path: root/demos
diff options
authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2001-04-06 10:12:40 +0000
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2001-04-06 10:12:40 +0000
commitfd8682b066651abf71067c4d4266ffee302b69f6 (patch)
tree47cf449b25400628d61092a946270ead036e0d1e /demos
parentee8232711affbf052576b038aee079250c985416 (diff)
2.7.0 release ..
Diffstat (limited to 'demos')
3 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demos/MiscDemos/Test.java b/demos/MiscDemos/Test.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..560fda9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/MiscDemos/Test.java
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+ * @(#) Test.java
+ * @(#) author: Sven Goethel
+ */
+/* This program is free software under the license of LGPL */
+import java.applet.*;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.awt.event.*;
+import java.lang.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import gl4java.GLContext;
+import gl4java.awt.GLCanvas;
+import gl4java.awt.GLAnimCanvas;
+import gl4java.applet.SimpleGLAnimApplet1;
+public class Test
+ String testClazzName;
+ int width, height;
+ String glName, gluName;
+ public Test(String testClazzName, int width, int height,
+ String glName, String gluName)
+ {
+ this.testClazzName = testClazzName;
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ this.glName = glName;
+ this.gluName = gluName;
+ }
+ public void loadNStartTestClazz()
+ {
+ Object tstObj = null;
+ try {
+ Class canvasClazz =
+ Class.forName("gl4java.awt.GLCanvas");
+ Class animCanvasClazz =
+ Class.forName("gl4java.awt.GLAnimCanvas");
+ Class animAppletCanvasClazz =
+ Class.forName("gl4java.applet.SimpleGLAnimApplet1");
+ Class tstClazz = Class.forName(testClazzName);
+ if( ! canvasClazz.isAssignableFrom(tstClazz) &&
+ ! animAppletCanvasClazz.isAssignableFrom(tstClazz) )
+ {
+ System.out.println("Your test-clazz is neither derived from gl4java.awt.GLCanvas nor from gl4java.applet.SimpleGLAnimApplet1!");
+ throw new Exception();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Std. conversion from Integer -> int
+ */
+ Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[4];
+ parameterTypes[0] = Class.forName("java.lang.Integer");
+ parameterTypes[1] = Class.forName("java.lang.Integer");
+ parameterTypes[2] = Class.forName("java.lang.String");
+ parameterTypes[3] = Class.forName("java.lang.String");
+ Object[] parameters = null;
+ java.lang.reflect.Constructor tstObjConstr = null;
+ try {
+ tstObjConstr = tstClazz.getConstructor(parameterTypes);
+ parameters = new Object[4];
+ parameters[0] = new java.lang.Integer(width);
+ parameters[1] = new java.lang.Integer(height);
+ parameters[2] = glName;
+ parameters[3] = gluName;
+ } catch (java.lang.NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
+ try {
+ parameterTypes = new Class[4];
+ parameterTypes[0] = Class.forName("java.lang.Integer");
+ parameterTypes[1] = Class.forName("java.lang.Integer");
+ tstObjConstr = tstClazz.getConstructor(parameterTypes);
+ parameters = new Object[4];
+ parameters[0] = new java.lang.Integer(width);
+ parameters[1] = new java.lang.Integer(height);
+ } catch (java.lang.NoSuchMethodException nsme2) {
+ tstObj = tstClazz.newInstance();
+ }
+ }
+ if(tstObj==null && parameters!=null)
+ tstObj = tstObjConstr.newInstance(parameters);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ System.out.println("Instantiation of: "+testClazzName+" failed !");
+ System.out.println(ex);
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(1);
+ }
+ if(tstObj instanceof SimpleGLAnimApplet1)
+ {
+ SimpleGLAnimApplet1 glSAnimApplet = (SimpleGLAnimApplet1)tstObj;
+ Frame f = new Frame(testClazzName);
+ f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()
+ {
+ public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)
+ {
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
+ {
