diff options
9 files changed, 381 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/ardor3d-examples/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/example/ui/InteractUIExample.java b/ardor3d-examples/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/example/ui/InteractUIExample.java
index 45a3478..2e1e44e 100644
--- a/ardor3d-examples/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/example/ui/InteractUIExample.java
+++ b/ardor3d-examples/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/example/ui/InteractUIExample.java
@@ -421,8 +421,10 @@ public class InteractUIExample extends ExampleBase {
menu.showAt((int) tempVec.getX(), (int) tempVec.getY());
- _mouseManager.setPosition((int) tempVec.getX(), (int) tempVec.getY() + 1);
_mouseManager.setPosition((int) tempVec.getX(), (int) tempVec.getY());
+ if (menu.getCenterItem() != null) {
+ menu.getCenterItem().mouseEntered((int) tempVec.getX(), (int) tempVec.getY(), null);
+ }
protected void hideMenu() {
diff --git a/ardor3d-examples/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/example/ui/PopOverUIExample.java b/ardor3d-examples/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/example/ui/PopOverUIExample.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f1c69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ardor3d-examples/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/example/ui/PopOverUIExample.java
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Ardor Labs, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of Ardor3D.
+ *
+ * Ardor3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of its license which may be found in the accompanying
+ * LICENSE file or at <http://www.ardor3d.com/LICENSE>.
+ */
+package com.ardor3d.example.ui;
+import com.ardor3d.bounding.BoundingBox;
+import com.ardor3d.example.ExampleBase;
+import com.ardor3d.example.Purpose;
+import com.ardor3d.extension.ui.UIButton;
+import com.ardor3d.extension.ui.UIComponent;
+import com.ardor3d.extension.ui.UIHud;
+import com.ardor3d.extension.ui.UIMenuItem;
+import com.ardor3d.extension.ui.UIPieMenu;
+import com.ardor3d.extension.ui.UIPieMenuItem;
+import com.ardor3d.extension.ui.UIPopupMenu;
+import com.ardor3d.extension.ui.event.ActionEvent;
+import com.ardor3d.extension.ui.event.ActionListener;
+import com.ardor3d.extension.ui.util.Insets;
+import com.ardor3d.image.Texture;
+import com.ardor3d.math.ColorRGBA;
+import com.ardor3d.math.MathUtils;
+import com.ardor3d.math.Matrix3;
+import com.ardor3d.math.Vector3;
+import com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3;
+import com.ardor3d.renderer.Camera;
+import com.ardor3d.renderer.Renderer;
+import com.ardor3d.renderer.state.MaterialState;
+import com.ardor3d.renderer.state.MaterialState.ColorMaterial;
+import com.ardor3d.renderer.state.RenderState.StateType;
+import com.ardor3d.renderer.state.TextureState;
+import com.ardor3d.scenegraph.controller.SpatialController;
+import com.ardor3d.scenegraph.shape.Box;
+import com.ardor3d.util.ReadOnlyTimer;
+import com.ardor3d.util.TextureManager;
+ * Illustrates the use of Popup and Pie menus.
+ */
+@Purpose(htmlDescriptionKey = "com.ardor3d.example.ui.PopOverUIExample", //
+thumbnailPath = "com/ardor3d/example/media/thumbnails/ui_PopOverUIExample.jpg", //
+maxHeapMemory = 64)
+public class PopOverUIExample extends ExampleBase implements ActionListener {
+ private static final String[] COLORS = new String[] { "Red", "White", "Blue", "Black" };
+ private static final String[] SPINS = new String[] { "None", "Around X", "Around Y", "Around Z" };
+ private static final String[] TEXS = new String[] { "None", "Logo", "Ball", "Clock" };
+ UIHud hud;
+ private Box box;
+ public static void main(final String[] args) {
+ start(PopOverUIExample.class);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void initExample() {
+ _canvas.setTitle("PopOver UI Example");
+ UIComponent.setUseTransparency(true);
+ // Add a spinning 3D box to show behind UI.
