\begin{verbatim} GL4Java, a native OpenGL mapping to Java ! Homepage: http://www.jausoft.com/gl4java ! 1st of all, a little index of all little text-files: CHANGES.txt A list of the changes are made through the versions. INSTALLER.txt The description howto install GL4Java with the installer via web or as an downloaded application! INSTALL.txt The root description howto install GL4Java manually. The following files are linked here: Java2.txt MS-JVM.txt Netscape.txt COMPILATION.txt The description howto install GL4Java from scratch (obtain + compiling) ! Some license informations: LICENSE.txt PNG-LICENSE.txt Some historical, further readings: PNG-README.txt README.AdamKing.txt README.RonCemer.txt THANXS.txt Some technical short-hand infos: Tesselation.txt VERSIONS.txt I encourage you te read these files carefully and also to read the html/pdf documentation as well, befor asking ! You may want to add yourself to the GL4Java mailinglist ! I would be very lucky, if i get some response, critic, inspirations, bugfixes and participation. I changed (see CHANGES) the naming convention for a better transparence and porting-ability (sorry for my english) - so i changed the lib-name to GL4Java ! <Please forgive me for so many I's :> The following Unices were succesfully testes: o Linux (x86) 2.X o SunOS (Sparc) 5.X o AIX 4.2 (RS/6000) o SGI Irix o Macintosh (check http://www.jausoft.com/gl4java.html) o Windows NT 95/98 (x86) 4.0 (sun/netscape) o Windows NT 95/98 (x86) 4.0 (msjvm/ie40) May be - WE can find a way for a standard OpenGL for Java API ! As you can see, OpenGL-Rendering can be integrated in Java-Programs very well. You can use the normal java paint and event - functions as you used display and reshape in glut ! See also LICENSE.txt for the license of GL4Java ! Sven Goethel January 1999 April 1999 September 1999 April 2000 mailto:[email protected] www : http://www.jausoft.com voice : +49-0521-2399440 fax : +49-0521-2399442 \end{verbatim}