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get(double[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Gets the value of this axis angle and places it into the array a of length four in x,y,z,angle order.
get(float[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Copies the value of this axis-angle into the array a.
get() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Color3b
Returns a new AWT color object initialized with the r,g,b values of this Color3b object.
get() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Color3f
Returns a new AWT color object initialized with the r,g,b values of this Color3f object.
get() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Color4b
Returns a new AWT color object initialized with the r,g,b,a values of this Color4b object.
get() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Color4f
Returns a new AWT color object initialized with the r,g,b,a values of this Color4f object.
get(Matrix3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Places the values in the upper 3x3 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.
get(Matrix3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Places the values in the upper 3x3 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.
get(Matrix4d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Places the values in the upper 4x4 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.
get(Matrix4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Places the values in the upper 4x4 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.
get(GMatrix) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Places the values in the this GMatrix into the matrix m1; m1 should be at least as large as this GMatrix.
get(Matrix3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix in order to acquire the normalized rotational component; the values are placed into the Matrix3d parameter.
get(Matrix3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix in order to acquire the normalized rotational component; the values are placed into the Matrix3f parameter.
get(Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix to calculate the rotation as a 3x3 matrix, the translation, and the scale.
get(Matrix3f, Vector3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix to calculate the rotation as a 3x3 matrix, the translation, and the scale.
get(Quat4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix in order to acquire the normalized rotational component; the values are placed into the Quat4f parameter.
get(Quat4d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Performs an SVD normalization of q1 matrix in order to acquire the normalized rotational component; the values are placed into the Quat4d parameter.
get(Vector3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Retrieves the translational components of this matrix.
get(Matrix3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix in order to acquire the normalized rotational component; the values are placed into the Matrix3d parameter.
get(Matrix3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix in order to acquire the normalized rotational component; the values are placed into the Matrix3f parameter.
get(Matrix3f, Vector3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix to calculate the rotation as a 3x3 matrix, the translation, and the scale.
get(Quat4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix in order to acquire the normalized rotational component; the values are placed into the Quat4f parameter.
get(Vector3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Retrieves the translational components of this matrix.
get(double[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2d
Copies the value of the elements of this tuple into the array t.
get(float[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2f
Copies the value of the elements of this tuple into the array t.
get(int[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2i
Copies the values of this tuple into the array t.
get(Tuple2i) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2i
Copies the values of this tuple into the tuple t.
get(byte[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3b
Places the value of the x,y,z components of this Tuple3b into the array of length 3.
get(Tuple3b) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3b
Places the value of the x,y,z components of this tuple into the tuple t1.
get(double[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3d
Copies the x,y,z coordinates of this tuple into the array t of length 3.
get(Tuple3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3d
Copies the x,y,z coordinates of this tuple into the tuple t.
get(float[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3f
Gets the value of this tuple and copies the values into t.
get(Tuple3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3f
Gets the value of this tuple and copies the values into t.
get(int[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3i
Copies the values of this tuple into the array t.
get(Tuple3i) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3i
Copies the values of this tuple into the tuple t.
get(byte[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4b
Places the value of the x,y,z,w components of this Tuple4b into the array of length 4.
get(Tuple4b) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4b
Places the value of the x,y,z,w components of this Tuple4b into the tuple t1.
get(double[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4d
Gets the value of this tuple and places it into the array t of length four in x,y,z,w order.
get(Tuple4d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4d
Gets the value of this tuple and places it into the Tuple4d argument of length four in x,y,z,w order.
get(float[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4f
Copies the values of this tuple into the array t.
get(Tuple4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4f
Copies the values of this tuple into the tuple t.
get(int[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4i
Copies the values of this tuple into the array t.
get(Tuple4i) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4i
Copies the values of this tuple into the tuple t.
getAngle() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Get the axis angle, in radians.
An axis angle is a rotation angle about the vector (x,y,z).
getAngle() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Get the axis angle, in radians.
An axis angle is a rotation angle about the vector (x,y,z).
getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Places the values of the specified column into the array parameter.
getColumn(int, GVector) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Places the values of the specified column into the vector parameter.
getColumn(int, Vector3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the vector parameter.
getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the array parameter.
getColumn(int, Vector3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the vector parameter.
getColumn(int, float[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the array parameter.
getColumn(int, Vector4d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the vector parameter.
getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the array parameter.
getColumn(int, Vector4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the vector parameter.
getColumn(int, float[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the array parameter.
getElement(int, int) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Retrieves the value at the specified row and column of this matrix.
getElement(int) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GVector
Retrieves the value at the specified index value of this vector.
getElement(int, int) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Retrieves the value at the specified row and column of the specified matrix.
getElement(int, int) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Retrieves the value at the specified row and column of this matrix.
getElement(int, int) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Retrieves the value at the specified row and column of this matrix.
getElement(int, int) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Retrieves the value at the specified row and column of this matrix.
getM00() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Get the first matrix element in the first row.
getM00() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Get the first matrix element in the first row.
getM00() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the first matrix element in the first row.
getM00() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the first matrix element in the first row.
getM01() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Get the second matrix element in the first row.
getM01() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Get the second matrix element in the first row.
getM01() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the second matrix element in the first row.
getM01() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the second matrix element in the first row.
getM02() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Get the third matrix element in the first row.
getM02() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Get the third matrix element in the first row.
