path: root/tests/netx/unit/net/sourceforge/jnlp/util
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Reset the LogConfig in unit testsOmair Majid2013-10-221-0/+12
* Introduced logging bottleneckJiri Vanek2013-09-255-15/+699
* IcedTea-Web is now following XDG .config and .cache specification(RH947647)Jiri Vanek2013-07-181-1/+2
* Fix PR1465 - java.io.FileNotFoundException while trying to download a JAR fileAdam Domurad2013-06-051-1/+25
* Fix for portalbank.no (trying get after failed head requests) and testsJiri Vanek2013-05-022-0/+285
* Decode local-file URLs lenientlyAdam Domurad2013-04-261-2/+18
* Add tests for newly added UrlUtils functionsAdam Domurad2013-04-231-1/+37
* Move normalizeUrlAndStripParams to UrlUtilsAdam Domurad2013-03-281-0/+30
* Added backend and settings for extended applet securityJiri Vanek2013-02-271-0/+232
* First part of fix of recreating desktop iconJiri Vanek2013-01-101-0/+188
* Get rid of repeated sout/serr in reproducers testcases/unit tests and introd...Jiri Vanek2012-05-281-2/+3
* Reduce no. of loads of the cache index fileThomas Meyer2012-05-111-0/+151
* PR918: java applet windows uses a low resulution black/white iconOmair Majid2012-04-191-0/+71
* sun.misc.BASE64Encoder replaced by internal implementationJiri Vanek2011-10-171-0/+128