path: root/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp
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authorBrad Davis <[email protected]>2013-10-10 23:31:48 -0700
committerBrad Davis <[email protected]>2013-10-10 23:31:48 -0700
commitcf0441a1dc790d6fdca7400a7db7a939c2fa6000 (patch)
treeedaf4e78195d789b1e3b724328951324db085324 /LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp
parentabfcde20cd83aa36e83186a0745425bcdead6144 (diff)
Adding Linux 0.2.5 changes
Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 336 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp
index ba913c1..f396775 100644
--- a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp
+++ b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Filename : OVR_SensorFusion.cpp
Content : Methods that determine head orientation from sensor data over time
Created : October 9, 2012
-Authors : Michael Antonov, Steve LaValle
+Authors : Michael Antonov, Steve LaValle, Max Katsev
Copyright : Copyright 2012 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
@@ -19,22 +19,21 @@ otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
#include "OVR_JSON.h"
#include "OVR_Profile.h"
namespace OVR {
// ***** Sensor Fusion
SensorFusion::SensorFusion(SensorDevice* sensor)
- : Handler(getThis()), pDelegate(0),
- Gain(0.05f), YawMult(1), EnableGravity(true), Stage(0), RunningTime(0), DeltaT(0.001f),
- EnablePrediction(true), PredictionDT(0.03f), PredictionTimeIncrement(0.001f),
- FRawMag(10), FAccW(20), FAngV(20),
- TiltCondCount(0), TiltErrorAngle(0),
- TiltErrorAxis(0,1,0),
- MagCondCount(0), MagCalibrated(false), MagRefQ(0, 0, 0, 1),
- MagRefM(0), MagRefYaw(0), YawErrorAngle(0), MagRefDistance(0.5f),
- YawErrorCount(0), YawCorrectionActivated(false), YawCorrectionInProgress(false),
- EnableYawCorrection(false), MagNumReferences(0), MagHasNearbyReference(false),
+ : Stage(0), RunningTime(0), DeltaT(0.001f),
+ Handler(getThis()), pDelegate(0),
+ Gain(0.05f), EnableGravity(true),
+ EnablePrediction(true), PredictionDT(0.03f), PredictionTimeIncrement(0.001f),
+ FRawMag(10), FAngV(20),
+ GyroOffset(), TiltAngleFilter(1000),
+ EnableYawCorrection(false), MagCalibrated(false), MagNumReferences(0), MagRefIdx(-1), MagRefScore(0),
if (sensor)
@@ -49,10 +48,17 @@ SensorFusion::~SensorFusion()
bool SensorFusion::AttachToSensor(SensorDevice* sensor)
- pSensor = sensor;
+ // clear the cached device information
+ CachedSensorInfo.SerialNumber[0] = 0;
+ CachedSensorInfo.VendorId = 0;
+ CachedSensorInfo.ProductId = 0;
if (sensor != NULL)
+ // Cache the sensor device so we can access this information during
+ // mag saving and loading (avoid holding a reference to sensor to prevent
+ // deadlock on shutdown)
+ sensor->GetDeviceInfo(&CachedSensorInfo); // save the device information
MessageHandler* pCurrentHandler = sensor->GetMessageHandler();
if (pCurrentHandler == &Handler)
@@ -94,315 +100,214 @@ void SensorFusion::Reset()
Q = Quatf();
QUncorrected = Quatf();
Stage = 0;
- RunningTime = 0;
- MagNumReferences = 0;
- MagHasNearbyReference = false;
