diff options
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 669 deletions
diff --git a/src/ru/olamedia/Options.java b/src/ru/olamedia/Options.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9adf252..0000000
--- a/src/ru/olamedia/Options.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-package ru.olamedia;
-public class Options {
- public static int renderDistance = 128;
diff --git a/src/ru/olamedia/math/Matrix4f.java b/src/ru/olamedia/math/Matrix4f.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ce2eb6..0000000
--- a/src/ru/olamedia/math/Matrix4f.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-package ru.olamedia.math;
-import static org.openmali.FastMath.*;
-// 4x4 float matrix, column-major notation
-public class Matrix4f {
- protected float[] m;
- public Matrix4f() {
- m = new float[16];
- }
- public Matrix4f(float[] m) {
- this.m = m;
- }
- public Matrix4f(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m2) {
- m = new float[16];
- m[0] = m2.m00;
- m[1] = m2.m10;
- m[2] = m2.m20;
- m[3] = m2.m30;
- m[4] = m2.m01;
- m[5] = m2.m11;
- m[6] = m2.m21;
- m[7] = m2.m31;
- m[8] = m2.m02;
- m[9] = m2.m12;
- m[10] = m2.m22;
- m[11] = m2.m32;
- m[12] = m2.m03;
- m[13] = m2.m13;
- m[14] = m2.m23;
- m[15] = m2.m33;
- }
- public float[] toFloatArray() {
- return m;
- }
- public void set(int i, float v) {
- m[i] = v;
- }
- public float get(int i) {
- return m[i];
- }
- public void loadIdentity() {
- setIdentity();
- }
- public void setIdentity() {
- m[0] = m[5] = m[10] = m[15] = 1.0f;
- m[1] = m[2] = m[3] = m[4] = 0.0f;
- m[6] = m[7] = m[8] = m[9] = 0.0f;
- m[11] = m[12] = m[13] = m[14] = 0.0f;
- }
- public static Matrix4f translateMatrix(float x, float y, float z) {
- Matrix4f m = new Matrix4f();
- m.setIdentity();
- // Translate slots.
- m.set(12, x);
- m.set(13, y);
- m.set(14, z);
- return m;
- }
- public static Matrix4f scaleMatrix(float sx, float sy, float sz) {
- Matrix4f m = new Matrix4f();
- m.setIdentity();
- // Scale slots.
- m.set(0, sx);
- m.set(5, sy);
- m.set(10, sz);
- return m;
- }
- public static Matrix4f rotateXMatrix(float degrees) {
- float radians = toRad(degrees);
- float c = cos(radians);
- float s = sin(radians);
- Matrix4f m = new Matrix4f();
- m.setIdentity();
- // Rotate X formula.
- m.set(5, c);
- m.set(6, -s);
- m.set(9, s);
- m.set(10, c);
- return m;
- }
- public static Matrix4f rotateYMatrix(float degrees) {
- float radians = toRad(degrees);
- float c = cos(radians);
- float s = sin(radians);
- Matrix4f m = new Matrix4f();
- m.setIdentity();
- // Rotate Y formula.
- m.set(0, c);
- m.set(2, s);
- m.set(8, -s);
- m.set(10, c);
- return m;
- }
- public static Matrix4f rotateZMatrix(float degrees) {
- float radians = toRad(degrees);
- float c = cos(radians);
- float s = sin(radians);
- Matrix4f m = new Matrix4f();
- m.setIdentity();
- // Rotate Z formula.