+ windowClosed(e);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
+ glSAnimApplet.setSize(width, height);
+ glSAnimApplet.init();
+ glSAnimApplet.start();
+ f.add(glSAnimApplet);
+ Dimension ps = glSAnimApplet.getPreferredSize();
+ f.setBounds(-100,-100,99,99);
+ f.setVisible(true);
+ //f.setVisible(false);
+ Insets i = f.getInsets();
+ f.setBounds(0,0,
+ ps.width+i.left+i.right,
+ ps.height+i.top+i.bottom);
+ f.setVisible(true);
+ } else if(tstObj instanceof GLAnimCanvas)
+ {
+ GLAnimCanvas glAnimCvsTest = (GLAnimCanvas)tstObj;
+ GLAnimCanvasTest applet = new GLAnimCanvasTest();
+ Frame f = new Frame(testClazzName);
+ f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()
+ {
+ public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)
+ {
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
+ {
+ windowClosed(e);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
+ f.add("Center", applet);
+ applet.setSize(width,height);
+ applet.init(glAnimCvsTest);
+ applet.start();
+ Dimension ps = applet.getPreferredSize();
+ f.setBounds(-100,-100,99,99);
+ f.setVisible(true);
+ f.setVisible(false);
+ Insets i = f.getInsets();
+ f.setBounds(0,0,
+ ps.width+i.left+i.right,
+ ps.height+i.top+i.bottom);
+ f.setVisible(true);
+ } else {
+ GLCanvas glCvsTest = (GLCanvas)tstObj;
+ GLCanvasTest applet = new GLCanvasTest();
+ Frame f = new Frame(testClazzName);
+ f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()
+ {
+ public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)
+ {
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
+ {
+ windowClosed(e);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
+ f.add("Center", applet);
+ applet.setSize(width,height);
+ applet.init();
+ applet.start();
+ Dimension ps = applet.getPreferredSize();
+ f.setBounds(-100,-100,99,99);
+ f.setVisible(true);
+ f.setVisible(false);
+ Insets i = f.getInsets();
+ f.setBounds(0,0,
+ ps.width+i.left+i.right,
+ ps.height+i.top+i.bottom);
+ f.setVisible(true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test to load the native library, GLFunc and GLUFunc implementation !
+ * If succesfull, a Frame will created and the GL-Infos (vendor, ...)
+ * are shown in it !
+ *
+ * @param args, a list of args,
+ *
+ * -gljlib <glj-libname> gl4java-glj-lib native library
+ * -glclass <gl-class> gl4java-gl-class java GLFunc implementation
+ * -gluclass <glu-class> gl4java-glu-class java GLUFunc implementation
+ * -testclass <GLCanvas or SimpleGLAnimApplet1 Implementation Class> A derivation of GLCanvas (GLAnimCanvas also) or SimpleGLAnimApplet1 can be started here for testing purposes !
+ * -w <int> the testclass window width (default 400)
+ * -h <int> the testclass window height (default 250)
+ * -perftest if a derivation of GLAnimCanvas is used as the testclass (see above), the fps-sleep and the use-repaint flags are set to false!
+ *
+ * without any arguments, a help screen is shown
+ */
+ public static void main( String args[] )
+ {
+ String nativeGLLib = null;
+ String nativeGLULib = null;
+ String gljLibName = null;
+ String glName = GLContext.defGLFuncClass;
+ String gluName = GLContext.defGLUFuncClass;
+ String testClazzName = GLContext.defGLUFuncClass;
+ boolean perftest=false;
+ int width=400, height=250;
+ int i = 0;
+ boolean ok=true;
+ if(args.length==0)
+ {
+ System.out.println("usage: java Test <options>, where options can be: ");
+ System.out.println(" -GLLib <OpenGL Libname> \t choose a custom OpenGL native library (default: libGL, or OPENGL32, ..)");
+ System.out.println(" -GLULib <GLU Libname> \t choose a custom GLU native library (default: libGLU, or GLU32, ..)");
+ System.out.println(" -gljlib <glj-libname> \t choose a custom gl4java-glj-lib native library (default: GL4JavaJauGljJNI)");
+ System.out.println(" -glclass <gl-class> \t choose a custom gl4java-gl-class java GLFunc implementation (default: GLFuncJauJNI)");