+ RunningTime = 0;
+ MagNumReferences = 0;
+ MagRefIdx = -1;
+ GyroOffset = Vector3f();
+// Compute a rotation required to transform "estimated" into "measured"
+// Returns an approximation of the goal rotation in the Simultaneous Orthogonal Rotations Angle representation
+// (vector direction is the axis of rotation, norm is the angle)
+Vector3f SensorFusion_ComputeCorrection(Vector3f measured, Vector3f estimated)
+ measured.Normalize();
+ estimated.Normalize();
+ Vector3f correction = measured.Cross(estimated);
+ float cosError = measured.Dot(estimated);
+ // from the def. of cross product, correction.Length() = sin(error)
+ // therefore sin(error) * sqrt(2 / (1 + cos(error))) = 2 * sin(error / 2) ~= error in [-pi, pi]
+ // Mathf::Tolerance is used to avoid div by 0 if cos(error) = -1
+ return correction * sqrt(2 / (1 + cosError + Mathf::Tolerance));
void SensorFusion::handleMessage(const MessageBodyFrame& msg)
if (msg.Type != Message_BodyFrame || !IsMotionTrackingEnabled())
- // Put the sensor readings into convenient local variables
- Vector3f angVel = msg.RotationRate;
- Vector3f rawAccel = msg.Acceleration;
- Vector3f mag = msg.MagneticField;
- // Set variables accessible through the class API
- DeltaT = msg.TimeDelta;
- AngV = msg.RotationRate;
- AngV.y *= YawMult; // Warning: If YawMult != 1, then AngV is not true angular velocity
- A = rawAccel;
+ // Put the sensor readings into convenient local variables
+ Vector3f gyro = msg.RotationRate;
+ Vector3f accel = msg.Acceleration;
+ Vector3f mag = msg.MagneticField;
- // Allow external access to uncalibrated magnetometer values
- RawMag = mag;
+ // Insert current sensor data into filter history
+ FRawMag.AddElement(mag);
+ FAngV.AddElement(gyro);
// Apply the calibration parameters to raw mag
- if (HasMagCalibration())
- {
- mag.x += MagCalibrationMatrix.M[0][3];
- mag.y += MagCalibrationMatrix.M[1][3];
- mag.z += MagCalibrationMatrix.M[2][3];
- }
+ Vector3f calMag = MagCalibrated ? GetCalibratedMagValue(FRawMag.Mean()) : FRawMag.Mean();
- // Provide external access to calibrated mag values
- // (if the mag is not calibrated, then the raw value is returned)
- CalMag = mag;
- float angVelLength = angVel.Length();
- float accLength = rawAccel.Length();
- // Acceleration in the world frame (Q is current HMD orientation)
- Vector3f accWorld = Q.Rotate(rawAccel);
+ // Set variables accessible through the class API
+ DeltaT = msg.TimeDelta;
+ AngV = gyro;
+ A = accel;
+ RawMag = mag;
+ CalMag = calMag;
// Keep track of time
RunningTime += DeltaT;
- // Insert current sensor data into filter history
- FRawMag.AddElement(RawMag);
- FAccW.AddElement(accWorld);
- FAngV.AddElement(angVel);
- // Update orientation Q based on gyro outputs. This technique is
- // based on direct properties of the angular velocity vector:
- // Its direction is the current rotation axis, and its magnitude
- // is the rotation rate (rad/sec) about that axis. Our sensor
- // sampling rate is so fast that we need not worry about integral
- // approximation error (not yet, anyway).
