCopy(short[] from, short[] to) { to[0] = from[0]; to[1] = from[1]; to[2] = from[2]; } public static void VectorCopy(short[] from, float[] to) { to[0] = from[0]; to[1] = from[1]; to[2] = from[2]; } public static void VectorCopy(float[] from, short[] to) { to[0] = (short) from[0]; to[1] = (short) from[1]; to[2] = (short) from[2]; } public static void VectorClear(float[] a) { a[0] = a[1] = a[2] = 0; } public static int VectorCompare(float[] v1, float[] v2) { if (v1[0] != v2[0] || v1[1] != v2[1] || v1[2] != v2[2]) return 0; return 1; } public static void VectorNegate(float[] from, float[] to) { to[0] = -from[0]; to[1] = -from[1]; to[2] = -from[2]; } public static void VectorSet(float[] v, float x, float y, float z) { v[0] = (x); v[1] = (y); v[2] = (z); } public static void VectorMA(float[] veca, float scale, float[] vecb, float[] to) { to[0] = veca[0] + scale * vecb[0]; to[1] = veca[1] + scale * vecb[1]; to[2] = veca[2] + scale * vecb[2]; } public static final float VectorNormalize(float[] v) { float length = VectorLength(v); if (length != 0.0f) { float ilength = 1.0f / length; v[0] *= ilength; v[1] *= ilength; v[2] *= ilength; } return length; } // public static final float VectorNormalize2(float[] v, float[] to) { // float length, ilength; // // length = VectorLength(v); // if (length != 0.0f) { // ilength = 1.0f / length; // to[0] = v[0] * ilength; // to[1] = v[1] * ilength; // to[2] = v[2] * ilength; // } // return length; // } public static final float VectorLength(float v[]) { return (float) Math.sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]); } public static void VectorInverse(float[] v) { v[0] = -v[0]; v[1] = -v[1]; v[2] = -v[2]; } public static void VectorScale(float[] in, float scale, float[] out) { out[0] = in[0] * scale; out[1] = in[1] * scale; out[2] = in[2] * scale; } public static float vectoyaw(float[] vec) { float yaw; if (/*vec[YAW] == 0 &&*/ vec[Defines.PITCH] == 0) { yaw = 0; if (vec[Defines.YAW] > 0) yaw = 90; else if (vec[Defines.YAW] < 0) yaw = -90; } else { yaw = (int) (Math.atan2(vec[Defines.YAW], vec[Defines.PITCH]) * 180 / Math.PI); if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360; } return yaw; } public static void vectoangles(float[] value1, float[] angles) { float yaw, pitch; if (value1[1] == 0 && value1[0] == 0) { yaw = 0; if (value1[2] > 0) pitch = 90; else pitch = 270; } else { if (value1[0] != 0) yaw = (int) (Math.atan2(value1[1], value1[0]) * 180 / Math.PI); else if (value1[1] > 0) yaw = 90; else yaw = -90; if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360; float forward = (float) Math.sqrt(value1[0] * value1[0] + value1[1] * value1[1]); pitch = (int) (Math.atan2(value1[2], forward) * 180 / Math.PI); if (pitch < 0) pitch += 360; } angles[Defines.PITCH] = -pitch; angles[Defines.YAW] = yaw; angles[Defines.ROLL] = 0; } private static float m[][] = new float[3][3]; private static float im[][] = new float[3][3]; private static float tmpmat[][] = new float[3][3]; private static float zrot[][] = new float[3][3]; public static void RotatePointAroundVector(float[] dst, float[] dir, float[] point, float degrees) { //float m[][] = new float[3][3]; //float im[][] = new float[3][3]; //float zrot[][] = new float[3][3]; //float tmpmat[][] = new float[3][3]; //float rot[][] = new float[3][3]; float[] vr = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; float[] vup = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; float[] vf = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; vf[0] = dir[0]; vf[1] = dir[1]; vf[2] = dir[2]; Math3D.PerpendicularVector(vr, dir); Math3D.CrossProduct(vr, vf, vup); m[0][0] = vr[0]; m[1][0] = vr[1]; m[2][0] = vr[2]; m[0][1] = vup[0]; m[1][1] = vup[1]; m[2][1] = vup[2]; m[0][2] = vf[0]; m[1][2] = vf[1]; m[2][2] = vf[2]; //Math3D.MatCopy(m, im); // achtung: src -> dst im[0][0] = m[0][0]; im[0][1] = m[1][0]; im[0][2] = m[2][0]; im[1][0] = m[0][1]; im[1][1] = m[1][1]; im[1][2] = m[2][1]; im[2][0] = m[0][2]; im[2][1] = m[1][2]; im[2][2] = m[2][2]; zrot[0][2] = zrot[1][2] = zrot[2][0] = zrot[2][1] = 0.0f; zrot[2][2] = 1.0F; zrot[0][0] = zrot[1][1] = (float) Math.cos(Math3D.DEG2RAD(degrees)); zrot[0][1] = (float) Math.sin(Math3D.DEG2RAD(degrees)); zrot[1][0] = -zrot[0][1]; //zrot[1][0] = - (float) Math.sin(Math3D.DEG2RAD(degrees)); //zrot[1][1] = (float) Math.cos(Math3D.DEG2RAD(degrees)); Math3D.R_ConcatRotations(m, zrot, tmpmat); Math3D.R_ConcatRotations(tmpmat, im, zrot); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dst[i] = zrot[i][0] * point[0] + zrot[i][1] * point[1] + zrot[i][2] * point[2]; } } public static void MakeNormalVectors(float[] forward, float[] right, float[] up) { // this rotate and negat guarantees a vector // not colinear with the original right[1] = -forward[0]; right[2] = forward[1]; right[0] = forward[2]; float d = DotProduct(right, forward); VectorMA(right, -d, forward, right); VectorNormalize(right); CrossProduct(right, forward, up); } public static float SHORT2ANGLE(int x) { return (x * shortratio); } /* ================ R_ConcatTransforms ================ */ public static void R_ConcatTransforms(float in1[][], float in2[][], float out[][]) { out[0][0] = in1[0][0] * in2[0][0] + in1[0][1] * in2[1][0] + in1[0][2] * in2[2][0]; out[0][1] = in1[0][0] * in2[0][1] + in1[0][1] * in2[1][1] + in1[0][2] * in2[2][1]; out[0][2] = in1[0][0] * in2[0][2] + in1[0][1] * in2[1][2] + in1[0][2] * in2[2][2]; out[0][3] = in1[0][0] * in2[0][3] + in1[0][1] * in2[1][3] + in1[0][2] * in2[2][3] + in1[0][3]; out[1][0] = in1[1][0] * in2[0][0] + in1[1][1] * in2[1][0] + in1[1][2] * in2[2][0]; out[1][1] = in1[1][0] * in2[0][1] + in1[1][1] * in2[1][1] + in1[1][2] * in2[2][1]; out[1][2] = in1[1][0] * in2[0][2] + in1[1][1] * in2[1][2] + in1[1][2] * in2[2][2]; out[1][3] = in1[1][0] * in2[0][3] + in1[1][1] * in2[1][3] + in1[1][2] * in2[2][3] + in1[1][3]; out[2][0] = in1[2][0] * in2[0][0] + in1[2][1] * in2[1][0] + in1[2][2] * in2[2][0]; out[2][1] = in1[2][0] * in2[0][1] + in1[2][1] * in2[1][1] + in1[2][2] * in2[2][1]; out[2][2] = in1[2][0] * in2[0][2] + in1[2][1] * in2[1][2] + in1[2][2] * in2[2][2]; out[2][3] = in1[2][0] * in2[0][3] + in1[2][1] * in2[1][3] + in1[2][2] * in2[2][3] + in1[2][3]; } /** * concatenates 2 matrices each [3][3]. */ public static void R_ConcatRotations(float in1[][], float in2[][], float out[][]) { out[0][0] = in1[0][0] * in2[0][0] + in1[0][1] * in2[1][0] + in1[0][2] * in2[2][0]; out[0][1] = in1[0][0] * in2[0][1] + in1[0][1] * in2[1][1] + in1[0][2] * in2[2][1]; out[0][2] = in1[0][0] * in2[0][2] + in1[0][1] * in2[1][2] + in1[0][2] * in2[2][2]; out[1][0] = in1[1][0] * in2[0][0] + in1[1][1] * in2[1][0] + in1[1][2] * in2[2][0]; out[1][1] = in1[1][0] * in2[0][1] + in1[1][1] * in2[1][1] + in1[1][2] * in2[2][1]; out[1][2] = in1[1][0] * in2[0][2] + in1[1][1] * in2[1][2] + in1[1][2] * in2[2][2]; out[2][0] = in1[2][0] * in2[0][0] + in1[2][1] * in2[1][0] + in1[2][2] * in2[2][0]; out[2][1] = in1[2][0] * in2[0][1] + in1[2][1] * in2[1][1] + in1[2][2] * in2[2][1]; out[2][2] = in1[2][0] * in2[0][2] + in1[2][1] * in2[1][2] + in1[2][2] * in2[2][2]; } public