+ box = new Box("Box", new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 5, 5, 5);
+ box.setModelBound(new BoundingBox());
+ box.setTranslation(new Vector3(0, 0, -15));
+ _root.attachChild(box);
+ final MaterialState ms = new MaterialState();
+ ms.setColorMaterial(ColorMaterial.Diffuse);
+ box.setRenderState(ms);
+ setTexture("Logo");
+ setSpin("Around Y");
+ hud = new UIHud();
+ hud.setupInput(_canvas, _physicalLayer, _logicalLayer);
+ hud.setMouseManager(_mouseManager);
+ final Camera cam = _canvas.getCanvasRenderer().getCamera();
+ final UIButton dropButton = new UIButton("Drop Menu");
+ dropButton.setPadding(new Insets(6, 15, 6, 15));
+ dropButton.setHudXY(cam.getWidth() / 10 - dropButton.getLocalComponentWidth() / 2,
+ cam.getHeight() - dropButton.getLocalComponentHeight() - 5);
+ dropButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) {
+ showPopupMenu(dropButton.getHudX(), dropButton.getHudY());
+ }
+ });
+ hud.add(dropButton);
+ final UIButton pieButton = new UIButton("Pie Menu");
+ pieButton.setPadding(new Insets(6, 15, 6, 15));
+ pieButton.setHudXY(9 * cam.getWidth() / 10 - pieButton.getLocalComponentWidth() / 2, cam.getHeight()
+ - pieButton.getLocalComponentHeight() - 5);
+ pieButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) {
+ showPieMenu(cam.getWidth() / 2, cam.getHeight() / 2);
+ }
+ });
+ hud.add(pieButton);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) {
+ final UIButton src = (UIButton) event.getSource();
+ final String command = src.getActionCommand();
+ switch (command) {
+ case "Color":
+ setColor(src.getText());
+ return;
+ case "Spin":
+ setSpin(src.getText());
+ return;
+ case "Texture":
+ setTexture(src.getText());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ protected void showPopupMenu(final int hudX, final int hudY) {
+ final UIPopupMenu menu = new UIPopupMenu();
+ final int minWidth = 120;
+ final UIPopupMenu colorMenu = new UIPopupMenu();
+ colorMenu.setMinimumContentSize(minWidth, 5);
+ menu.addItem(new UIMenuItem("Set Color...", null, colorMenu));
+ AddMenuItems(colorMenu, "Color", false, COLORS);
+ final UIPopupMenu spinMenu = new UIPopupMenu();
+ spinMenu.setMinimumContentSize(minWidth, 5);
+ menu.addItem(new UIMenuItem("Set Spin...", null, spinMenu));
+ AddMenuItems(spinMenu, "Spin", false, SPINS);
+ final UIPopupMenu texMenu = new UIPopupMenu();
+ texMenu.setMinimumContentSize(minWidth, 5);
+ menu.addItem(new UIMenuItem("Set Texture...", null, texMenu));
+ AddMenuItems(texMenu, "Texture", false, TEXS);
+ menu.updateMinimumSizeFromContents();
+ menu.layout();
+ hud.closePopupMenus();
+ hud.showSubPopupMenu(menu);
+ menu.showAt(hudX, hudY);
+ }
+ protected void showPieMenu(final int hudX, final int hudY) {
+ final UIPieMenu menu = new UIPieMenu(hud, 70, 200);
+ final UIPieMenu colorMenu = new UIPieMenu(hud);
+ menu.addItem(new UIPieMenuItem("Set Color...", null, colorMenu, 100));
+ AddMenuItems(colorMenu, "Color", true, COLORS);
+ final UIPieMenu spinMenu = new UIPieMenu(hud);
+ menu.addItem(new UIPieMenuItem("Set Spin...", null, spinMenu, 100));
+ AddMenuItems(spinMenu, "Spin", true, SPINS);
+ final UIPieMenu texMenu = new UIPieMenu(hud);
+ menu.addItem(new UIPieMenuItem("Set Texture...", null, texMenu, 100));
+ AddMenuItems(texMenu, "Texture", true, TEXS);
+ menu.setCenterItem(new UIPieMenuItem("Cancel", null, true, null));
+ menu.updateMinimumSizeFromContents();
+ menu.layout();
+ hud.closePopupMenus();
+ hud.showSubPopupMenu(menu);
+ menu.showAt(hudX, hudY);
+ _mouseManager.setPosition(hudX, hudY);
+ if (menu.getCenterItem() != null) {
+ menu.getCenterItem().mouseEntered(hudX, hudY, null);
+ }
+ }
+ private void AddMenuItems(final UIPopupMenu parent, final String actionCommand, final boolean pie,
+ final String[] colors) {
+ for (final String color : colors) {
+ final UIMenuItem item = pie ? new UIPieMenuItem(color, null, true, this) : new UIMenuItem(color, null,
+ true, this);
+ item.setActionCommand(actionCommand);
+ parent.addItem(item);
+ }
+ }
+ private void setColor(final String text) {
