path: root/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/TestWorkerThread01.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/TestWorkerThread01.java')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/TestWorkerThread01.java b/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/TestWorkerThread01.java
index afd41a1..4d7f27e 100644
--- a/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/TestWorkerThread01.java
+++ b/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/TestWorkerThread01.java
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public class TestWorkerThread01 extends SingletonJunitCase {
static class Action implements WorkerThread.Callback {
final Duration sleep;
- AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
+ final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
Instant tlast = Instant.now();
volatile Duration td = Duration.ZERO;
@@ -57,56 +57,107 @@ public class TestWorkerThread01 extends SingletonJunitCase {
- public void run() throws InterruptedException {
+ public void run(final WorkerThread self) throws InterruptedException {
// java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(sleep.toNanos());
final Instant t1 = Instant.now();
td = Duration.between(tlast, t1);
- System.err.println("action period "+td.toMillis()+"ms, counter "+counter.getAndIncrement());
+ final int v = counter.incrementAndGet();
+ // System.err.println("action period "+td.toMillis()+"ms, counter "+v+": "+self);
tlast = t1;
+ static class StateCB implements WorkerThread.StateCallback {
+ final AtomicInteger initCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
+ final AtomicInteger pausedCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
+ final AtomicInteger resumedCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
+ final AtomicInteger endCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
+ @Override
+ public void run(final WorkerThread self, final State cause) throws InterruptedException {
+ // System.err.println("WT-"+cause+": "+self);
+ switch( cause ) {
+ case END:
+ endCounter.incrementAndGet();
+ break;
+ case INIT:
+ initCounter.incrementAndGet();
+ break;
+ case PAUSED:
+ pausedCounter.incrementAndGet();
+ break;
+ case RESUMED:
+ resumedCounter.incrementAndGet();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
static void checkStarted(final WorkerThread wt, final boolean isPaused) {
- Assert.assertTrue(wt.isRunning());
- Assert.assertEquals(!isPaused, wt.isActive());
+ Assert.assertTrue(wt.toString(), wt.isRunning());
+ Assert.assertEquals("isPaused "+isPaused+", "+wt.toString(), !isPaused, wt.isActive());
+ Assert.assertNotNull(wt.toString(), wt.getThread());
static void checkStopped(final WorkerThread wt) {
- Assert.assertFalse(wt.isRunning());
- Assert.assertFalse(wt.isActive());
+ Assert.assertFalse(wt.toString(), wt.isRunning());
+ Assert.assertFalse(wt.toString(), wt.isActive());
+ Assert.assertNull(wt.toString(), wt.getThread());
- static void start(final WorkerThread wt) {
- System.err.println("WT Start.0: "+wt);
- wt.start();
- System.err.println("WT Start.X: "+wt);
+ static void start(final WorkerThread wt, final boolean paused) {
+ // System.err.println("WT Start.0: paused "+paused+", "+wt);
+ wt.start(paused);
+ // System.err.println("WT Start.X: "+wt);
- static void stop(final WorkerThread wt) {
- System.err.println("WT Stop.0: "+wt);
- wt.stop();
- System.err.println("WT Stop.X: "+wt);
+ static void stop(final WorkerThread wt, final boolean wait) {
+ // System.err.println("WT Stop.0: wait "+wait+", "+wt);
+ wt.stop(wait);
+ // System.err.println("WT Stop.X: wait "+wait+", "+wt);
static void pause(final WorkerThread wt, final boolean wait) {
- System.err.println("WT Pause.0: wait "+wait+", "+wt);
+ // System.err.println("WT Pause.0: wait "+wait+", "+wt);
- System.err.println("WT Pause.X: wait "+wait+", "+wt);
+ // System.err.println("WT Pause.X: wait "+wait+", "+wt);
static void resume(final WorkerThread wt) {
- System.err.println("WT Resume.0: "+wt);
+ // System.err.println("WT Resume.0: "+wt);
- System.err.println("WT Resume.X: "+wt);
+ // System.err.println("WT Resume.X: "+wt);
- public void testAction(final long periodMS, final long minDelayMS, final long actionMS) throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
+ public void testAction(final boolean startPaused, final long periodMS, final long minDelayMS, final long actionMS) throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
final Action action = new Action( 0 < actionMS ? Duration.of(actionMS, ChronoUnit.MILLIS) : Duration.ZERO);
+ final StateCB stateCB = new StateCB();
final WorkerThread wt =new WorkerThread(Duration.of(periodMS, ChronoUnit.MILLIS),
- Duration.of(minDelayMS, ChronoUnit.MILLIS), true /* daemonThread */, action);
+ Duration.of(minDelayMS, ChronoUnit.MILLIS), true /* daemonThread */, action, stateCB);
final long maxPeriodMS = Math.max(minDelayMS+actionMS, Math.max(periodMS, actionMS));
+ System.err.println("testAction: startPaused "+startPaused+", maxPeriodMS "+maxPeriodMS+", actionMS "+actionMS+", "+wt);
int counterA = action.counter.get();
- start(wt);
- checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, action.counter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ start(wt, startPaused);
+ checkStarted(wt, startPaused /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?1:0, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?0:0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ if( startPaused ) {
+ wt.resume();
+ checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ }
final Duration td = action.td;
@@ -118,65 +169,365 @@ public class TestWorkerThread01 extends SingletonJunitCase {
checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