- if (angVelLength > 0.0f)
+ // Small preprocessing
+ Quatf Qinv = Q.Inverted();
+ Vector3f up = Qinv.Rotate(Vector3f(0, 1, 0));
+ Vector3f gyroCorrected = gyro;
+ // Apply integral term
+ // All the corrections are stored in the Simultaneous Orthogonal Rotations Angle representation,
+ // which allows to combine and scale them by just addition and multiplication
+ if (EnableGravity || EnableYawCorrection)
+ gyroCorrected -= GyroOffset;
+ if (EnableGravity)
- Vector3f rotAxis = angVel / angVelLength;
- float halfRotAngle = angVelLength * DeltaT * 0.5f;
- float sinHRA = sin(halfRotAngle);
- Quatf deltaQ(rotAxis.x*sinHRA, rotAxis.y*sinHRA, rotAxis.z*sinHRA, cos(halfRotAngle));
+ const float spikeThreshold = 0.01f;
+ const float gravityThreshold = 0.1f;
+ float proportionalGain = 5 * Gain; // Gain parameter should be removed in a future release
+ float integralGain = 0.0125f;
+ Vector3f tiltCorrection = SensorFusion_ComputeCorrection(accel, up);
- Q = Q * deltaQ;
+ if (Stage > 5)
+ {
+ // Spike detection
+ float tiltAngle = up.Angle(accel);
+ TiltAngleFilter.AddElement(tiltAngle);
+ if (tiltAngle > TiltAngleFilter.Mean() + spikeThreshold)
+ proportionalGain = integralGain = 0;
+ // Acceleration detection
+ const float gravity = 9.8f;
+ if (fabs(accel.Length() / gravity - 1) > gravityThreshold)
+ integralGain = 0;
+ }
+ else // Apply full correction at the startup
+ {
+ proportionalGain = 1 / DeltaT;
+ integralGain = 0;
+ }
+ gyroCorrected += (tiltCorrection * proportionalGain);
+ GyroOffset -= (tiltCorrection * integralGain * DeltaT);
- // The quaternion magnitude may slowly drift due to numerical error,
- // so it is periodically normalized.
- if (Stage % 5000 == 0)
- Q.Normalize();
- // Maintain the uncorrected orientation for later use by predictive filtering
- QUncorrected = Q;
- // Perform tilt correction using the accelerometer data. This enables
- // drift errors in pitch and roll to be corrected. Note that yaw cannot be corrected
- // because the rotation axis is parallel to the gravity vector.
- if (EnableGravity)
+ if (EnableYawCorrection && MagCalibrated && RunningTime > 2.0f)
- // Correcting for tilt error by using accelerometer data
- const float gravityEpsilon = 0.4f;
- const float angVelEpsilon = 0.1f; // Relatively slow rotation
- const int tiltPeriod = 50; // Required time steps of stability
- const float maxTiltError = 0.05f;
- const float minTiltError = 0.01f;
- // This condition estimates whether the only measured acceleration is due to gravity
- // (the Rift is not linearly accelerating). It is often wrong, but tends to average
- // out well over time.
- if ((fabs(accLength - 9.81f) < gravityEpsilon) &&
- (angVelLength < angVelEpsilon))
- TiltCondCount++;
- else
- TiltCondCount = 0;
- // After stable measurements have been taken over a sufficiently long period,
- // estimate the amount of tilt error and calculate the tilt axis for later correction.
- if (TiltCondCount >= tiltPeriod)
- { // Update TiltErrorEstimate
- TiltCondCount = 0;
- // Use an average value to reduce noise (could alternatively use an LPF)
- Vector3f accWMean = FAccW.Mean();
- // Project the acceleration vector into the XZ plane
- Vector3f xzAcc = Vector3f(accWMean.x, 0.0f, accWMean.z);