+ switch (text) {
+ case "Red":
+ box.setDefaultColor(ColorRGBA.RED);
+ break;
+ case "Blue":
+ box.setDefaultColor(ColorRGBA.BLUE);
+ break;
+ case "Black":
+ box.setDefaultColor(ColorRGBA.BLACK);
+ break;
+ default:
+ case "White":
+ box.setDefaultColor(ColorRGBA.WHITE);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void setSpin(final String text) {
+ box.clearControllers();
+ final ReadOnlyVector3 axis;
+ switch (text) {
+ case "None":
+ return;
+ case "Around X":
+ axis = Vector3.UNIT_X;
+ break;
+ case "Around Y":
+ axis = Vector3.UNIT_Y;
+ break;
+ default:
+ case "Around Z":
+ axis = Vector3.UNIT_Z;
+ break;
+ }
+ box.addController(new SpatialController<Box>() {
+ private final Matrix3 rotate = new Matrix3();
+ private double angle = 0;
+ public void update(final double time, final Box caller) {
+ angle += time * 50;
+ angle %= 360;
+ rotate.fromAngleNormalAxis(angle * MathUtils.DEG_TO_RAD, axis);
+ caller.setRotation(rotate);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ private void setTexture(final String text) {
+ // Add a texture to the box.
+ final TextureState ts = new TextureState();
+ String imageFile;
+ switch (text) {
+ case "None":
+ box.clearRenderState(StateType.Texture);
+ box.updateWorldRenderStates(true);
+ return;
+ case "Ball":
+ imageFile = "images/ball.png";
+ break;
+ case "Clock":
+ imageFile = "images/clock.png";
+ break;
+ case "Logo":
+ default:
+ imageFile = "images/ardor3d_white_256.jpg";
+ break;
+ }
+ final Texture tex = TextureManager.load(imageFile, Texture.MinificationFilter.Trilinear, true);
+ ts.setTexture(tex);
+ box.setRenderState(ts);
+ box.updateWorldRenderStates(true);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void updateLogicalLayer(final ReadOnlyTimer timer) {
+ hud.getLogicalLayer().checkTriggers(timer.getTimePerFrame());
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void renderExample(final Renderer renderer) {
+ super.renderExample(renderer);
+ renderer.renderBuckets();
+ renderer.draw(hud);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void updateExample(final ReadOnlyTimer timer) {
+ hud.updateGeometricState(timer.getTimePerFrame());
+ }
diff --git a/ardor3d-examples/src/main/resources/com/ardor3d/example/i18n/example_descriptions.properties b/ardor3d-examples/src/main/resources/com/ardor3d/example/i18n/example_descriptions.properties
index fad9b46..5ba0fbf 100644
--- a/ardor3d-examples/src/main/resources/com/ardor3d/example/i18n/example_descriptions.properties
+++ b/ardor3d-examples/src/main/resources/com/ardor3d/example/i18n/example_descriptions.properties
@@ -85,5 +85,6 @@ com.ardor3d.example.terrain.ShapesPlusProceduralTerrainExample=Example showing t
com.ardor3d.example.terrain.TerrainWaterExample=Example showing how to combine the terrain and water systems. Requires GLSL support.
com.ardor3d.example.terrain.ZupTerrainExample=Example showing the Geometry Clipmap Terrain system with 'MegaTextures' using Z-Up. This is done by flipping the terrain system from y-up to z-up and inverting interactions with it back to the y-up terrain coordinate space. Requires GLSL support.
com.ardor3d.example.ui.BMTextExample=Illustrates how to modify text properties (e.g. font, color, alignment) and display on a canvas.
+com.ardor3d.example.ui.PopOverUIExample=Illustrates the use of Popup and Pie menus.
com.ardor3d.example.ui.RotatingUIExample=Illustrates how to display and move GUI primitatives (e.g. RadioButton, Lable, TabbedPane) on a canvas.
com.ardor3d.example.ui.SimpleUIExample=Illustrates how to display GUI primitatives (e.g. RadioButton, Lable, TabbedPane) on a canvas.
diff --git a/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIComboBox.java b/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIComboBox.java
index df93d7f..88561c2 100644
--- a/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIComboBox.java
+++ b/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIComboBox.java
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* This file is part of Ardor3D.
