path: root/jnlp-files/jogl-newt-applet-runner.jnlp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* index.html update; Applets use Object/Embed; Use JOGL's JOGLNewtApplet1Run; N...Sven Gothel2011-12-201-26/+0
* Fix jnlp/html filesv2.0-rc3Sven Gothel2011-09-161-3/+3
* cleanup www and jnlp-files folder, dropping all jnlp/html code to jnlp-filesSven Gothel2011-09-151-6/+6
* New FHS: jars in jar/, using jogamp-current and jogamp-nextSven Gothel2011-09-131-2/+2
* adapt to jogl's jnlp/jar reductionSven Gothel2011-08-051-1/+1
* jnlp: remove version attribute from extension ref, which would require the se...Sven Gothel2010-12-171-1/+1
* Use jogamp version tagSven Gothel2010-12-151-1/+1
* Add missing newt-allv2.0-rc1Sven Gothel2010-11-241-1/+1
* Fix URLsSven Gothel2010-05-081-2/+2
* JNLP: Update Check Background - AlwaysSven Gothel2010-04-221-0/+1
* Fixes and tested JOGLNewtApplet1Run/JOGLNewtAppletBaseSven Gothel2009-09-141-0/+25