- // The unit normal of xzAcc will be the rotation axis for tilt correction
- Vector3f tiltAxis = Vector3f(xzAcc.z, 0.0f, -xzAcc.x).Normalized();
- Vector3f yUp = Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
- // This is the amount of rotation
- float tiltAngle = yUp.Angle(accWMean);
- // Record values if the tilt error is intolerable
- if (tiltAngle > maxTiltError)
+ const float maxMagRefDist = 0.1f;
+ const float maxTiltError = 0.05f;
+ float proportionalGain = 0.01f;
+ float integralGain = 0.0005f;
+ // Update the reference point if needed
+ if (MagRefIdx < 0 || calMag.Distance(MagRefsInBodyFrame[MagRefIdx]) > maxMagRefDist)
+ {
+ // Delete a bad point
+ if (MagRefIdx >= 0 && MagRefScore < 0)
- TiltErrorAngle = tiltAngle;
- TiltErrorAxis = tiltAxis;
+ MagNumReferences--;
+ MagRefsInBodyFrame[MagRefIdx] = MagRefsInBodyFrame[MagNumReferences];
+ MagRefsInWorldFrame[MagRefIdx] = MagRefsInWorldFrame[MagNumReferences];
+ }
+ // Find a new one
+ MagRefIdx = -1;
+ MagRefScore = 1000;
+ float bestDist = maxMagRefDist;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MagNumReferences; i++)
+ {
+ float dist = calMag.Distance(MagRefsInBodyFrame[i]);
+ if (bestDist > dist)
+ {
+ bestDist = dist;
+ MagRefIdx = i;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create one if needed
+ if (MagRefIdx < 0 && MagNumReferences < MagMaxReferences)
+ {
+ MagRefIdx = MagNumReferences;
+ MagRefsInBodyFrame[MagRefIdx] = calMag;
+ MagRefsInWorldFrame[MagRefIdx] = Q.Rotate(calMag).Normalized();
+ MagNumReferences++;
- // This part performs the actual tilt correction as needed
- if (TiltErrorAngle > minTiltError)
+ if (MagRefIdx >= 0)
- if ((TiltErrorAngle > 0.4f)&&(RunningTime < 8.0f))
- { // Tilt completely to correct orientation
- Q = Quatf(TiltErrorAxis, -TiltErrorAngle) * Q;
- TiltErrorAngle = 0.0f;
+ Vector3f magEstimated = Qinv.Rotate(MagRefsInWorldFrame[MagRefIdx]);
+ Vector3f magMeasured = calMag.Normalized();
+ // Correction is computed in the horizontal plane (in the world frame)
+ Vector3f yawCorrection = SensorFusion_ComputeCorrection(magMeasured.ProjectToPlane(up),
+ magEstimated.ProjectToPlane(up));
+ if (fabs(up.Dot(magEstimated - magMeasured)) < maxTiltError)
+ {
+ MagRefScore += 2;
- else
+ else // If the vertical angle is wrong, decrease the score
- //LogText("Performing tilt correction - Angle: %f Axis: %f %f %f\n",
- // TiltErrorAngle,TiltErrorAxis.x,TiltErrorAxis.y,TiltErrorAxis.z);
- //float deltaTiltAngle = -Gain*TiltErrorAngle*0.005f;
- // This uses aggressive correction steps while your head is moving fast
- float deltaTiltAngle = -Gain*TiltErrorAngle*0.005f*(5.0f*angVelLength+1.0f);
- // Incrementally "un-tilt" by a small step size
- Q = Quatf(TiltErrorAxis, deltaTiltAngle) * Q;
- TiltErrorAngle += deltaTiltAngle;
+ MagRefScore -= 1;
+ proportionalGain = integralGain = 0;
+ gyroCorrected += (yawCorrection * proportionalGain);
+ GyroOffset -= (yawCorrection * integralGain * DeltaT);
- // Yaw drift correction based on magnetometer data. This corrects the part of the drift
- // that the accelerometer cannot handle.
- // This will only work if the magnetometer has been enabled, calibrated, and a reference
- // point has been set.
