path: root/build.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build.xml')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index db28a00..6ee1457 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -1,26 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!-- Written to assume that classpath is rooted in the current directory. -->
-<!-- So this should be OK if you make this script in the root of a filesystem. -->
-<!-- If not, you may prefer to adjust the basedir, or move some directories around. -->
-<!-- The idea is that both Ant and NetBeans have to know what the package root is -->
-<!-- for the classes in your application. -->
<project name="Sun Games Initiative Client Technologies" basedir="." default="all">
- <!-- Don't worry if you don't know the Ant syntax completely or need help on some tasks! -->
- <!-- The standard Ant documentation is bundled. See Help | Help Sets | Ant 1.4.1 Manual. -->
<target name="init">
- <!-- You can set up any variables you want used throughout the script here. -->
- <!-- <property name="hello" value="world"/ -->
- <!-- To use e.g. Jikes, uncomment this line. -->
- <!-- (Or make the same change in Tools | Options | Ant Settings | Properties.) -->
- <!-- <property name="build.compiler" value="jikes"/> -->
- <!-- You might like to set up some overridable paths, etc.: -->
- <!-- <property name="mylib" value="../lib/mylib.jar"/> -->
<!-- If we are running in windows, set dx8 property to true -->
- <condition property="dx8" >
+ <condition property="windows" >
<os family="windows" />
@@ -39,142 +22,149 @@
- <target name="core" depends="init">
- <!-- Both srcdir and destdir should be package roots. -->
- <!-- They could be different of course; in that case NetBeans can also be set -->
- <!-- up to compile to a different filesystem in the same way; see Compiler Types: -->
- <ant dir="coreAPI" />
- </target>
- <target name="windows_plugin" depends="core" if="dx8" >
- <!-- Both srcdir and destdir should be package roots. -->
- <!-- They could be different of course; in that case NetBeans can also be set -->
- <!-- up to compile to a different filesystem in the same way; see Compiler Types: -->
- <ant dir="plugins/DX8" />
- </target>
+ <target name="runtest" depends="dist">
+ <java classname="${mainclass}"
+ fork="true" failonerror="true" dir=".">
+ <classpath>
+ <pathelement location="dist/jinput.jar"/>
+ <pathelement location="dist/jinput-test.jar"/>
+ </classpath>
+ <jvmarg value="-Djava.library.path=dist"/>
+ </java>
+ </target>
- <target name="linux_plugin" depends="core" if="linux" >
- <!-- Both srcdir and destdir should be package roots. -->
- <!-- They could be different of course; in that case NetBeans can also be set -->
- <!-- up to compile to a different filesystem in the same way; see Compiler Types: -->
- <ant dir="plugins/linux" />
- </target>
- <target name="OSX_plugin" depends="core" if="osx" >
- <ant dir="plugins/OSX" />
- </target>
+ <target name="texttest">
+ <antcall target="runtest">
+ <param name="mainclass" value="net.java.games.input.test.ControllerTextTest"/>
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
- <target name="javadoc" depends="init">
- <!-- Both srcdir and destdir should be package roots. -->
- <!-- They could be different of course; in that case NetBeans can also be set -->
- <!-- up to compile to a different filesystem in the same way; see Compiler Types: -->
- <ant dir="coreAPI" target="javadoc"/>
- <ant dir="plugins/DX8" target="javadoc"/>
- <ant dir="plugins/linux" target="javadoc"/>
- <ant dir="plugins/OSX" target="javadoc"/>
- </target>
- <target name="compile" depends="core,windows_plugin,linux_plugin,OSX_plugin" />
- <target name="all" depends="init,compile" description="Build everything.">
- <echo message="Application built. Hello ${hello}!"/>
- </target>
- <target name="clean" depends="init" description="Clean all build products.">
- <ant dir="plugins/DX8" target="clean"/>
- <ant dir="plugins/linux" target="clean"/>
- <ant dir="plugins/OSX" target="clean"/>
- <ant dir="plugins/awt" target="clean"/>
- <ant dir="coreAPI" target="clean"/>
- <delete failonerror="no">
- <fileset dir="dist">
- <include name="**/*"/>
- </fileset>
- </delete>
- </target>
- <target name="dist" depends="init,compile" description="Build the distribution file for this system">
+ <target name="readtest" depends="init,all" description="Try running it.">
+ <antcall target="runtest">
+ <param name="mainclass" value="net.java.games.input.test.ControllerReadTest"/>
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <target name="rumbletest" depends="init,all" description="Try running it.">
+ <antcall target="runtest">
+ <param name="mainclass" value="net.java.games.input.test.RumbleTest"/>
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <macrodef name="iterate">
+ <attribute name="target"/>
+ <sequential>
+ <subant target="@{target}">
+ <fileset file="coreAPI/build.xml"/>
+ <fileset file="plugins/linux/build.xml"/>
+ <fileset file="plugins/windows/build.xml"/>
+ <fileset file="plugins/OSX/build.xml"/>
+ <fileset file="plugins/awt/build.xml"/>
+ </subant>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <target name="clean">
