path: root/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/GL/CAPI_GL_DistortionShaders.h
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1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/GL/CAPI_GL_DistortionShaders.h b/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/GL/CAPI_GL_DistortionShaders.h
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+++ b/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/GL/CAPI_GL_DistortionShaders.h
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+ Filename : CAPI_GL_Shaders.h
+ Content : Distortion shader header for GL
+ Created : November 11, 2013
+ Authors : David Borel, Volga Aksoy
+ Copyright : Copyright 2013 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
+ Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Oculus Inc license
+ agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
+ otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
+ ************************************************************************************/
+#ifndef OVR_CAPI_GL_Shaders_h
+#define OVR_CAPI_GL_Shaders_h
+#include "CAPI_GL_Util.h"
+namespace OVR { namespace CAPI { namespace GL {
+ static const char glsl2Prefix[] =
+ "#version 110\n"
+ "#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable\n"
+ "#define _VS_IN attribute\n"
+ "#define _VS_OUT varying\n"
+ "#define _FS_IN varying\n"
+ "#define _TEXTURELOD texture2DLod\n"
+ "#define _FRAGCOLOR gl_FragColor\n";
+ static const char glsl3Prefix[] =
+ "#version 150\n"
+ "#define _FRAGCOLOR_DECLARATION out vec4 FragColor;\n"
+ "#define _VS_IN in\n"
+ "#define _VS_OUT out\n"
+ "#define _FS_IN in\n"
+ "#define _TEXTURELOD textureLod\n"
+ "#define _FRAGCOLOR FragColor\n";
+ static const char SimpleQuad_vs[] =
+ "uniform vec2 PositionOffset;\n"
+ "uniform vec2 Scale;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec3 Position;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = vec4(Position.xy * Scale + PositionOffset, 0.5, 1.0);\n"
+ "}\n";
+ const OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::Uniform SimpleQuad_vs_refl[] =
+ {
+ { "PositionOffset", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 0, 8 },
+ { "Scale", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 8, 8 },
+ };
+ static const char SimpleQuad_fs[] =
+ "uniform vec4 Color;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " _FRAGCOLOR = Color;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ const OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::Uniform SimpleQuad_fs_refl[] =
+ {
+ { "Color", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 0, 16 },
+ };
+ static const char Distortion_vs[] =
+ "uniform vec2 EyeToSourceUVScale;\n"
+ "uniform vec2 EyeToSourceUVOffset;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec2 Position;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec4 Color;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec2 TexCoord0;\n"
+ "_VS_OUT vec4 oColor;\n"
+ "_VS_OUT vec2 oTexCoord0;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position.x = Position.x;\n"
+ " gl_Position.y = Position.y;\n"
+ " gl_Position.z = 0.5;\n"
+ " gl_Position.w = 1.0;\n"
+ // Vertex inputs are in TanEyeAngle space for the R,G,B channels (i.e. after chromatic aberration and distortion).
+ // Scale them into the correct [0-1],[0-1] UV lookup space (depending on eye)
+ " oTexCoord0 = TexCoord0 * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;\n"
+ " oTexCoord0.y = 1.0 - oTexCoord0.y;\n"
+ " oColor = Color;\n" // Used for vignette fade.
+ "}\n";
+ const OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::Uniform Distortion_vs_refl[] =
+ {
+ { "EyeToSourceUVScale", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 0, 8 },
+ { "EyeToSourceUVOffset", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 8, 8 },
+ };
+ static const char Distortion_fs[] =
+ "uniform sampler2D Texture0;\n"
+ "_FS_IN vec4 oColor;\n"
+ "_FS_IN vec2 oTexCoord0;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " _FRAGCOLOR = _TEXTURELOD(Texture0, oTexCoord0, 0.0);\n"
+ " _FRAGCOLOR.a = 1.0;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ static const char DistortionTimewarp_vs[] =
+ "uniform vec2 EyeToSourceUVScale;\n"
+ "uniform vec2 EyeToSourceUVOffset;\n"
+ "uniform mat4 EyeRotationStart;\n"
+ "uniform mat4 EyeRotationEnd;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec2 Position;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec4 Color;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec2 TexCoord0;\n"
+ "_FS_IN vec4 oColor;\n"
+ "_FS_IN vec2 oTexCoord0;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position.x = Position.x;\n"
+ " gl_Position.y = Position.y;\n"
+ " gl_Position.z = 0.0;\n"
+ " gl_Position.w = 1.0;\n"
+ // Vertex inputs are in TanEyeAngle space for the R,G,B channels (i.e. after chromatic aberration and distortion).
+ // These are now "real world" vectors in direction (x,y,1) relative to the eye of the HMD.
+ " vec3 TanEyeAngle = vec3 ( TexCoord0.x, TexCoord0.y, 1.0 );\n"
+ // Accurate time warp lerp vs. faster
+#if 1
+ // Apply the two 3x3 timewarp rotations to these vectors.