- const float maxAngVelLength = 3.0f;
- const int magWindow = 5;
- const float yawErrorMax = 0.1f;
- const float yawErrorMin = 0.01f;
- const int yawErrorCountLimit = 50;
- const float yawRotationStep = 0.00002f;
- if (angVelLength < maxAngVelLength)
- MagCondCount++;
- else
- MagCondCount = 0;
- // Find, create, and utilize reference points for the magnetometer
- // Need to be careful not to set reference points while there is significant tilt error
- if ((EnableYawCorrection && MagCalibrated)&&(RunningTime > 10.0f)&&(TiltErrorAngle < 0.2f))
- {
- if (MagNumReferences == 0)
- {
- setMagReference(); // Use the current direction
- }
- else if (Q.Distance(MagRefQ) > MagRefDistance)
- {
- MagHasNearbyReference = false;
- float bestDist = 100000.0f;
- int bestNdx = 0;
- float dist;
- for (int i = 0; i < MagNumReferences; i++)
- {
- dist = Q.Distance(MagRefTableQ[i]);
- if (dist < bestDist)
- {
- bestNdx = i;
- bestDist = dist;
- }
- }
- if (bestDist < MagRefDistance)
- {
- MagHasNearbyReference = true;
- MagRefQ = MagRefTableQ[bestNdx];
- MagRefM = MagRefTableM[bestNdx];
- MagRefYaw = MagRefTableYaw[bestNdx];
- //LogText("Using reference %d\n",bestNdx);
- }
- else if (MagNumReferences < MagMaxReferences)
- setMagReference();
- }
- }
- YawCorrectionInProgress = false;
- if (EnableYawCorrection && MagCalibrated && (RunningTime > 2.0f) && (MagCondCount >= magWindow) &&
- MagHasNearbyReference)
- {
- // Use rotational invariance to bring reference mag value into global frame
- Vector3f grefmag = MagRefQ.Rotate(GetCalibratedMagValue(MagRefM));
- // Bring current (averaged) mag reading into global frame
- Vector3f gmag = Q.Rotate(GetCalibratedMagValue(FRawMag.Mean()));
- // Calculate the reference yaw in the global frame
- Anglef gryaw = Anglef(atan2(grefmag.x,grefmag.z));
- // Calculate the current yaw in the global frame
- Anglef gyaw = Anglef(atan2(gmag.x,gmag.z));
- // The difference between reference and current yaws is the perceived error
- Anglef YawErrorAngle = gyaw - gryaw;
- //LogText("Yaw error estimate: %f\n",YawErrorAngle.Get());
- // If the perceived error is large, keep count
- if ((YawErrorAngle.Abs() > yawErrorMax) && (!YawCorrectionActivated))
- YawErrorCount++;
- // After enough iterations of high perceived error, start the correction process
- if (YawErrorCount > yawErrorCountLimit)
- YawCorrectionActivated = true;
- // If the perceived error becomes small, turn off the yaw correction
- if ((YawErrorAngle.Abs() < yawErrorMin) && YawCorrectionActivated)
- {
- YawCorrectionActivated = false;
- YawErrorCount = 0;
- }
- // Perform the actual yaw correction, due to previously detected, large yaw error
- if (YawCorrectionActivated)
- {
- YawCorrectionInProgress = true;
- // Incrementally "unyaw" by a small step size
- Q = Quatf(Vector3f(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f), -yawRotationStep * YawErrorAngle.Sign()) * Q;
- }
- }
+ // Update the orientation quaternion based on the corrected angular velocity vector
+ Q = Q * Quatf(gyroCorrected, gyroCorrected.Length() * DeltaT);
+ // The quaternion magnitude may slowly drift due to numerical error,
+ // so it is periodically normalized.
+ if (Stage % 500 == 0)
+ Q.Normalize();
// A predictive filter based on extrapolating the smoothed, current angular velocity
Quatf SensorFusion::GetPredictedOrientation(float pdt)
- Lock::Locker lockScope(Handler.GetHandlerLock());
- Quatf qP = QUncorrected;
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(Handler.GetHandlerLock());