- m.set(0, c);
- m.set(1, s);
- m.set(4, -s);
- m.set(5, c);
- return m;
- }
- public Vector3f getUpVector() {
- return new Vector3f(m[1], m[5], m[9]);
- }
- public Vector3f getLookVector() { // POSITIVE_Z
- return new Vector3f(m[2], m[6], m[10]);
- }
- public Vector3f getRightVector() {
- return new Vector3f(m[0], m[4], m[8]);
- }
- public Matrix4f multiply(Matrix4f m) {
- return Matrix4fUtil.multiply(this, m);
- }
- public void apply(Matrix4f m) {
- this.m = multiply(m).toFloatArray();
- }
- public float[] getAngles() {
- // TODO check majority
- float ax, ay, az;
- float cy;
- ay = -asin(m[2]); /* Calculate Y-axis angle */
- cy = cos(ay);
- ay = toDeg(ay);
- float trX, trY;
- if (Math.abs(cy) > 0.005) /* Gimball lock? */
- {
- trX = m[10] / cy; /* No, so get X-axis angle */
- trY = -m[6] / cy;
- ax = toDeg(atan2(trY, trX));
- trX = m[0] / cy; /* Get Z-axis angle */
- trY = -m[1] / cy;
- az = toDeg(atan2(trY, trX));
- } else /* Gimball lock has occurred */
- {
- ax = 0; /* Set X-axis angle to zero */
- trX = m[5]; /* And calculate Z-axis angle */
- trY = m[4];
- az = toDeg(atan2(trY, trX));
- }
- ax = clamp(ax, 0, 360); /* Clamp all angles to range */
- ay = clamp(ay, 0, 360);
- az = clamp(az, 0, 360);
- return new float[] { ax, ay, ax };
- }
- private float clamp(float a, float min, float max) {
- a = a % max;
- return a;
- }
- public float c(int column, int row) {
- return m[column * 4 + row];
- }
- public void set(float[] m) {
- this.m = m;
- }
diff --git a/src/ru/olamedia/math/Matrix4fUtil.java b/src/ru/olamedia/math/Matrix4fUtil.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 46d153e..0000000
--- a/src/ru/olamedia/math/Matrix4fUtil.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package ru.olamedia.math;
-public class Matrix4fUtil {
- public static Matrix4f multiply(Matrix4f m1, Matrix4f m2) {
- return new Matrix4f(multiply(m1.toFloatArray(), m2.toFloatArray()));
- }
- public static float[] multiply(float[] m1, float[] m2) {
- float[] result = new float[16];
- // First Column
- result[0] = m1[0] * m2[0] + m1[4] * m2[1] + m1[8] * m2[2] + m1[12] * m2[3];
- result[1] = m1[1] * m2[0] + m1[5] * m2[1] + m1[9] * m2[2] + m1[13] * m2[3];
- result[2] = m1[2] * m2[0] + m1[6] * m2[1] + m1[10] * m2[2] + m1[14] * m2[3];
- result[3] = m1[3] * m2[0] + m1[7] * m2[1] + m1[11] * m2[2] + m1[15] * m2[3];
- // Second Column
- result[4] = m1[0] * m2[4] + m1[4] * m2[5] + m1[8] * m2[6] + m1[12] * m2[7];
- result[5] = m1[1] * m2[4] + m1[5] * m2[5] + m1[9] * m2[6] + m1[13] * m2[7];
- result[6] = m1[2] * m2[4] + m1[6] * m2[5] + m1[10] * m2[6] + m1[14] * m2[7];
- result[7] = m1[3] * m2[4] + m1[7] * m2[5] + m1[11] * m2[6] + m1[15] * m2[7];
- // Third Column
- result[8] = m1[0] * m2[8] + m1[4] * m2[9] + m1[8] * m2[10] + m1[12] * m2[11];
- result[9] = m1[1] * m2[8] + m1[5] * m2[9] + m1[9] * m2[10] + m1[13] * m2[11];
- result[10] = m1[2] * m2[8] + m1[6] * m2[9] + m1[10] * m2[10] + m1[14] * m2[11];
- result[11] = m1[3] * m2[8] + m1[7] * m2[9] + m1[11] * m2[10] + m1[15] * m2[11];
- // Fourth Column
- result[12] = m1[0] * m2[12] + m1[4] * m2[13] + m1[8] * m2[14] + m1[12] * m2[15];
- result[13] = m1[1] * m2[12] + m1[5] * m2[13] + m1[9] * m2[14] + m1[13] * m2[15];
- result[14] = m1[2] * m2[12] + m1[6] * m2[13] + m1[10] * m2[14] + m1[14] * m2[15];
- result[15] = m1[3] * m2[12] + m1[7] * m2[13] + m1[11] * m2[14] + m1[15] * m2[15];
- return result;
- }
diff --git a/src/ru/olamedia/math/TransformMatrix.java b/src/ru/olamedia/math/TransformMatrix.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f2ea9d..0000000
--- a/src/ru/olamedia/math/TransformMatrix.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-package ru.olamedia.math;
-public class TransformMatrix extends Matrix4f {
- public void applyTranslation(Matrix4f m) {
- apply(m);
- }
- public void applyRotation(Matrix4f m) {
- apply(m);