- * Ardor3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * Ardor3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of its license which may be found in the accompanying
* LICENSE file or at <http://www.ardor3d.com/LICENSE>.
@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ public class UIComboBox extends UIPanel {
- _valuesMenu.pack();
if (_valuesMenu.getLocalComponentWidth() < UIComboBox.this.getLocalComponentWidth()) {
diff --git a/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIMenuItem.java b/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIMenuItem.java
index 9ae3e61..b34ccb4 100644
--- a/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIMenuItem.java
+++ b/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIMenuItem.java
@@ -46,4 +46,28 @@ public class UIMenuItem extends UIButton {
+ public UIMenuItem(final String text, final SubTex icon, final UIPopupMenu subMenu) {
+ this(text, icon, false, null);
+ addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+ public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) {
+ showSubMenu(subMenu);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ protected void showSubMenu(final UIPopupMenu subMenu) {
+ final UIHud hud = getHud();
+ if (hud == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ hud.closePopupMenusAfter(getParent());
+ subMenu.updateMinimumSizeFromContents();
+ subMenu.layout();
+ hud.showSubPopupMenu(subMenu);
+ subMenu.showAt(getHudX() + getLocalComponentWidth() - 5, getHudY() + getLocalComponentHeight());
+ }
diff --git a/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIPieMenu.java b/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIPieMenu.java
index 4590bf8..f1f57a6 100644
--- a/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIPieMenu.java
+++ b/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIPieMenu.java
@@ -16,13 +16,12 @@ import com.ardor3d.math.MathUtils;
import com.ardor3d.math.Rectangle2;
import com.ardor3d.math.Vector3;
import com.ardor3d.scenegraph.Spatial;
-import com.ardor3d.scenegraph.visitor.Visitor;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
* A special frame meant to display menu items.
-public class UIPieMenu extends UIContainer implements IPopOver {
+public class UIPieMenu extends UIPopupMenu implements IPopOver {
public static final int DEFAULT_INNER_RADIUS = 50;
@@ -102,14 +101,16 @@ public class UIPieMenu extends UIContainer implements IPopOver {
return _sliceRadians;
- public void addItem(final UIPieMenuItem item) {
+ @Override
+ public void addItem(final UIMenuItem item) {
_menuDirty = true;
- add(item);
+ super.addItem(item);
- public void removeItem(final UIPieMenuItem item) {
+ @Override
+ public void removeItem(final UIMenuItem item) {
_menuDirty = true;
- remove(item);
+ super.removeItem(item);
public UIPieMenuItem getCenterItem() {
@@ -131,6 +132,7 @@ public class UIPieMenu extends UIContainer implements IPopOver {
+ @Override
public void clearItems() {
_menuDirty = true;
@@ -236,34 +238,6 @@ public class UIPieMenu extends UIContainer implements IPopOver {
setMinimumContentSize(_outerRadius * 2, _outerRadius * 2);
- @Override
- public void close() {
- final UIHud hud = getHud();
- if (hud == null) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("UIPieMenu is not attached to a hud.");
- }
- // Close any open tooltip
- hud.getTooltip().setVisible(false);
- // clear any resources for standin
- clearStandin();
- // clean up any state
- acceptVisitor(new Visitor() {
- @Override
- public void visit(final Spatial spatial) {
- if (spatial instanceof StateBasedUIComponent) {
- final StateBasedUIComponent comp = (StateBasedUIComponent) spatial;
- comp.switchState(comp.getDefaultState());
- }
- }
- }, true);
- hud.remove(this);
- _parent = null;
- }
public int getSliceIndex(final UIPieMenuItem item) {
final List<Spatial> content = getChildren();
if (content == null) {
diff --git a/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIPopupMenu.java b/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIPopupMenu.java
index 2050865..0dbce6a 100644
--- a/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIPopupMenu.java
+++ b/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/UIPopupMenu.java
@@ -9,19 +9,18 @@
package com.ardor3d.extension.ui;
-import java.util.EnumSet;
import com.ardor3d.extension.ui.layout.RowLayout;
-import com.ardor3d.extension.ui.util.Insets;
+import com.ardor3d.scenegraph.Spatial;
+import com.ardor3d.scenegraph.visitor.Visitor;
* A special frame meant to display menu items.