- stop(wt);
+ stop(wt, true); // running -> stop
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?1:0, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?1:0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.endCounter.get());
int counterB = action.counter.get();
Assert.assertTrue(counterB > counterA);
counterA = action.counter.get();
- start(wt);
- checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
+ start(wt, startPaused); // stop -> running
+ checkStarted(wt, startPaused /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?2:0, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?1:0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ if( startPaused ) {
+ wt.resume();
+ checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?2:0, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?2:0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ }
checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
- pause(wt, true /* wait */);
+ pause(wt, true /* wait */); // running -> pause
checkStarted(wt, true /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?3:1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?2:0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.endCounter.get());
counterB = action.counter.get();
Assert.assertTrue(counterB > counterA);
+ Thread.sleep(maxPeriodMS);
counterA = action.counter.get();
Assert.assertTrue(counterB == counterA);
- Thread.sleep(maxPeriodMS);
- resume(wt);
+ resume(wt); // pause -> running
checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?3:1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?3:1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.endCounter.get());
checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
- stop(wt);
- checkStopped(wt);
+ pause(wt, true /* wait */); // running -> pause
+ checkStarted(wt, true /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?4:2, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?3:1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.endCounter.get());
counterB = action.counter.get();
Assert.assertTrue(counterB > counterA);
+ counterA = counterB;
+ checkStarted(wt, true /* isPaused */);
+ stop(wt, true); // pause -> stop
+ checkStopped(wt);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?4:2, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?4:2, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ counterB = action.counter.get();
+ Assert.assertTrue(counterB == counterA);
+ resume(wt); // stop -> stop
+ checkStopped(wt);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?4:2, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?4:2, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ pause(wt, true /* wait */); // stop -> stop
+ checkStopped(wt);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?4:2, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(startPaused?4:2, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.endCounter.get());
public void test01ZeroAction() throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
- testAction(16 /* periodMS */, 0 /* minDelayMS */, 0 /* actionMS*/);
+ testAction(false, 16 /* periodMS */, 0 /* minDelayMS */, 0 /* actionMS*/);
+ testAction(true, 16 /* periodMS */, 0 /* minDelayMS */, 0 /* actionMS*/);
public void test02MidAction() throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
- testAction(16 /* periodMS */, 0 /* minDelayMS */, 8 /* actionMS*/);
+ testAction(false, 16 /* periodMS */, 0 /* minDelayMS */, 8 /* actionMS*/);
+ testAction(true, 16 /* periodMS */, 0 /* minDelayMS */, 8 /* actionMS*/);
public void test03HeavyAction() throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
- testAction(16 /* periodMS */, 0 /* minDelayMS */, 20 /* actionMS*/);
+ testAction(false, 16 /* periodMS */, 0 /* minDelayMS */, 20 /* actionMS*/);
+ testAction(true, 16 /* periodMS */, 0 /* minDelayMS */, 20 /* actionMS*/);
public void test03ZeroMidAction() throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
- testAction(0 /* periodMS */, 0 /* minDelayMS */, 8 /* actionMS*/);
+ testAction(false, 0 /* periodMS */, 0 /* minDelayMS */, 8 /* actionMS*/);
+ testAction(true, 0 /* periodMS */, 0 /* minDelayMS */, 8 /* actionMS*/);
public void test04ZeroMinDelayMidAction() throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
- testAction(0 /* periodMS */, 4 /* minDelayMS */, 8 /* actionMS*/);
+ testAction(false, 0 /* periodMS */, 4 /* minDelayMS */, 8 /* actionMS*/);
+ testAction(true, 0 /* periodMS */, 4 /* minDelayMS */, 8 /* actionMS*/);
public void test05MinDelayMidAction() throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
- testAction(8 /* periodMS */, 8 /* minDelayMS */, 8 /* actionMS*/);
+ testAction(false, 8 /* periodMS */, 8 /* minDelayMS */, 8 /* actionMS*/);
+ testAction(true, 8 /* periodMS */, 8 /* minDelayMS */, 8 /* actionMS*/);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test10InitEnd01() throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
+ // Issuing stop not in the worker-thread
+ final AtomicInteger actionLatch = new AtomicInteger(0);
+ final WorkerThread.Callback action = (final WorkerThread self) -> {
+ java.lang.Thread.sleep(1);
+ final boolean v = actionLatch.compareAndSet(0, 1);
+ // System.err.println("action set "+v+": "+self);
+ };
+ final StateCB stateCB = new StateCB();
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, actionLatch.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ final long minPeriodMS = 2;
+ final long maxPeriodMS = 4;
+ final WorkerThread wt =new WorkerThread(Duration.of(minPeriodMS, ChronoUnit.MILLIS),
+ Duration.of(0, ChronoUnit.MILLIS), true /* daemonThread */,
+ action, stateCB);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, actionLatch.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ checkStopped(wt);
