/** If null, OpenCL is not available on this machine. */ static final DynamicLibraryBundle dynamicLookupHelper; static { dynamicLookupHelper = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public DynamicLibraryBundle run() { final DynamicLibraryBundle bundle = new DynamicLibraryBundle(new CLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo()); if(!bundle.isToolLibLoaded()) { // couldn't load native CL library // TODO: log this? return null; } if(!bundle.isLibComplete()) { System.err.println("Couln't load native CL/JNI glue library"); return null; } addressTable.reset(bundle); /** Not required nor forced if( !initializeImpl() ) { System.err.println("Native initialization failure of CL/JNI glue library"); return null; } */ return bundle; } } ); } // maps the context id to its error handler's global object pointer private final LongLongHashMap contextCallbackMap = new LongLongHashMap(); // to use in subclass constructors protected void init() { this.contextCallbackMap.setKeyNotFoundValue(0); } /** * Accessor. * @returns true if OpenCL is available on this machine. */ public static boolean isAvailable() { return dynamicLookupHelper != null; } static long clGetExtensionFunctionAddress(long clGetExtensionFunctionAddressHandle, java.lang.String procname) { if (clGetExtensionFunctionAddressHandle == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Passed null pointer for method \"clGetExtensionFunctionAddress\""); } return dispatch_clGetExtensionFunctionAddressStatic(procname, clGetExtensionFunctionAddressHandle); } /** Entry point (through function pointer) to C language function:
void* clGetExtensionFunctionAddress(const char * fname); */ long clGetExtensionFunctionAddress(String fname) { final long __addr_ = addressTable._addressof_clGetExtensionFunctionAddress; if (__addr_ == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method \"clGetExtensionFunctionAddress\" not available"); } return dispatch_clGetExtensionFunctionAddressStatic(fname, __addr_); } /** Entry point (through function pointer) to C language function:
void* clGetExtensionFunctionAddress(const char * fname); */ private static native long dispatch_clGetExtensionFunctionAddressStatic(String fname, long procAddress); @Override public long clCreateContext(final PointerBuffer properties, final PointerBuffer devices, final CLErrorHandler pfn_notify, final IntBuffer errcode_ret) { if (properties != null && !properties.isDirect()) { throw new RuntimeException("Argument \"properties\" was not a direct buffer"); } if (errcode_ret != null && !errcode_ret.isDirect()) { throw new RuntimeException("Argument \"errcode_ret\" was not a direct buffer"); } final long address = addressTable._addressof_clCreateContext; if (address == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not available"); } final long[] global = new long[1]; final long ctx = this.clCreateContext0( properties != null ? properties.getBuffer() : null, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(properties), devices != null ? devices.remaining() : 0, devices != null ? devices.getBuffer() : null, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(devices), pfn_notify, global, errcode_ret, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(errcode_ret), address); if (pfn_notify != null && global[0] != 0) { synchronized (contextCallbackMap) { contextCallbackMap.put(ctx, global[0]); } } return ctx; } private native long clCreateContext0(Object cl_context_properties, int props_offset, int numDevices, Object devices, int devices_offset, Object pfn_notify, long[] global, Object errcode_ret, int err_offset, long address); @Override public long clCreateContextFromType(final PointerBuffer properties, final long device_type, final CLErrorHandler pfn_notify, final IntBuffer errcode_ret) { if (properties != null && !properties.isDirect()) { throw new RuntimeException("Argument \"properties\" was not a direct buffer"); } if (errcode_ret != null && !errcode_ret.isDirect()) { throw new RuntimeException("Argument \"errcode_ret\" was not a direct buffer"); } final long address = addressTable._addressof_clCreateContextFromType; if (address == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not available"); } final long[] global = new long[1]; final long ctx = this.clCreateContextFromType0( properties != null ? properties.getBuffer() : null, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(properties), device_type, pfn_notify, global, errcode_ret, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(errcode_ret), address); if (pfn_notify != null && global[0] != 0) { synchronized (contextCallbackMap) { contextCallbackMap.put(ctx, global[0]); } } return ctx; } private native long clCreateContextFromType0(Object properties, int props_offset, long device_type, Object pfn_notify, long[] global, Object errcode_ret, int err_offset, long address); @Override public int clReleaseContext(final long context) { long global = 0; synchronized (contextCallbackMap) { global = contextCallbackMap.remove(context); } final long address = addressTable._addressof_clReleaseContext; if (address == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not available"); } return clReleaseContextImpl(context, global, address); } /** Interface to C language function:
int32_t {@native clReleaseContext}(cl_context context); */ public native int clReleaseContextImpl(long context, long global, long address); /** Interface to C language function:
int32_t clBuildProgram(cl_program, uint32_t, cl_device_id * , const char * , void * ); */ @Override public int clBuildProgram(final long program, final int deviceCount, final PointerBuffer deviceList, final String options, final BuildProgramCallback cb) { if (deviceList != null && !deviceList.isDirect()) { throw new RuntimeException("Argument \"properties\" was not a direct buffer"); } final long address = addressTable._addressof_clBuildProgram; if (address == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not available"); } return clBuildProgram0(program, deviceCount, deviceList != null ? deviceList.getBuffer() : null, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(deviceList), options, cb, address); } /** Entry point to C language function: int32_t clBuildProgram(cl_program, uint32_t, cl_device_id * , const char * , void * ); */ private native int clBuildProgram0(long program, int deviceCount, Object deviceList, int deviceListOffset, String options, BuildProgramCallback cb, long address); @Override public int clSetEventCallback(final long event, final int trigger, final CLEventCallback callback) { final long address = addressTable._addressof_clSetEventCallback; if (address == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not available"); } return clSetEventCallback0(event, trigger, callback, address); } private native int clSetEventCallback0(long event, int type, CLEventCallback cb, long address); @Override public int clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback(final long memObjID, final CLMemObjectDestructorCallback cb) { final long address = addressTable._addressof_clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback; if (address == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not available"); } return clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback0(memObjID, cb, address); } private native int clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback0(long memObjID, CLMemObjectDestructorCallback cb, long address); /** Interface to C language function:
void * {@native clEnqueueMapImage}(cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_mem image, uint32_t blocking_map, uint64_t map_flags, const size_t * , const size_t * , size_t * image_row_pitch, size_t * image_slice_pitch, uint32_t num_events_in_wait_list, cl_event * event_wait_list, cl_event * event, int32_t * errcode_ret); @param origin a direct {@link com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer} @param range a direct {@link com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer} @param image_row_pitch a direct {@link com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer} @param image_slice_pitch a direct {@link com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer} @param event_wait_list a direct {@link com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer} @param event a direct {@link com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer} @param errcode_ret a direct {@link java.nio.IntBuffer} */ @Override public ByteBuffer clEnqueueMapImage(final long command_queue, final long image, final int blocking_map, final long map_flags, final PointerBuffer origin, final PointerBuffer range, final PointerBuffer image_row_pitch, final PointerBuffer image_slice_pitch, final int num_events_in_wait_list, final PointerBuffer event_wait_list, final PointerBuffer event, final IntBuffer errcode_ret) { if (origin != null && !origin.isDirect()) { throw new CLException("Argument \"origin\" was not a direct buffer"); } if (range != null && !range.isDirect()) { throw new CLException("Argument \"range\" was not a direct buffer"); } if (image_row_pitch != null && !image_row_pitch.isDirect()) { throw new CLException("Argument \"image_row_pitch\" was not a direct buffer"); } if (image_slice_pitch != null && !image_slice_pitch.isDirect()) { throw new CLException("Argument \"image_slice_pitch\" was not a direct buffer"); } if (event_wait_list != null && !event_wait_list.isDirect()) { throw new CLException("Argument \"event_wait_list\" was not a direct buffer"); } if (event != null && !event.isDirect()) { throw new CLException("Argument \"event\" was not a direct buffer"); } if (errcode_ret != null && !errcode_ret.isDirect()) { throw new CLException("Argument \"errcode_ret\" was not a direct buffer"); } final long getImageInfoAddress = addressTable._addressof_clGetImageInfo; if (getImageInfoAddress == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not available"); } final long mapImageAddress = addressTable._addressof_clEnqueueMapImage; if (mapImageAddress == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not available"); } ByteBuffer _res; _res = clEnqueueMapImage0(command_queue, image, blocking_map, map_flags, origin != null ? origin.getBuffer() : null, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(origin), range != null ? range.getBuffer() : null, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(range), image_row_pitch != null ? image_row_pitch.getBuffer() : null, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(image_row_pitch), image_slice_pitch != null ? image_slice_pitch.getBuffer() : null, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(image_slice_pitch), num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list != null ? event_wait_list.getBuffer() : null, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(event_wait_list), event != null ? event.getBuffer() : null, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(event), errcode_ret, Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(errcode_ret), getImageInfoAddress, mapImageAddress); if (_res == null) { return null; } Buffers.nativeOrder(_res); return _res; } /** Entry point to C language function: void * {@native clEnqueueMapImage}(cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_mem image, uint32_t blocking_map, uint64_t map_flags, const size_t * , const size_t * , size_t * image_row_pitch, size_t * image_slice_pitch, uint32_t num_events_in_wait_list, cl_event * event_wait_list, cl_event * event, int32_t * errcode_ret); @param origin a direct {@link com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer} @param range a direct {@link com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer} @param image_row_pitch a direct {@link com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer} @param image_slice_pitch a direct {@link com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer} @param event_wait_list a direct {@link com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer} @param event a direct {@link com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer} @param errcode_ret a direct {@link java.nio.IntBuffer} */ private native ByteBuffer clEnqueueMapImage0(long command_queue, long image, int blocking_map, long map_flags, Object origin, int origin_byte_offset, Object range, int range_byte_offset, Object image_row_pitch, int image_row_pitch_byte_offset, Object image_slice_pitch, int image_slice_pitch_byte_offset, int num_events_in_wait_list, Object event_wait_list, int event_wait_list_byte_offset, Object event, int event_byte_offset, Object errcode_ret, int errcode_ret_byte_offset, long getImageInfoAddress, long mapImageAddress);