+ <iterate target="clean"/>
+ <delete dir="dist" failonerror="no"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="all" depends="dist">
+ </target>
+ <target name="javadoc" depends="init">
+ <iterate target="javadoc"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist" depends="init" description="Build the distribution file for this system">
+ <iterate target="all"/>
<mkdir dir="dist"/>
- <mkdir dir="dist/controller"/>
- <copy file="coreAPI/bin/jinput.jar" todir="dist"/>
- <copy file="coreAPI/lib/jutils.jar" todir="dist"/>
- <copy todir="dist/controller">
- <fileset dir="coreAPI/src/tests/controller/">
- <include name="**/*"/>
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- <zip destfile="dist/jinput_${os.name}_dist.zip"
- basedir="dist"
- excludes="*.zip"
- />
+ <jar jarfile="dist/jinput.jar" compress="true">
+ <fileset dir="coreAPI/classes">
+ <include name="**/*.class"/>
+ <exclude name="**/test/*.class"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <fileset dir="plugins/linux/classes">
+ <include name="**/*.class"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <fileset dir="plugins/OSX/classes">
+ <include name="**/*.class"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <fileset dir="plugins/awt/classes">
+ <include name="**/*.class"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <fileset dir="plugins/windows/classes">
+ <include name="**/*.class"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <zipfileset src="lib/jutils.jar" includes="**/*.class"/>
+ </jar>
+ <copy todir="dist">
+ <fileset file="coreAPI/bin/jinput-test.jar"/>
+ <fileset dir="plugins/linux/bin" includes="*so"/>
+ <fileset dir="plugins/OSX/bin" includes="*jnilib"/>
+ <fileset dir="plugins/windows/bin" includes="*dll"/>
+ </copy>
- <target name="simple_dist" depends="init,compile,simple_windows,simple_linux,simple_osx" description="Build the simple jars for each platform"/>
+ <target name="simple_dist" depends="dist,simple_windows,simple_linux,simple_osx" description="Build the simple jars for each platform"/>
- <target name="simple_linux" depends="init,compile" description="Build the simple linux jar" if="linux">
- <delete failonerror="no" file="jinput.jar"/>
- <delete failonerror="no" file="jinput_linux.tgz"/>
- <jar jarfile="jinput.jar" compress="true">
+ <target name="simple_linux" depends="dist" description="Build the simple linux jar" if="linux">
+ <jar jarfile="dist/jinput-linux.jar" compress="true">
<fileset dir="coreAPI/classes">
<include name="**/*.class"/>
<fileset dir="plugins/linux/classes">
<include name="**/*.class"/>
- <zipfileset src="coreAPI/lib/jutils.jar" includes="**/*.class"/>
+ <zipfileset src="lib/jutils.jar" includes="**/*.class"/>
- <tar destfile="jinput_linux.tgz" compression="gzip">
+ <tar destfile="dist/jinput_linux.tgz" compression="gzip">
<tarfileset dir=".">
- <include name="jinput.jar"/>
+ <include name="dist/jinput-linux.jar"/>
- <tarfileset dir="plugins/linux/src/native">
+ <tarfileset dir="plugins/linux/bin">
<include name="*.so"/>
- <delete failonerror="no" file="jinput.jar"/>
- <target name="simple_windows" depends="init,compile" description="Build the simple windows jar" if="dx8">
- <delete failonerror="no" file="jinput.jar"/>
- <delete failonerror="no" file="jinput_windows.zip"/>
- <jar jarfile="jinput.jar" compress="true">
+ <target name="simple_windows" depends="dist" description="Build the simple windows jar" if="windows">
+ <jar jarfile="dist/jinput-windows.jar" compress="true">
<fileset dir="coreAPI/classes">
<include name="**/*.class"/>
- <fileset dir="plugins/DX8/classes">
+ <fileset dir="plugins/windows/classes">
<include name="**/*.class"/>
- <zipfileset src="coreAPI/lib/jutils.jar" includes="**/*.class"/>
+ <zipfileset src="lib/jutils.jar" includes="**/*.class"/>
- <zip destfile="jinput_windows.zip">
+ <zip destfile="dist/jinput_windows.zip">
<zipfileset dir=".">
- <include name="jinput.jar"/>
+ <include name="dist/jinput-windows.jar"/>
- <zipfileset dir="plugins/DX8/bin">
+ <zipfileset dir="plugins/windows/bin">
<include name="*.dll"/>
- <delete failonerror="no" file="jinput.jar"/>
- <target name="simple_osx" depends="init,compile" description="Build the simple osx jar" if="osx">
- <delete failonerror="no" file="jinput.jar"/>
- <delete failonerror="no" file="jinput_osx.tgz"/>
- <jar jarfile="jinput.jar" compress="true">
+ <target name="simple_osx" depends="dist" description="Build the simple osx jar" if="osx">
+ <jar jarfile="dist/jinput-osx.jar" compress="true">
<fileset dir="coreAPI/classes">
<include name="**/*.class"/>
<fileset dir="plugins/OSX/classes">
<include name="**/*.class"/>
- <zipfileset src="coreAPI/lib/jutils.jar" includes="**/*.class"/>
+ <zipfileset src="lib/jutils.jar" includes="**/*.class"/>
- <tar destfile="jinput_osx.tgz" compression="gzip">
+ <tar destfile="dist/jinput_osx.tgz" compression="gzip">
<tarfileset dir=".">
- <include name="jinput.jar"/>
+ <include name="dist/jinput-osx.jar"/>
- <tarfileset dir="plugins/OSX/src/native">
+ <tarfileset dir="plugins/OSX/bin">
<include name="*.jnilib"/>
- <delete failonerror="no" file="jinput.jar"/>