path: root/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_FrameTimeManager.h
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-Filename : CAPI_FrameTimeManager.h
-Content : Manage frame timing and pose prediction for rendering
-Created : November 30, 2013
-Authors : Volga Aksoy, Michael Antonov
-Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.2 (the "License");
-you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
-which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#ifndef OVR_CAPI_FrameTimeManager_h
-#define OVR_CAPI_FrameTimeManager_h
-#include "../OVR_CAPI.h"
-#include "../Kernel/OVR_Timer.h"
-#include "../Kernel/OVR_Math.h"
-#include "../Util/Util_Render_Stereo.h"
-namespace OVR { namespace CAPI {
-// ***** TimeDeltaCollector
-// Helper class to collect median times between frames, so that we know
-// how long to wait.
-struct TimeDeltaCollector
- TimeDeltaCollector() : Median(-1.0), Count(0), ReCalcMedian(true) { }
- void AddTimeDelta(double timeSeconds);
- void Clear() { Count = 0; }
- double GetMedianTimeDelta() const;
- double GetMedianTimeDeltaNoFirmwareHack() const;
- double GetCount() const { return Count; }
- enum { Capacity = 12 };
- double TimeBufferSeconds[Capacity];
- mutable double Median;
- int Count;
- mutable bool ReCalcMedian;
-// ***** FrameLatencyTracker
-// FrameLatencyTracker tracks frame Present to display Scan-out timing, as reported by
-// the DK2 internal latency tester pixel read-back. The computed value is used in
-// FrameTimeManager for prediction. View Render and TimeWarp to scan-out latencies are
-// also reported for debugging.
-// The class operates by generating color values from GetNextDrawColor() that must
-// be rendered on the back end and then looking for matching values in FrameTimeRecordSet
-// structure as reported by HW.
-class FrameLatencyTracker
- enum { FramesTracked = Util::LT2_IncrementCount-1 };
- FrameLatencyTracker();
- // DrawColor == 0 is special in that it doesn't need saving of timestamp
- unsigned char GetNextDrawColor();
- void SaveDrawColor(unsigned char drawColor, double endFrameTime,
- double renderIMUTime, double timewarpIMUTime );
- void MatchRecord(const Util::FrameTimeRecordSet &r);
- bool IsLatencyTimingAvailable();
- void GetLatencyTimings(float& latencyRender, float& latencyTimewarp, float& latencyPostPresent);
- void Reset();
- struct FrameTimeRecordEx : public Util::FrameTimeRecord
- {
- bool MatchedRecord;
- double RenderIMUTimeSeconds;
- double TimewarpIMUTimeSeconds;
- };
- // True if rendering read-back is enabled.
- bool TrackerEnabled;
- enum SampleWaitType {
- SampleWait_Zeroes, // We are waiting for a record with all zeros.
- SampleWait_Match // We are issuing & matching colors.
- };
- SampleWaitType WaitMode;
- int MatchCount;
- // Records of frame timings that we are trying to measure.
- FrameTimeRecordEx FrameEndTimes[FramesTracked];
- int FrameIndex;
- // Median filter for (ScanoutTimeSeconds - PostPresent frame time)
- TimeDeltaCollector FrameDeltas;
- // Latency reporting results
- double RenderLatencySeconds;
- double TimewarpLatencySeconds;
- double LatencyRecordTime;
-// ***** FrameTimeManager
-// FrameTimeManager keeps track of rendered frame timing and handles predictions for
-// orientations and time-warp.
-class FrameTimeManager
- FrameTimeManager(bool vsyncEnabled);
- // Data that affects frame timing computation.
- struct TimingInputs
- {
- // Hard-coded value or dynamic as reported by FrameTimeDeltas.GetMedianTimeDelta().
- double FrameDelta;
- // Screen delay from present to scan-out, as potentially reported by ScreenLatencyTracker.
- double ScreenDelay;
- // Negative value of how many seconds before EndFrame we start timewarp. 0.0 if not used.
- double TimewarpWaitDelta;
- TimingInputs()
- : FrameDelta(0), ScreenDelay(0), TimewarpWaitDelta(0)
- { }
- };
- // Timing values for a specific frame.
- struct Timing
- {
- TimingInputs Inputs;
- // Index of a frame that started at ThisFrameTime.
- unsigned int FrameIndex;
- // Predicted absolute times for when this frame will show up on screen.
- // Generally, all values will be >= NextFrameTime, since that's the time we expect next
- // vsync to succeed.
- double ThisFrameTime;
- double TimewarpPointTime;
- double NextFrameTime;
- double MidpointTime;
- double EyeRenderTimes[2];
- double TimeWarpStartEndTimes[2][2];
- Timing()
- {
- memset(this, 0, sizeof(Timing));
- }
- void InitTimingFromInputs(const TimingInputs& inputs, HmdShutterTypeEnum shutterType,
- double thisFrameTime, unsigned int frameIndex);
- };
- // Called on startup to provided data on HMD timing.
- void Init(HmdRenderInfo& renderInfo);
- // Called with each new ConfigureRendering.
- void ResetFrameTiming(unsigned frameIndex,
- bool dynamicPrediction, bool sdkRender);
- void SetVsync(bool enabled) { VsyncEnabled = enabled; }
- // BeginFrame returns time of the call
- // TBD: Should this be a predicted time value instead ?