+ start(wt, true);
+ checkStarted(wt, true /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, actionLatch.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ wt.resume();
+ checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ // maybe: Assert.assertEquals(1, actionLatch.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ Thread.sleep(maxPeriodMS);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, actionLatch.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
+ stop(wt, true);
+ checkStopped(wt);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, actionLatch.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ actionLatch.set(0);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, actionLatch.get());
+ start(wt, false);
+ checkStarted(wt, false/* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ // maybe: Assert.assertEquals(1, actionLatch.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ Thread.sleep(maxPeriodMS);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, actionLatch.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
+ stop(wt, true);
+ checkStopped(wt);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, actionLatch.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test11InitEnd02() throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
+ // Issuing stop on the worker-thread
+ final AtomicInteger actionCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
+ final WorkerThread.Callback action = (final WorkerThread self) -> {
+ java.lang.Thread.sleep(1);
+ final int v = actionCounter.incrementAndGet();
+ // System.err.println("action cntr "+v+": "+self);
+ if( 8 == v ) {
+ stop(self, true);
+ }
+ };
+ final StateCB stateCB = new StateCB();
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, actionCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ final long minPeriodMS = 2;
+ final long maxPeriodMS = 16;
+ final WorkerThread wt =new WorkerThread(Duration.of(minPeriodMS, ChronoUnit.MILLIS),
+ Duration.of(0, ChronoUnit.MILLIS), true /* daemonThread */,
+ action, stateCB);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, actionCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ checkStopped(wt);
+ start(wt, true);
+ checkStarted(wt, true /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, actionCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ wt.resume();
+ checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ // maybe Assert.assertEquals(1, actionCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ Thread.sleep(maxPeriodMS);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertTrue(0 < actionCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ checkStopped(wt);
+ actionCounter.set(0);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, actionCounter.get());
+ start(wt, false);
+ checkStarted(wt, false/* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ // maybe: Assert.assertEquals(1, actionLatch.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ Thread.sleep(maxPeriodMS);
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertTrue(0 < actionCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ checkStopped(wt);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test20ExceptionAtWork() throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
+ final AtomicInteger actionCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
+ final WorkerThread.Callback action = (final WorkerThread self) -> {
+ java.lang.Thread.sleep(1);
+ final int v = actionCounter.incrementAndGet();
+ // System.err.println("action cntr "+v+": "+self);
+ if( 8 == v ) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Test exception from worker action: "+self);
+ }
+ };
+ final StateCB stateCB = new StateCB();
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, actionCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ final long minPeriodMS = 2;
+ final long maxPeriodMS = 16;
+ final WorkerThread wt =new WorkerThread(Duration.of(minPeriodMS, ChronoUnit.MILLIS),
+ Duration.of(0, ChronoUnit.MILLIS), true /* daemonThread */,
+ action, stateCB);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, actionCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ checkStopped(wt);
+ start(wt, true);
+ checkStarted(wt, true /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, actionCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ wt.resume();
+ checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ // maybe: Assert.assertEquals(1, actionLatch.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ Thread.sleep(maxPeriodMS);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertTrue(0 < actionCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ checkStarted(wt, true /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertTrue(wt.hasError());
+ Assert.assertNotNull(wt.getError(true));
+ final int counterA = actionCounter.get();
+ wt.resume();
+ checkStarted(wt, false /* isPaused */);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertTrue(0 < actionCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(0, stateCB.endCounter.get());
+ Thread.sleep(maxPeriodMS);
+ stop(wt, true);
+ checkStopped(wt);
+ final int counterB = actionCounter.get();
+ Assert.assertTrue(counterB > counterA);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.initCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertTrue(0 < actionCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.pausedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(2, stateCB.resumedCounter.get());
+ Assert.assertEquals(1, stateCB.endCounter.get());
public static void main(final String args[]) throws IOException {