+ " vec3 TransformedStart = (EyeRotationStart * vec4(TanEyeAngle, 0)).xyz;\n"
+ " vec3 TransformedEnd = (EyeRotationEnd * vec4(TanEyeAngle, 0)).xyz;\n"
+ // And blend between them.
+ " vec3 Transformed = mix ( TransformedStart, TransformedEnd, Color.a );\n"
+ " mat4 EyeRotation = mix ( EyeRotationStart, EyeRotationEnd, Color.a );\n"
+ " vec3 Transformed = EyeRotation * TanEyeAngle;\n"
+ // Project them back onto the Z=1 plane of the rendered images.
+ " float RecipZ = 1.0 / Transformed.z;\n"
+ " vec2 Flattened = vec2 ( Transformed.x * RecipZ, Transformed.y * RecipZ );\n"
+ // These are now still in TanEyeAngle space.
+ // Scale them into the correct [0-1],[0-1] UV lookup space (depending on eye)
+ " vec2 SrcCoord = Flattened * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;\n"
+ " oTexCoord0 = SrcCoord;\n"
+ " oTexCoord0.y = 1.0-oTexCoord0.y;\n"
+ " oColor = vec4(Color.r, Color.r, Color.r, Color.r);\n" // Used for vignette fade.
+ "}\n";
+ const OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::Uniform DistortionTimewarp_vs_refl[] =
+ {
+ { "EyeToSourceUVScale", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 0, 8 },
+ { "EyeToSourceUVOffset", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 8, 8 },
+ };
+ static const char DistortionChroma_vs[] =
+ "uniform vec2 EyeToSourceUVScale;\n"
+ "uniform vec2 EyeToSourceUVOffset;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec2 Position;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec4 Color;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec2 TexCoord0;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec2 TexCoord1;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec2 TexCoord2;\n"
+ "_VS_OUT vec4 oColor;\n"
+ "_VS_OUT vec2 oTexCoord0;\n"
+ "_VS_OUT vec2 oTexCoord1;\n"
+ "_VS_OUT vec2 oTexCoord2;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position.x = Position.x;\n"
+ " gl_Position.y = Position.y;\n"
+ " gl_Position.z = 0.5;\n"
+ " gl_Position.w = 1.0;\n"
+ // Vertex inputs are in TanEyeAngle space for the R,G,B channels (i.e. after chromatic aberration and distortion).
+ // Scale them into the correct [0-1],[0-1] UV lookup space (depending on eye)
+ " oTexCoord0 = TexCoord0 * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;\n"
+ " oTexCoord0.y = 1.0-oTexCoord0.y;\n"
+ " oTexCoord1 = TexCoord1 * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;\n"
+ " oTexCoord1.y = 1.0-oTexCoord1.y;\n"
+ " oTexCoord2 = TexCoord2 * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;\n"
+ " oTexCoord2.y = 1.0-oTexCoord2.y;\n"
+ " oColor = Color;\n" // Used for vignette fade.
+ "}\n";
+ const OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::Uniform DistortionChroma_vs_refl[] =
+ {
+ { "EyeToSourceUVScale", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 0, 8 },
+ { "EyeToSourceUVOffset", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 8, 8 },
+ };
+ static const char DistortionChroma_fs[] =
+ "uniform sampler2D Texture0;\n"
+ "_FS_IN vec4 oColor;\n"
+ "_FS_IN vec2 oTexCoord0;\n"
+ "_FS_IN vec2 oTexCoord1;\n"
+ "_FS_IN vec2 oTexCoord2;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " float ResultR = _TEXTURELOD(Texture0, oTexCoord0, 0.0).r;\n"
+ " float ResultG = _TEXTURELOD(Texture0, oTexCoord1, 0.0).g;\n"
+ " float ResultB = _TEXTURELOD(Texture0, oTexCoord2, 0.0).b;\n"
+ " _FRAGCOLOR = vec4(ResultR * oColor.r, ResultG * oColor.g, ResultB * oColor.b, 1.0);\n"
+ "}\n";
+ static const char DistortionTimewarpChroma_vs[] =
+ "uniform vec2 EyeToSourceUVScale;\n"
+ "uniform vec2 EyeToSourceUVOffset;\n"
+ "uniform mat4 EyeRotationStart;\n"
+ "uniform mat4 EyeRotationEnd;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec2 Position;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec4 Color;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec2 TexCoord0;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec2 TexCoord1;\n"
+ "_VS_IN vec2 TexCoord2;\n"
+ "_VS_OUT vec4 oColor;\n"
+ "_VS_OUT vec2 oTexCoord0;\n"
+ "_VS_OUT vec2 oTexCoord1;\n"
+ "_VS_OUT vec2 oTexCoord2;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position.x = Position.x;\n"
+ " gl_Position.y = Position.y;\n"
+ " gl_Position.z = 0.0;\n"
+ " gl_Position.w = 1.0;\n"
+ // Vertex inputs are in TanEyeAngle space for the R,G,B channels (i.e. after chromatic aberration and distortion).