static void ProjectPointOnPlane(float[] dst, float[] p, float[] normal) { float inv_denom = 1.0F / Math3D.DotProduct(normal, normal); float d = Math3D.DotProduct(normal, p) * inv_denom; dst[0] = normal[0] * inv_denom; dst[1] = normal[1] * inv_denom; dst[2] = normal[2] * inv_denom; dst[0] = p[0] - d * dst[0]; dst[1] = p[1] - d * dst[1]; dst[2] = p[2] - d * dst[2]; } /** assumes "src" is normalized */ public static void PerpendicularVector(float[] dst, float[] src) { int pos; int i; float minelem = 1.0F; // find the smallest magnitude axially aligned vector for (pos = 0, i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (Math.abs(src[i]) < minelem) { pos = i; minelem = Math.abs(src[i]); } } float tempvec[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; tempvec[pos] = 1.0F; // project the point onto the plane defined by src ProjectPointOnPlane(dst, tempvec, src); //normalize the result Math3D.VectorNormalize(dst); } //===================================================================== /** stellt fest, auf welcher Seite sich die Kiste befindet, wenn die Ebene durch Entfernung und Senkrechten-Normale gegeben ist. erste Version mit vec3_t... */ public static final int BoxOnPlaneSide(float emins[], float emaxs[], cplane_t p) { assert (emins.length == 3 && emaxs.length == 3) : "vec3_t bug"; float dist1, dist2; int sides; // fast axial cases if (p.type < 3) { if (p.dist <= emins[p.type]) return 1; if (p.dist >= emaxs[p.type]) return 2; return 3; } // general case switch (p.signbits) { case 0 : dist1 = p.normal[0] * emaxs[0] + p.normal[1] * emaxs[1] + p.normal[2] * emaxs[2]; dist2 = p.normal[0] * emins[0] + p.normal[1] * emins[1] + p.normal[2] * emins[2]; break; case 1 : dist1 = p.normal[0] * emins[0] + p.normal[1] * emaxs[1] + p.normal[2] * emaxs[2]; dist2 = p.normal[0] * emaxs[0] + p.normal[1] * emins[1] + p.normal[2] * emins[2]; break; case 2 : dist1 = p.normal[0] * emaxs[0] + p.normal[1] * emins[1] + p.normal[2] * emaxs[2]; dist2 = p.normal[0] * emins[0] + p.normal[1] * emaxs[1] + p.normal[2] * emins[2]; break; case 3 : dist1 = p.normal[0] * emins[0] + p.normal[1] * emins[1] + p.normal[2] * emaxs[2]; dist2 = p.normal[0] * emaxs[0] + p.normal[1] * emaxs[1] + p.normal[2] * emins[2]; break; case 4 : dist1 = p.normal[0] * emaxs[0] + p.normal[1] * emaxs[1] + p.normal[2] * emins[2]; dist2 = p.normal[0] * emins[0] + p.normal[1] * emins[1] + p.normal[2] * emaxs[2]; break; case 5 : dist1 = p.normal[0] * emins[0] + p.normal[1] * emaxs[1] + p.normal[2] * emins[2]; dist2 = p.normal[0] * emaxs[0] + p.normal[1] * emins[1] + p.normal[2] * emaxs[2]; break; case 6 : dist1 = p.normal[0] * emaxs[0] + p.normal[1] * emins[1] + p.normal[2] * emins[2]; dist2 = p.normal[0] * emins[0] + p.normal[1] * emaxs[1] + p.normal[2] * emaxs[2]; break; case 7 : dist1 = p.normal[0] * emins[0] + p.normal[1] * emins[1] + p.normal[2] * emins[2]; dist2 = p.normal[0] * emaxs[0] + p.normal[1] * emaxs[1] + p.normal[2] * emaxs[2]; break; default : dist1 = dist2 = 0; assert (false) : "BoxOnPlaneSide bug"; break; } sides = 0; if (dist1 >= p.dist) sides = 1; if (dist2 < p.dist) sides |= 2; assert (sides != 0) : "BoxOnPlaneSide(): sides == 0 bug"; return