Oculus VR RIFT SDK 0.3.2 (w/ dependency on JOGL)
This code has been added to the oculusvr-sdk sub-module
due to the unclear license situation.
While including these parts w/ the whole SDK,
we do not violate the RIFT SDK licence - to our knowledge.
Code implements JOGL's
'jogamp.opengl.util.stereo.DistortionMesh.Producer' interface.
The implementation heavily uses RIFT SDK mathematical equations,
comments, algorithms and constants (DK1).
RIFT SDK C++ code has been partially ported to Java.
Purpose it to add a development testbed for JOGL
without requiring to bind to the native SDL library
and to experiment w/ some parameters.
This module may be used for educational purposes with JOGL's
If 'compiled in' with the SDK, reflection it utilized
in one of GenericStereoDevice configuration to load this functionality.
This module is not useful for real VR integration,
since it missies proper parameter detection
as well as sensor support.
For real VR integration, the fully fledged
'jogamp.opengl.oculusvr.OVRStereoDevice' shall be used instead.
The latter is part of JOGL and binds dynamically into the RIFT SDK
native library, which is provided within this sub-module (oculusvr-sdk).