+ // These are now "real world" vectors in direction (x,y,1) relative to the eye of the HMD.
+ " vec3 TanEyeAngleR = vec3 ( TexCoord0.x, TexCoord0.y, 1.0 );\n"
+ " vec3 TanEyeAngleG = vec3 ( TexCoord1.x, TexCoord1.y, 1.0 );\n"
+ " vec3 TanEyeAngleB = vec3 ( TexCoord2.x, TexCoord2.y, 1.0 );\n"
+ // Accurate time warp lerp vs. faster
+#if 1
+ // Apply the two 3x3 timewarp rotations to these vectors.
+ " vec3 TransformedRStart = (EyeRotationStart * vec4(TanEyeAngleR, 0)).xyz;\n"
+ " vec3 TransformedGStart = (EyeRotationStart * vec4(TanEyeAngleG, 0)).xyz;\n"
+ " vec3 TransformedBStart = (EyeRotationStart * vec4(TanEyeAngleB, 0)).xyz;\n"
+ " vec3 TransformedREnd = (EyeRotationEnd * vec4(TanEyeAngleR, 0)).xyz;\n"
+ " vec3 TransformedGEnd = (EyeRotationEnd * vec4(TanEyeAngleG, 0)).xyz;\n"
+ " vec3 TransformedBEnd = (EyeRotationEnd * vec4(TanEyeAngleB, 0)).xyz;\n"
+ // And blend between them.
+ " vec3 TransformedR = mix ( TransformedRStart, TransformedREnd, Color.a );\n"
+ " vec3 TransformedG = mix ( TransformedGStart, TransformedGEnd, Color.a );\n"
+ " vec3 TransformedB = mix ( TransformedBStart, TransformedBEnd, Color.a );\n"
+ " mat3 EyeRotation;\n"
+ " EyeRotation[0] = mix ( EyeRotationStart[0], EyeRotationEnd[0], Color.a ).xyz;\n"
+ " EyeRotation[1] = mix ( EyeRotationStart[1], EyeRotationEnd[1], Color.a ).xyz;\n"
+ " EyeRotation[2] = mix ( EyeRotationStart[2], EyeRotationEnd[2], Color.a ).xyz;\n"
+ " vec3 TransformedR = EyeRotation * TanEyeAngleR;\n"
+ " vec3 TransformedG = EyeRotation * TanEyeAngleG;\n"
+ " vec3 TransformedB = EyeRotation * TanEyeAngleB;\n"
+ // Project them back onto the Z=1 plane of the rendered images.
+ " float RecipZR = 1.0 / TransformedR.z;\n"
+ " float RecipZG = 1.0 / TransformedG.z;\n"
+ " float RecipZB = 1.0 / TransformedB.z;\n"
+ " vec2 FlattenedR = vec2 ( TransformedR.x * RecipZR, TransformedR.y * RecipZR );\n"
+ " vec2 FlattenedG = vec2 ( TransformedG.x * RecipZG, TransformedG.y * RecipZG );\n"
+ " vec2 FlattenedB = vec2 ( TransformedB.x * RecipZB, TransformedB.y * RecipZB );\n"
+ // These are now still in TanEyeAngle space.
+ // Scale them into the correct [0-1],[0-1] UV lookup space (depending on eye)
+ " vec2 SrcCoordR = FlattenedR * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;\n"
+ " vec2 SrcCoordG = FlattenedG * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;\n"
+ " vec2 SrcCoordB = FlattenedB * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;\n"
+ " oTexCoord0 = SrcCoordR;\n"
+ " oTexCoord0.y = 1.0-oTexCoord0.y;\n"
+ " oTexCoord1 = SrcCoordG;\n"
+ " oTexCoord1.y = 1.0-oTexCoord1.y;\n"
+ " oTexCoord2 = SrcCoordB;\n"
+ " oTexCoord2.y = 1.0-oTexCoord2.y;\n"
+ " oColor = vec4(Color.r, Color.r, Color.r, Color.r);\n" // Used for vignette fade.
+ "}\n";
+ const OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::Uniform DistortionTimewarpChroma_vs_refl[] =
+ {
+ { "EyeToSourceUVScale", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 0, 8 },
+ { "EyeToSourceUVOffset", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 8, 8 },
+ { "EyeRotationStart", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 16, 64 },
+ { "EyeRotationEnd", OVR::CAPI::GL::ShaderBase::VARTYPE_FLOAT, 80, 64 },
+ };
+}}} // OVR::CAPI::GL
+#endif // OVR_CAPI_GL_Shaders_h