- double BeginFrame(unsigned frameIndex);
- void EndFrame();
- // Thread-safe function to query timing for a future frame
- Timing GetFrameTiming(unsigned frameIndex);
- // if eye == ovrEye_Count, timing is for MidpointTime as opposed to any specific eye
- double GetEyePredictionTime(ovrEyeType eye, unsigned int frameIndex);
- ovrTrackingState GetEyePredictionTracking(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eye, unsigned int frameIndex);
- Posef GetEyePredictionPose(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eye);
- void GetTimewarpPredictions(ovrEyeType eye, double timewarpStartEnd[2]);
- void GetTimewarpMatrices(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eye, ovrPosef renderPose, ovrMatrix4f twmOut[2],double debugTimingOffsetInSeconds = 0.0);
- // Used by renderer to determine if it should time distortion rendering.
- bool NeedDistortionTimeMeasurement() const;
- void AddDistortionTimeMeasurement(double distortionTimeSeconds);
- // DK2 Latency test interface
- // Get next draw color for DK2 latency tester (3-byte RGB)
- void GetFrameLatencyTestDrawColor(unsigned char outColor[3])
- {
- outColor[0] = ScreenLatencyTracker.GetNextDrawColor();
- outColor[1] = ScreenLatencyTracker.IsLatencyTimingAvailable() ? 255 : 0;
- outColor[2] = ScreenLatencyTracker.IsLatencyTimingAvailable() ? 0 : 255;
- }
- // Must be called after EndFrame() to update latency tester timings.
- // Must pass color reported by NextFrameColor for this frame.
- void UpdateFrameLatencyTrackingAfterEndFrame(unsigned char frameLatencyTestColor[3],
- const Util::FrameTimeRecordSet& rs);
- void GetLatencyTimings(float& latencyRender, float& latencyTimewarp, float& latencyPostPresent)
- {
- return ScreenLatencyTracker.GetLatencyTimings(latencyRender, latencyTimewarp, latencyPostPresent);
- }
- const Timing& GetFrameTiming() const { return FrameTiming; }
- double calcFrameDelta() const;
- double calcScreenDelay() const;
- double calcTimewarpWaitDelta() const;
- //Revisit dynamic pre-Timewarp delay adjustment logic
- /*
- void updateTimewarpTiming();
- // TimewarpDelayAdjuster implements a simple state machine that reduces the amount
- // of time-warp waiting based on skipped frames.
- struct TimewarpDelayAdjuster
- {
- enum StateInLevel
- {
- // We are ok at this level, and will be waiting for some time before trying to reduce.
- State_WaitingToReduceLevel,
- // After decrementing a level, we are verifying that this won't cause skipped frames.
- State_VerifyingAfterReduce
- };
- enum {
- MaxDelayLevel = 5,
- MaxInfiniteTimingLevel = 3,
- MaxTimeIndex = 6
- };
- StateInLevel State;
- // Current level. Higher levels means larger delay reduction (smaller overall time-warp delay).
- int DelayLevel;
- // Index for the amount of time we'd wait in this level. If attempt to decrease level fails,
- // with is incrementing causing the level to become "sticky".
- int WaitTimeIndexForLevel[MaxTimeIndex + 1];
- // We skip few frames after each escalation to avoid too rapid of a reduction.
- int InitialFrameCounter;
- // What th currect "reduction" currently is.
- double TimewarpDelayReductionSeconds;
- // When we should try changing the level again.
- double DelayLevelFinishTime;
- public:
- TimewarpDelayAdjuster() { Reset(); }
- void Reset();
- void UpdateTimewarpWaitIfSkippedFrames(FrameTimeManager* manager,
- double measuredFrameDelta,
- double nextFrameTime);
- double GetDelayReduction() const { return TimewarpDelayReductionSeconds; }
- };
- */
- HmdRenderInfo RenderInfo;
- // Timings are collected through a median filter, to avoid outliers.
- TimeDeltaCollector FrameTimeDeltas;
- TimeDeltaCollector DistortionRenderTimes;
- FrameLatencyTracker ScreenLatencyTracker;
- // Timing changes if we have no Vsync (all prediction is reduced to fixed interval).
- bool VsyncEnabled;
- // Set if we are rendering via the SDK, so DistortionRenderTimes is valid.
- bool DynamicPrediction;
- // Set if SDk is doing the rendering.
- bool SdkRender;
- // Direct to rift.
- bool DirectToRift;
- // Total frame delay due to VsyncToFirstScanline, persistence and settle time.
- // Computed from RenderInfor.Shutter.
- double VSyncToScanoutDelay;
- double NoVSyncToScanoutDelay;
- double ScreenSwitchingDelay;
- //Revisit dynamic pre-Timewarp delay adjustment logic
- //TimewarpDelayAdjuster TimewarpAdjuster;
- // Current (or last) frame timing info. Used as a source for LocklessTiming.
- Timing FrameTiming;
- // TBD: Don't we need NextFrame here as well?
- LocklessUpdater<Timing, Timing> LocklessTiming;
- // IMU Read timings
- double RenderIMUTimeSeconds;
- double TimewarpIMUTimeSeconds;
-}} // namespace OVR::CAPI
-#endif // OVR_CAPI_FrameTimeManager_h