- }
- public void applyScale(Matrix4f m) {
- apply(m);
- }
diff --git a/src/ru/olamedia/math/ViewMatrix.java b/src/ru/olamedia/math/ViewMatrix.java
deleted file mode 100644
index dad4778..0000000
--- a/src/ru/olamedia/math/ViewMatrix.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-package ru.olamedia.math;
-public class ViewMatrix extends Matrix4f {
- private Matrix4f translation = new Matrix4f();
- private Matrix4f scale = new Matrix4f();
- private Matrix4f rotation = new Matrix4f();
- private TransformMatrix transform = new TransformMatrix();
- public ViewMatrix() {
- translation.setIdentity();
- scale.setIdentity();
- rotation.setIdentity();
- transform.setIdentity();
- pack();
- }
- public void pack() {
- loadIdentity();
- transform.loadIdentity();
- transform.applyScale(scale);
- transform.applyRotation(rotation);
- transform.applyTranslation(translation);
- apply(transform);
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- float[] t = transform.toFloatArray();
- // this.m[12] = 0;
- // this.m[13] = 0;
- // this.m[14] = 0;
- // Fill translation:
- // this.m[3] = -(t[0] * t[12] + t[1] * t[13] + t[2] * t[14]);
- // this.m[7] = -(t[4] * t[12] + t[5] * t[13] + t[6] * t[14]);
- // this.m[11] = (t[8] * t[12] + t[9] * t[13] + t[10] * t[14]);
- // m[12] = -(t[0] * t[12] + t[1] * t[13] + t[2] * t[14]);
- // m[13] = -(t[4] * t[12] + t[5] * t[13] + t[6] * t[14]);
- // m[14] = (t[8] * t[12] + t[9] * t[13] + t[10] * t[14]);
- }
- public float getX() {
- return -translation.get(12);
- }
- public float getY() {
- return -translation.get(13);
- }
- public float getZ() {
- return -translation.get(14);
- }
- /**
- * @return the translation
- */
- public Matrix4f getTranslation() {
- return translation;
- }
- /**
- * @param translation
- * the translation to set
- */
- public void setTranslation(Matrix4f translation) {
- this.translation = translation;
- }
- /**
- * @return the scale
- */
- public Matrix4f getScale() {
- return scale;
- }
- /**
- * @param scale
- * the scale to set
- */
- public void setScale(Matrix4f scale) {
- this.scale = scale;
- }
- /**
- * @return the rotation
- */
- public Matrix4f getRotation() {
- return rotation;
- }
- /**
- * @param rotation
- * the rotation to set
- */
- public void setRotation(Matrix4f rotation) {
- this.rotation = rotation;
- }
- public void rotateX(float degrees) {
- setRotation(getRotation().multiply(Matrix4f.rotateXMatrix(degrees)));
- }
- public void rotateY(float degrees) {
- setRotation(getRotation().multiply(Matrix4f.rotateYMatrix(degrees)));
- }
- public void rotateZ(float degrees) {
- setRotation(getRotation().multiply(Matrix4f.rotateZMatrix(degrees)));
- }
- public Matrix4f getTransform() {
- return transform;
- }
diff --git a/src/ru/olamedia/olacraft/inventory/Frame.java b/src/ru/olamedia/olacraft/inventory/Frame.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a5cd979..0000000
--- a/src/ru/olamedia/olacraft/inventory/Frame.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-package ru.olamedia.olacraft.inventory;
-import org.olamedia.olacraft.draw.DrawInterface;
-import org.olamedia.olacraft.entity.AbstractEntity;
-import static org.olamedia.olacraft.blocks.Block.BLOCK_SIZE;
-import org.olamedia.olacraft.util.CommonApi;
-public class Frame extends AbstractEntity implements DrawInterface {
- public Frame(double x, double y, double z, double width, double height,
- double depth) {
- super(x, y, z, width, height, depth);
- }
- public CommonApi api = CommonApi.instance;
- @Override
- public void update(double delta) {
- }
- @Override
- public void draw() {
- api.draw.texRecti("inventory_frame", x, y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
- return;
- // Texture t = api.texture.get("inventory_frame");
- // t.bind();
- // glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
- // glLoadIdentity();
