#download index root=http://www.khronos.org/opencl/sdk/1.0/docs/man/xhtml/ toc=Opencl_tofc.html wget ${root}/${toc}; #find links to cl* function doc grep -E .+\]+\>cl[A-Z][a-Z0-9]+\.+ ./${toc} > links; #add doc root to properties file echo "#Generated, do not edit, edit createTagletProps.sh instead. #This file is used in NativeTaglet and maps the generated method names #to the function specific OpenCL documentation man pages. nativetaglet.baseUrl=${root}" > native-taglet.properties; #add all links as properties to file and cleanup sed -r 's/\s+
  • ]+>([a-Z0-9]+)<\/a><\/li>/\2=\1/' links >> native-taglet.properties; rm ./${toc} ./links