+ Quatf qP = Q;
if (EnablePrediction)
- // This method assumes a constant angular velocity
- Vector3f angVelF = FAngV.SavitzkyGolaySmooth8();
+ // This method assumes a constant angular velocity
+ Vector3f angVelF = FAngV.SavitzkyGolaySmooth8();
float angVelFL = angVelF.Length();
- // Force back to raw measurement
+ // Force back to raw measurement
angVelF = AngV;
- angVelFL = AngV.Length();
+ angVelFL = AngV.Length();
- // Dynamic prediction interval: Based on angular velocity to reduce vibration
- const float minPdt = 0.001f;
- const float slopePdt = 0.1f;
- float newpdt = pdt;
- float tpdt = minPdt + slopePdt * angVelFL;
- if (tpdt < pdt)
- newpdt = tpdt;
- //LogText("PredictonDTs: %d\n",(int)(newpdt / PredictionTimeIncrement + 0.5f));
+ // Dynamic prediction interval: Based on angular velocity to reduce vibration
+ const float minPdt = 0.001f;
+ const float slopePdt = 0.1f;
+ float newpdt = pdt;
+ float tpdt = minPdt + slopePdt * angVelFL;
+ if (tpdt < pdt)
+ newpdt = tpdt;
+ //LogText("PredictonDTs: %d\n",(int)(newpdt / PredictionTimeIncrement + 0.5f));
if (angVelFL > 0.001f)
Vector3f rotAxisP = angVelF / angVelFL;
float halfRotAngleP = angVelFL * newpdt * 0.5f;
float sinaHRAP = sin(halfRotAngleP);
- Quatf deltaQP(rotAxisP.x*sinaHRAP, rotAxisP.y*sinaHRAP,
+ Quatf deltaQP(rotAxisP.x*sinaHRAP, rotAxisP.y*sinaHRAP,
rotAxisP.z*sinaHRAP, cos(halfRotAngleP));
- qP = QUncorrected * deltaQP;
- }
- }
+ qP = Q * deltaQP;
+ }
+ }
return qP;
Vector3f SensorFusion::GetCalibratedMagValue(const Vector3f& rawMag) const
- Vector3f mag = rawMag;
- mag.x += MagCalibrationMatrix.M[0][3];
- mag.y += MagCalibrationMatrix.M[1][3];
- mag.z += MagCalibrationMatrix.M[2][3];
- return mag;
-void SensorFusion::setMagReference(const Quatf& q, const Vector3f& rawMag)
- if (MagNumReferences < MagMaxReferences)
- {
- MagRefTableQ[MagNumReferences] = q;
- MagRefTableM[MagNumReferences] = rawMag; //FRawMag.Mean();
- //LogText("Inserting reference %d\n",MagNumReferences);
- MagRefQ = q;
- MagRefM = rawMag;
- float pitch, roll, yaw;
- Quatf q2 = q;
- q2.GetEulerAngles<Axis_X, Axis_Z, Axis_Y>(&pitch, &roll, &yaw);
- MagRefTableYaw[MagNumReferences] = yaw;
- MagRefYaw = yaw;
- MagNumReferences++;
- MagHasNearbyReference = true;
+ return MagCalibrationMatrix.Transform(rawMag);
@@ -427,21 +332,18 @@ bool SensorFusion::BodyFrameHandler::SupportsMessageType(MessageType type) const
// cal_name - an optional name for the calibration or default if cal_name == NULL
bool SensorFusion::SaveMagCalibration(const char* calibrationName) const
- if (pSensor == NULL || !HasMagCalibration())
+ if (CachedSensorInfo.SerialNumber[0] == 0 || !HasMagCalibration())
return false;
// A named calibration may be specified for calibration in different
// environments, otherwise the default calibration is used
if (calibrationName == NULL)
calibrationName = "default";
- SensorInfo sinfo;
- pSensor->GetDeviceInfo(&sinfo);
// Generate a mag calibration event
JSON* calibration = JSON::CreateObject();
// (hardcoded for now) the measurement and representation method
- calibration->AddStringItem("Version", "1.0");
+ calibration->AddStringItem("Version", "2.0");
calibration->AddStringItem("Name", "default");
// time stamp the calibration
@@ -460,19 +362,20 @@ bool SensorFusion::SaveMagCalibration(const char* calibrationName) const
calibration->AddStringItem("Time", time_str);
// write the full calibration matrix
+ char matrix[256];