-public class UIPopupMenu extends UIFrame implements IPopOver {
+public class UIPopupMenu extends UIContainer implements IPopOver {
public UIPopupMenu() {
- super(null, EnumSet.noneOf(UIFrame.FrameButtons.class));
- getContentPanel().setLayout(new RowLayout(false));
+ super();
+ setLayout(new RowLayout(false));
@@ -33,16 +32,9 @@ public class UIPopupMenu extends UIFrame implements IPopOver {
final int displayW = getHud().getWidth();
final int displayH = getHud().getHeight();
- if (x + width > displayW) {
- setHudX(displayW - width);
- } else {
- final Insets border = getBorder() != null ? getBorder() : Insets.EMPTY;
- setHudX(x - border.getLeft());
- }
- y = y - height;
- if (y < 0) {
- y = 0;
- }
+ setHudX(x + width > displayW ? displayW - width : x);
+ y = Math.max(0, y - height);
if (y + height > displayH) {
y = displayH - height;
@@ -57,14 +49,42 @@ public class UIPopupMenu extends UIFrame implements IPopOver {
public void addItem(final UIMenuItem item) {
- getContentPanel().add(item);
+ add(item);
public void removeItem(final UIMenuItem item) {
- getContentPanel().remove(item);
+ remove(item);
public void clearItems() {
- getContentPanel().removeAllComponents();
+ removeAllComponents();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void close() {
+ final UIHud hud = getHud();
+ if (hud == null) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("UIPopupMenu is not attached to a hud.");
+ }
+ // Close any open tooltip
+ hud.getTooltip().setVisible(false);
+ // clear any resources for standin
+ clearStandin();
+ // clean up any state
+ acceptVisitor(new Visitor() {
+ @Override
+ public void visit(final Spatial spatial) {
+ if (spatial instanceof StateBasedUIComponent) {
+ final StateBasedUIComponent comp = (StateBasedUIComponent) spatial;
+ comp.switchState(comp.getDefaultState());
+ }
+ }
+ }, true);
+ hud.remove(this);
+ _parent = null;
diff --git a/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/skin/Skin.java b/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/skin/Skin.java
index 69203d6..6d024cf 100644
--- a/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/skin/Skin.java
+++ b/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/skin/Skin.java
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public abstract class Skin {
applyToTextArea((UITextArea) component);
else if (component instanceof UIProgressBar) {
applyToProgressBar((UIProgressBar) component);
} else if (component instanceof UIComboBox) {
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ public abstract class Skin {
applyToScrollBar((UIScrollBar) component);
} else if (component instanceof UIPieMenu) {
applyToPieMenu((UIPieMenu) component);
+ } else if (component instanceof UIPopupMenu) {
+ applyToPopupMenu((UIPopupMenu) component);
} else if (component instanceof UIPanel) {
applyToPanel((UIPanel) component);
@@ -81,8 +83,6 @@ public abstract class Skin {
else if (component instanceof UITooltip) {
applyToTooltip((UITooltip) component);
- } else if (component instanceof UIPopupMenu) {
- applyToPopupMenu((UIPopupMenu) component);
} else if (component instanceof UIFrame) {
applyToFrame((UIFrame) component);
diff --git a/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/skin/generic/GenericSkin.java b/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/skin/generic/GenericSkin.java
index a81c633..1c49dcf 100644
--- a/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/skin/generic/GenericSkin.java
+++ b/ardor3d-ui/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/extension/ui/skin/generic/GenericSkin.java
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ public class GenericSkin extends Skin {
- .setMaximumContentSize(closeButton.getContentWidth(), closeButton.getContentHeight());
+ .setMaximumContentSize(closeButton.getContentWidth(), closeButton.getContentHeight());
@@ -618,9 +618,18 @@ public class GenericSkin extends Skin {
protected void applyToPopupMenu(final UIPopupMenu component) {
- component.getTitleBar().removeFromParent();
- component.getStatusBar().removeFromParent();
- applyToFrame(component);
+ component.setOpacity(1.0f);
+ component.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ component.setPadding(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ final SubTex borderTex = new SubTex(_sharedTex, 4, 17, 32, 36, 0, 6, 7, 6);
+ final UIBorder border = new ImageBorder(borderTex);
+ component.setBorder(border);
+ final ColorRGBA top = new ColorRGBA(210 / 255f, 210 / 255f, 210 / 255f, 1);
+ final ColorRGBA bottom = new ColorRGBA(244 / 255f, 244 / 255f, 244 / 255f, 1);
+ final GradientBackdrop grad = new GradientBackdrop(top, top, bottom, bottom);
+ component.setBackdrop(grad);