+ System.out.println(" -gluclass <glu-class> \t choose a custom gl4java-glu-class java GLUFunc implementation (default: GLUFuncJauJNI)");
+ System.out.println(" -testclass <GLCanvas Implementation Class> \t\t\t a derivation of GLCanvas (GLCanvas or GLAnimCanvas) can be started here for testing purposes !");
+ System.out.println(" -w <int> \t\t\t the testclass window width (default 800) !");
+ System.out.println(" -h <int> \t\t\t the testclass window height (default 600) !");
+ System.out.println(" -perftest \t\t\t if a derivation of GLAnimCanvas is used as the testclass (see above), the fps-sleep and the use-repaint flags are set to false!");
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ while(args.length>i)
+ {
+ if(args[i].equals("-GLLib")) {
+ if(args.length>++i) nativeGLLib=args[i];
+ } else if(args[i].equals("-GLULib")) {
+ if(args.length>++i) nativeGLULib=args[i];
+ } else if(args[i].equals("-gljlib")) {
+ if(args.length>++i) gljLibName=args[i];
+ } else if(args[i].equals("-glclass")) {
+ if(args.length>++i) glName=args[i];
+ } else if(args[i].equals("-gluclass")) {
+ if(args.length>++i) gluName=args[i];
+ } else if(args[i].equals("-testclass")) {
+ if(args.length>++i) testClazzName=args[i];
+ } else if(args[i].equals("-w")) {
+ if(args.length>++i) {
+ try {
+ width = Integer.valueOf(args[i]).intValue();
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ System.out.println("invalid width, please insert an integer value !");
+ ok=false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(args[i].equals("-h")) {
+ if(args.length>++i) {
+ try {
+ height = Integer.valueOf(args[i]).intValue();
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ System.out.println("invalid height, please insert an integer value !");
+ ok=false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(args[i].equals("-perftest")) {
+ perftest=true;
+ } else {
+ System.out.println("illegal arg "+i+": "+args[i]);
+ ok=false;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ if(!perftest)
+ {
+ GLContext.gljNativeDebug = true;
+ GLContext.gljClassDebug = true;
+ } else {
+ GLContext.gljNativeDebug = false;
+ GLContext.gljClassDebug = false;
+ }
+ if(GLContext.doLoadNativeLibraries(gljLibName,
+ nativeGLLib, nativeGLULib
+ )
+ )
+ System.out.println("native Libraries loaded succesfull");
+ else {
+ System.out.println("native library NOT loaded complete");
+ ok=false;
+ }
+ if(ok) {
+ // let's do it ...
+ Test test = new Test(testClazzName, width, height,
+ glName, gluName);
+ test.loadNStartTestClazz();
+ }
+ }
+ private class GLAnimCanvasTest extends SimpleGLAnimApplet1
+ {
+ public void init(GLAnimCanvas glAnimCanvas)
+ {
+ super.init();
+ Dimension d = getSize();
+ canvas = glAnimCanvas;
+ add("Center", canvas);
+ }
+ }
+ private class GLCanvasTest extends Applet
+ {
+ GLCanvas canvas = null;
+ /* Initialize the applet */
+ public void init(GLCanvas glCanvas)
+ {
+ Dimension d = getSize();
+ setLayout(new BorderLayout());
+ canvas = glCanvas;
+ add("Center", canvas);
+ }
+ /* Start the applet */
+ public void start()
+ {
+ }
+ /* Stop the applet */
+ public void stop()
+ {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/demos/MiscDemos/sappletviewer_jausoftlocal.sh b/demos/MiscDemos/sappletviewer_jausoftlocal.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e026f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/MiscDemos/sappletviewer_jausoftlocal.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+appletviewer -J-Djava.security.policy=gl4java.policy \
+ http://jausoft.goethel.de/Files/Java/1.1.X/GL4Java/demos/MiscDemos/$1
diff --git a/demos/sappletviewer_jausoftlocal.sh b/demos/sappletviewer_jausoftlocal.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b6e7f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/sappletviewer_jausoftlocal.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+appletviewer -J-Djava.security.policy=gl4java.policy \
+ http://jausoft.goethel.de/Files/Java/1.1.X/GL4Java/demos/$1