Matrix4f calmat = GetMagCalibration();
- char matrix[128];
- int pos = 0;
- for (int r=0; r<4; r++)
- {
- for (int c=0; c<4; c++)
- {
- pos += (int)OVR_sprintf(matrix+pos, 128, "%g ", calmat.M[r][c]);
- }
- }
+ calmat.ToString(matrix, 256);
+ calibration->AddStringItem("CalibrationMatrix", matrix);
+ // save just the offset, for backwards compatibility
+ // this can be removed when we don't want to support 0.2.4 anymore
+ Vector3f center(calmat.M[0][3], calmat.M[1][3], calmat.M[2][3]);
+ Matrix4f tmp = calmat; tmp.M[0][3] = tmp.M[1][3] = tmp.M[2][3] = 0; tmp.M[3][3] = 1;
+ center = tmp.Inverted().Transform(center);
+ Matrix4f oldcalmat; oldcalmat.M[0][3] = center.x; oldcalmat.M[1][3] = center.y; oldcalmat.M[2][3] = center.z;
+ oldcalmat.ToString(matrix, 256);
calibration->AddStringItem("Calibration", matrix);
String path = GetBaseOVRPath(true);
path += "/Devices.json";
@@ -482,7 +385,14 @@ bool SensorFusion::SaveMagCalibration(const char* calibrationName) const
{ // Quick sanity check of the file type and format before we parse it
JSON* version = root->GetFirstItem();
if (version && version->Name == "Oculus Device Profile Version")
- { // In the future I may need to check versioning to determine parse method
+ {
+ int major = atoi(version->Value.ToCStr());
+ {
+ // don't use the file on unsupported major version number
+ root->Release();
+ root = NULL;
+ }
@@ -502,7 +412,7 @@ bool SensorFusion::SaveMagCalibration(const char* calibrationName) const
if (device->Name == "Device")
JSON* item = device->GetItemByName("Serial");
- if (item && item->Value == sinfo.SerialNumber)
+ if (item && item->Value == CachedSensorInfo.SerialNumber)
{ // found an entry for this device
item = device->GetNextItem(item);
while (item)
@@ -543,9 +453,9 @@ bool SensorFusion::SaveMagCalibration(const char* calibrationName) const
if (device == NULL)
device = JSON::CreateObject();
- device->AddStringItem("Product", sinfo.ProductName);
- device->AddNumberItem("ProductID", sinfo.ProductId);
- device->AddStringItem("Serial", sinfo.SerialNumber);
+ device->AddStringItem("Product", CachedSensorInfo.ProductName);
+ device->AddNumberItem("ProductID", CachedSensorInfo.ProductId);
+ device->AddStringItem("Serial", CachedSensorInfo.SerialNumber);
device->AddBoolItem("EnableYawCorrection", EnableYawCorrection);
root->AddItem("Device", device);
@@ -562,16 +472,13 @@ bool SensorFusion::SaveMagCalibration(const char* calibrationName) const
// cal_name - an optional name for the calibration or the default if cal_name == NULL
bool SensorFusion::LoadMagCalibration(const char* calibrationName)
- if (pSensor == NULL)
+ if (CachedSensorInfo.SerialNumber[0] == 0)
return false;
// A named calibration may be specified for calibration in different
// environments, otherwise the default calibration is used
if (calibrationName == NULL)
calibrationName = "default";
- SensorInfo sinfo;
- pSensor->GetDeviceInfo(&sinfo);
String path = GetBaseOVRPath(true);
path += "/Devices.json";
@@ -584,7 +491,10 @@ bool SensorFusion::LoadMagCalibration(const char* calibrationName)
// Quick sanity check of the file type and format before we parse it
JSON* version = root->GetFirstItem();
if (version && version->Name == "Oculus Device Profile Version")
- { // In the future I may need to check versioning to determine parse method
+ {
+ int major = atoi(version->Value.ToCStr());
+ return false; // don't parse the file on unsupported major version number
