path: root/make/cg-common.cfg
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Diffstat (limited to 'make/cg-common.cfg')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/make/cg-common.cfg b/make/cg-common.cfg
index 275d9941d..246492a1f 100644
--- a/make/cg-common.cfg
+++ b/make/cg-common.cfg
@@ -11,7 +11,16 @@ HierarchicalNativeOutput false
# Generate "flattened" NIO variants for routines taking C primitive
# pointers that aren't of type void*
-FlattenNIOVariants true
+# Comment out FlattenNIOVariants since default is true
+# FlattenNIOVariants true
+# Generate Java primitive arrays for all C pointers, including void *
+PrimitiveArrayExpansionMode ALL_POINTERS
+# For expansion of C void* pointers, expand into the following Java
+# primitive types: short, int, float, byte, double
+VoidPointerExpansion short int float byte double
# Map const char* return values to Java strings for these functions
@@ -74,21 +83,4 @@ RuntimeExceptionType CgException
CustomCCode #include <stdlib.h>
CustomCCode #include <Cg/cgGL.h>
-CustomJavaCode CgGL static {
-CustomJavaCode CgGL AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
-CustomJavaCode CgGL public Object run() {
-CustomJavaCode CgGL try {
-CustomJavaCode CgGL // Workaround so that these don't need to be in the system
-CustomJavaCode CgGL // path but can be referenced from java.library.path
-CustomJavaCode CgGL // (this is intended to help with Webstarted applications)
-CustomJavaCode CgGL System.loadLibrary("cg");
-CustomJavaCode CgGL System.loadLibrary("cgGL");
-CustomJavaCode CgGL } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
-CustomJavaCode CgGL // Consider this non-fatal
-CustomJavaCode CgGL }
-CustomJavaCode CgGL // Load the actual Cg binding
-CustomJavaCode CgGL System.loadLibrary("jogl_cg");
-CustomJavaCode CgGL return null;
-CustomJavaCode CgGL }
-CustomJavaCode CgGL });
-CustomJavaCode CgGL }
+IncludeAs CustomJavaCode CgGL cg-common-CustomJavaCode.java