getM02() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the third matrix element in the first row.
getM02() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the third matrix element in the first row.
getM03() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the fourth element of the first row.
getM03() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the fourth element of the first row.
getM10() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Get first matrix element in the second row.
getM10() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Get first matrix element in the second row.
getM10() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get first matrix element in the second row.
getM10() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get first matrix element in the second row.
getM11() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Get second matrix element in the second row.
getM11() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Get second matrix element in the second row.
getM11() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get second matrix element in the second row.
getM11() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get second matrix element in the second row.
getM12() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Get the third matrix element in the second row.
getM12() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Get the third matrix element in the second row.
getM12() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the third matrix element in the second row.
getM12() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the third matrix element in the second row.
getM13() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the fourth element of the second row.
getM13() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the fourth element of the second row.
getM20() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Get the first matrix element in the third row.
getM20() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Get the first matrix element in the third row.
getM20() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the first matrix element in the third row.
getM20() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the first matrix element in the third row.
getM21() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Get the second matrix element in the third row.
getM21() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Get the second matrix element in the third row.
getM21() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the second matrix element in the third row.
getM21() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the second matrix element in the third row.
getM22() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Get the third matrix element in the third row .
getM22() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Get the third matrix element in the third row .
getM22() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the third matrix element in the third row.
getM22() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the third matrix element in the third row.
getM23() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the fourth element of the third row.
getM23() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the fourth element of the third row.
getM30() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the first element of the fourth row.
getM30() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the first element of the fourth row.
getM31() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the second element of the fourth row.
getM31() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the second element of the fourth row.
getM32() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the third element of the fourth row.
getM32() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the third element of the fourth row.
getM33() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Get the fourth element of the fourth row.
getM33() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Get the fourth element of the fourth row.
getNumCol() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Returns the number of colmuns in this matrix.
getNumRow() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Returns the number of rows in this matrix.
getRotationScale(Matrix3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Gets the upper 3x3 values of this matrix and places them into the matrix m1.
getRotationScale(Matrix3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Gets the upper 3x3 values of this matrix and places them into the matrix m1.
getRotationScale(Matrix3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Gets the upper 3x3 values of this matrix and places them into the matrix m1.
getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Places the values of the specified row into the array parameter.
getRow(int, GVector) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Places the values of the specified row into the vector parameter.
getRow(int, Vector3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the vector parameter.
getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the array parameter.
getRow(int, Vector3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the vector parameter.
getRow(int, float[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the array parameter.
getRow(int, Vector4d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the vector parameter.
getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the array parameter.
getRow(int, Vector4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the vector parameter.
getRow(int, float[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the array parameter.
getScale() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix to calculate and return the uniform scale factor.
getScale() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix to calculate and return the uniform scale factor.
getScale() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix to calculate and return the uniform scale factor.
getScale() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix to calculate and return the uniform scale factor.
getSize() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GVector
Returns the number of elements in this vector.
getW() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4b
Get w, the fourth value.
getW() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4d
Get the w coordinate.
getW() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4f
Get the w coordinate.
getW() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4i
Get the w coordinate.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Get value of x coordinate.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Get value of x coordinate.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2d
Get the x coordinate.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2f
Get the x coordinate.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2i
Get the x coordinate.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3b
Get x, the first value.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3d
Get the x coordinate.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3f
Get the x coordinate.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3i
Get the x coordinate.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4b
Get x, the first value.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4d
Get the x coordinate.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4f
Get the x coordinate.
getX() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4i
Get the x coordinate.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Get value of y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Get value of y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2d
Get the y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2f
Get the y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2i
Get the y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3b
Get y, the second value.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3d
Get the y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3f
Get the y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3i
Get the y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4b
Get y, the second value.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4d
Get the y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4f
Get the y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4i
Get the y coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Get value of z coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Get value of z coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3b
Get z, the third value.
getZ() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3d
Get the z coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3f
Get the z coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3i
Get the z coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4b
Get z, the third value.
getZ() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4d
Get the z coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4f
Get the z coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4i
Get the z coordinate.
GMatrix - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A double precision, general, dynamically-resizable, two-dimensional matrix class.
GMatrix(int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Constructs an nRow by NCol identity matrix.
GMatrix(int, int, double[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Constructs an nRow by nCol matrix initialized to the values in the matrix array.
GMatrix(GMatrix) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Constructs a new GMatrix and copies the initial values from the parameter matrix.
GVector - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A double precision, general, dynamically-resizable, one-dimensional vector class.
GVector(int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.GVector
Constructs a new GVector of the specified length with all vector elements initialized to 0.
GVector(double[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.GVector
Constructs a new GVector from the specified array elements.
GVector(GVector) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.GVector
Constructs a new GVector from the specified vector.
GVector(Tuple2f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.GVector
Constructs a new GVector and copies the initial values from the specified tuple.
GVector(Tuple3f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.GVector
Constructs a new GVector and copies the initial values from the specified tuple.
GVector(Tuple3d) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.GVector
Constructs a new GVector and copies the initial values from the specified tuple.
GVector(Tuple4f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.GVector
Constructs a new GVector and copies the initial values from the specified tuple.
GVector(Tuple4d) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.GVector
Constructs a new GVector and copies the initial values from the specified tuple.
GVector(double[], int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.GVector
Constructs a new GVector of the specified length and initializes it by copying the specified number of elements from the specified array.
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