@@ -600,13 +510,14 @@ bool SensorFusion::LoadMagCalibration(const char* calibrationName)
if (device->Name == "Device")
JSON* item = device->GetItemByName("Serial");
- if (item && item->Value == sinfo.SerialNumber)
+ if (item && item->Value == CachedSensorInfo.SerialNumber)
{ // found an entry for this device
JSON* autoyaw = device->GetItemByName("EnableYawCorrection");
if (autoyaw)
autoEnableCorrection = (autoyaw->dValue != 0);
+ int maxCalibrationVersion = 0;
item = device->GetNextItem(item);
while (item)
@@ -617,69 +528,66 @@ bool SensorFusion::LoadMagCalibration(const char* calibrationName)
if (name && name->Value == calibrationName)
{ // found a calibration with this name
- time_t now;
- time(&now);
+ int major = 0;
+ JSON* version = calibration->GetItemByName("Version");
+ if (version)
+ major = atoi(version->Value.ToCStr());
- // parse the calibration time
- time_t calibration_time = now;
- JSON* caltime = calibration->GetItemByName("Time");
- if (caltime)
+ if (major > maxCalibrationVersion && major <= 2)
- const char* caltime_str = caltime->Value.ToCStr();
+ time_t now;
+ time(&now);
- tm ct;
- memset(&ct, 0, sizeof(tm));
+ // parse the calibration time
+ time_t calibration_time = now;
+ JSON* caltime = calibration->GetItemByName("Time");
+ if (caltime)
+ {
+ const char* caltime_str = caltime->Value.ToCStr();
+ tm ct;
+ memset(&ct, 0, sizeof(tm));
#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
- struct tm nowtime;
- localtime_s(&nowtime, &now);
- ct.tm_isdst = nowtime.tm_isdst;
- sscanf_s(caltime_str, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d",
- &ct.tm_year, &ct.tm_mon, &ct.tm_mday,
- &ct.tm_hour, &ct.tm_min, &ct.tm_sec);
+ struct tm nowtime;
+ localtime_s(&nowtime, &now);
+ ct.tm_isdst = nowtime.tm_isdst;
+ sscanf_s(caltime_str, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d",
+ &ct.tm_year, &ct.tm_mon, &ct.tm_mday,
+ &ct.tm_hour, &ct.tm_min, &ct.tm_sec);
- struct tm* nowtime = localtime(&now);
- ct.tm_isdst = nowtime->tm_isdst;
- sscanf(caltime_str, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d",
- &ct.tm_year, &ct.tm_mon, &ct.tm_mday,
- &ct.tm_hour, &ct.tm_min, &ct.tm_sec);
+ struct tm* nowtime = localtime(&now);
+ ct.tm_isdst = nowtime->tm_isdst;
+ sscanf(caltime_str, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d",
+ &ct.tm_year, &ct.tm_mon, &ct.tm_mday,
+ &ct.tm_hour, &ct.tm_min, &ct.tm_sec);
- ct.tm_year -= 1900;
- ct.tm_mon--;
- calibration_time = mktime(&ct);
- }
+ ct.tm_year -= 1900;
+ ct.tm_mon--;
+ calibration_time = mktime(&ct);
+ }
- // parse the calibration matrix
- JSON* cal = calibration->GetItemByName("Calibration");
- if (cal)
- {
- const char* data_str = cal->Value.ToCStr();
- Matrix4f calmat;
- for (int r=0; r<4; r++)
+ // parse the calibration matrix
+ JSON* cal = calibration->GetItemByName("CalibrationMatrix");
+ if (cal == NULL)
+ cal = calibration->GetItemByName("Calibration");
+ if (cal)
- for (int c=0; c<4; c++)
- {
- calmat.M[r][c] = (float)atof(data_str);
- while (data_str && *data_str != ' ')
- data_str++;
- if (data_str)
- data_str++;
- }
- }
+ Matrix4f calmat = Matrix4f::FromString(cal->Value.ToCStr());
+ SetMagCalibration(calmat);
+ MagCalibrationTime = calibration_time;
+ EnableYawCorrection = autoEnableCorrection;
- SetMagCalibration(calmat);
- MagCalibrationTime = calibration_time;
- EnableYawCorrection = autoEnableCorrection;
- return true;
+ maxCalibrationVersion = major;
+ }
item = device->GetNextItem(item);
- break;
+ return (maxCalibrationVersion > 0);