path: root/src/com/jogamp/opencl/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove CLGL interfaceWade Walker2015-11-081-9/+8
* Remove creation and all references to CL*Binding interfacesWade Walker2015-11-081-32/+27
* Code Clean-Up based on our Recommended Settings (jogamp-scripting c47bc86ae2e...Sven Gothel2014-07-031-129/+134
* CLCommandQueue/CLException: Remove 'import static pack.class.*' for all (Easy...Sven Gothel2013-10-121-257/+246
* LLB refactoring.Michael Bien2011-05-271-1/+1
* paper work: license and file headers.Michael Bien2010-11-261-0/+28
* added com.jogamp.util.CLInfo.Michael Bien2010-09-071-1/+1
* added new CL_INVALID_PROPERTY exception + CLException junit test.Michael Bien2010-08-251-3/+17
* minor refactorings and updates.Michael Bien2010-06-271-1/+1
* two new CL 1.1 exception types.Michael Bien2010-06-161-0/+26
* renamed package com.mbien.* in com.jogamp.* JOCL is now officially a JogAmp t...Michael Bien2010-04-121-0/+704