Include cl-common.cfg Style ImplOnly #imports for all generated java files Import com.mbien.opencl.* Import ClassJavadoc CLImpl /** ClassJavadoc CLImpl * Java bindings to OpenCL, the Open Computing Language. ClassJavadoc CLImpl * @author Michael Bien ClassJavadoc CLImpl */ ImplJavaClass CLImpl Implements CLImpl CLGLI EmitProcAddressTable true ProcAddressTableClassName CLProcAddressTable GetProcAddressTableExpr addressTable ProcAddressNameExpr $UpperCase(arg) ForceProcAddressGen clGetGLContextInfoKHR Unignore clGetExtensionFunctionAddress #AccessControl clGetExtensionFunctionAddress PACKAGE_PRIVATE ArgumentIsString clGetExtensionFunctionAddress 0 #append to generated c files CustomCCode #include CustomCCode #include CustomCCode #include # implement manually via custom code Ignore clCreateContext Ignore clCreateContextFromType Ignore clBuildProgram Ignore clEnqueueNativeKernel #take buffer capacity from input param 5 ReturnValueCapacity clEnqueueMapBuffer {5} #this one is more complicated, we have to calculate the capacity with custom code ManuallyImplement clEnqueueMapImage #include custom code IncludeAs CustomJavaCode CLImpl IncludeAs CustomCCode clImplCustomCode.c #JavaEpilogue clCreateKernelsInProgram if(kernels!=null && CPU.is32Bit() && kernels.lenght > 1) { convert32To64(kernels); }