sides; } // this is the slow, general version private static float corners[][] = new float[2][3]; public static final int BoxOnPlaneSide2(float[] emins, float[] emaxs, cplane_t p) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (p.normal[i] < 0) { corners[0][i] = emins[i]; corners[1][i] = emaxs[i]; } else { corners[1][i] = emins[i]; corners[0][i] = emaxs[i]; } } float dist1 = Math3D.DotProduct(p.normal, corners[0]) - p.dist; float dist2 = Math3D.DotProduct(p.normal, corners[1]) - p.dist; int sides = 0; if (dist1 >= 0) sides = 1; if (dist2 < 0) sides |= 2; return sides; } public static void AngleVectors(float[] angles, float[] forward, float[] right, float[] up) { float cr = 2.0f * piratio; float angle = (float) (angles[Defines.YAW] * (cr)); float sy = (float) Math.sin(angle); float cy = (float) Math.cos(angle); angle = (float) (angles[Defines.PITCH] * (cr)); float sp = (float) Math.sin(angle); float cp = (float) Math.cos(angle); if (forward != null) { forward[0] = cp * cy; forward[1] = cp * sy; forward[2] = -sp; } if (right != null || up != null) { angle = (float) (angles[Defines.ROLL] * (cr)); float sr = (float) Math.sin(angle); cr = (float) Math.cos(angle); if (right != null) { right[0] = (-sr * sp * cy + cr * sy); right[1] = (-sr * sp * sy + -cr * cy); right[2] = -sr * cp; } if (up != null) { up[0] = (cr * sp * cy + sr * sy); up[1] = (cr * sp * sy + -sr * cy); up[2] = cr * cp; } } } // public static void MatClear(float m[][]) { // m[0][0] = m[0][1] = m[0][2] = m[1][0] = m[1][1] = m[1][2] = m[2][0] = m[2][1] = m[2][2] = 0.0f; // } // private static final void MatCopy(float src[][], float dst[][]) { // dst[0][0]=src[0][0]; // dst[0][1]=src[0][1]; // dst[0][2]=src[0][2]; // dst[1][0]=src[1][0]; // dst[1][1]=src[1][1]; // dst[1][2]=src[1][2]; // dst[2][0]=src[2][0]; // dst[2][1]=src[2][1]; // dst[2][2]=src[2][2]; // } public static void G_ProjectSource(float[] point, float[] distance, float[] forward, float[] right, float[] result) { result[0] = point[0] + forward[0] * distance[0] + right[0] * distance[1]; result[1] = point[1] + forward[1] * distance[0] + right[1] * distance[1]; result[2] = point[2] + forward[2] * distance[0] + right[2] * distance[1] + distance[2]; } public static final float DotProduct(float[] x, float[] y) { return x[0] * y[0] + x[1] * y[1] + x[2] * y[2]; } public static void CrossProduct(float[] v1, float[] v2, float[] cross) { cross[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1]; cross[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2]; cross[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0]; } public static int Q_log2(int val) { int answer = 0; while ((val >>= 1) > 0) answer++; return answer; } public static float DEG2RAD(float in) { return (in * (float) Math.PI) / 180.0f; } public static float anglemod(float a) { return (float) (shortratio) * ((int) (a / (shortratio)) & 65535); } public static int ANGLE2SHORT(float x) { return ((int) ((x) / shortratio) & 65535); } public static float LerpAngle(float a2, float a1, float frac) { if (a1 - a2 > 180) a1 -= 360; if (a1 - a2 < -180) a1 += 360; return a2 + frac * (a1 - a2); } public static float CalcFov(float fov_x, float width, float height) { double a = 0.0f; double x; if (fov_x < 1.0f || fov_x > 179.0f) Com.Error(Defines.ERR_DROP, "Bad fov: " + fov_x); x = width / Math.tan(fov_x * piratio); a = Math.atan(height / x); a = a / piratio; return (float)a; } }