path: root/pom.xml
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Pom.xml tidiedHEAD1.7.0-finalmasterdev1.7.0Philip Jordan2019-09-271-14/+123
* Updated pom added myself as maintainerphil2016-12-041-3/+14
* added <additionalparam>-Xdoclint:none</additionalparam> to pom.xml1.7.0-pre1phil2016-11-051-1/+2
| | | So the strict Java8 javadoc rules don't prevent generation
* Version set to 1.7.0phil2016-11-021-1/+1
| | | | Bug 1337 - VersionInfo defaults isDevPhase to true, which outputs onto err
* Adopts a more standard directory layout for MavenJulien Gouesse2015-11-281-14/+3
* Build the project using MavenCurtis Rueden2015-11-241-0/+104
This introduces a pom.xml which tells Maven how the project is structured. To avoid a boatload of disruptive renames, we override some of Maven's default settings. It also removes the Ant build files to avoid maintaining multiple build systems.