package com.jogamp.opencl; import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers; import java.util.List; import com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLMemory.Mem; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import static com.jogamp.opencl.CLException.*; /** * OpenCL buffer object. * @author Michael Bien */ public class CLBuffer extends CLMemory { private List> childs; protected CLBuffer(CLContext context, long id, int flags) { super(context, id, flags); } protected CLBuffer(CLContext context, B directBuffer, long id, int flags) { super(context, directBuffer, id, flags); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static CLBuffer create(CLContext context, int size, int flags) { CL cl =; int[] result = new int[1]; if(isHostPointerFlag(flags)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no host pointer defined"); } long id = cl.clCreateBuffer(context.ID, flags, size, null, result, 0); checkForError(result[0], "can not create cl buffer"); return new CLBuffer(context, id, flags); } static CLBuffer create(CLContext context, B directBuffer, int flags) { if(!directBuffer.isDirect()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer is not direct"); B host_ptr = null; CL cl =; int[] result = new int[1]; if(isHostPointerFlag(flags)) { host_ptr = directBuffer; } long id = cl.clCreateBuffer(context.ID, flags, sizeOfBufferElem(directBuffer)*directBuffer.capacity(), host_ptr, result, 0); checkForError(result[0], "can not create cl buffer"); return new CLBuffer(context, directBuffer, id, flags); } /** * Creates a sub buffer with the specified region from this buffer. */ public CLBuffer createSubBuffer(int origin, int size, Mem... flags) { PointerBuffer info = PointerBuffer.allocateDirect(2); info.put(origin).put(size).rewind(); int bitset = Mem.flagsToInt(flags); int[] err = new int[1]; long subID = cl.clCreateSubBuffer(ID, bitset, CL.CL_BUFFER_CREATE_TYPE_REGION, info.getBuffer(), err, 0); checkForError(err[0], "can not create sub buffer"); B slice = null; if(buffer != null) { slice = (B)Buffers.slice(buffer, origin, size); } CLSubBuffer clSubBuffer = new CLSubBuffer(this, origin, slice, subID, bitset); if(childs == null) { childs = new ArrayList>(); } childs.add(clSubBuffer); return clSubBuffer; } @Override public void release() { if(childs != null) { for (CLBuffer child : childs) { child.release(); } } super.release(); } void onReleaseSubBuffer(CLSubBuffer sub) { childs.remove(sub); } /** * Returns true if this is a sub buffer. */ public boolean isSubBuffer() { return false; } @Override public CLBuffer cloneWith(T directBuffer) { return new CLBuffer(context, directBuffer, ID, FLAGS); } }