- // glTranslated(x, y, 0);
- // glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- // glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
- // glVertex2f(0, 0); // Upper-left
- // glTexCoord2f(1, 0);
- // glVertex2f(BLOCK_SIZE, 0); // Upper-right
- // glTexCoord2f(1, 1);
- // glVertex2f(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE); // Bottom-right
- // glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
- // glVertex2f(0, BLOCK_SIZE); // Bottom-left
- // glEnd();
- // glLoadIdentity();
- }
diff --git a/src/ru/olamedia/olacraft/render/jogl/BlockRenderer.java b/src/ru/olamedia/olacraft/render/jogl/BlockRenderer.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d96403..0000000
--- a/src/ru/olamedia/olacraft/render/jogl/BlockRenderer.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-package ru.olamedia.olacraft.render.jogl;
-import javax.media.opengl.GL;
-import javax.media.opengl.GL2;
-import javax.media.opengl.GLAutoDrawable;
-import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.Texture;
-import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.TextureCoords;
-import ru.olamedia.geom.SimpleQuadMesh;
-import ru.olamedia.olacraft.world.chunk.BlockSlice;
-import ru.olamedia.texture.TextureManager;
-public class BlockRenderer {
- private BlockSlice slice;
- private SimpleQuadMesh mesh;
- public BlockRenderer(BlockSlice slice) {
- this.slice = slice;
- }
- public SimpleQuadMesh getMesh(GL glx) {
- GL2 gl = glx.getGL2();
- // 14739
- SimpleQuadMesh mesh = new SimpleQuadMesh(999999);
- mesh.useColor();
- mesh.useTexture();
- Texture grass = TextureManager.get("texture/grass.png");
- int tex = grass.getTextureObject(gl);
- TextureCoords tc = grass.getImageTexCoords();
- // mesh.setTextureSize(tc.right(), tc.top());
- System.out.println(grass.getWidth() + " " + grass.getHeight() + " | "
- + tc.left() + " " + tc.right() + " " + tc.top() + " "
- + tc.bottom());
- mesh.setTextureSize(grass.getWidth(), grass.getHeight());
- for (int x = 0; x < slice.getWidth(); x++) {
- for (int y = 0; y < slice.getHeight(); y++) {
- for (int z = 0; z < slice.getDepth(); z++) {
- mesh.setTranslation(x, y, z);
- // mesh.setColor4f(0, 1, 0, 1);
- mesh.setColor4f((float) Math.random(),
- (float) Math.random(), (float) Math.random(), 1);
- mesh.setGLTexture(tex);
- if (y == 0) {
- mesh.addBottomQuad();
- }
- if (y == 3) {
- // Math.random();
- mesh.addTopQuad();
- }
- if (y < 4) {
- if (x == 0) {
- mesh.addLeftQuad();
- }
- if (x == slice.getWidth() - 1) {
- mesh.addRightQuad();
- }
- if (z == 0) {
- mesh.addBackQuad();
- }
- if (z == slice.getDepth() - 1) {
- mesh.addFrontQuad();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- mesh.endMesh();
- return mesh;
- }
- public void render(GL glx) {
- if (null == mesh) {
- mesh = getMesh(glx);
- }
- mesh.joglRender(glx);
- }
diff --git a/src/ru/olamedia/olacraft/render/jogl/ChunkRenderer.java b/src/ru/olamedia/olacraft/render/jogl/ChunkRenderer.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aaf38c..0000000
--- a/src/ru/olamedia/olacraft/render/jogl/ChunkRenderer.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-package ru.olamedia.olacraft.render.jogl;
-import ru.olamedia.Options;
-import ru.olamedia.geom.SimpleQuadMesh;
-import ru.olamedia.math.Box;
-import ru.olamedia.math.Classifier;
-import ru.olamedia.olacraft.game.Game;
-import ru.olamedia.olacraft.world.chunk.BlockSlice;
-import ru.olamedia.olacraft.world.chunk.Chunk;
-import ru.olamedia.olacraft.world.chunk.ChunkMeshBulder;
-import ru.olamedia.olacraft.world.chunk.ChunkSlice;
-import ru.olamedia.olacraft.world.location.BlockLocation;
-import ru.olamedia.olacraft.world.location.ChunkLocation;
-public class ChunkRenderer {
- private BlockSlice slice;
- public ChunkRenderer(BlockSlice slice) {
- this.slice = slice;
- }
- public int testedChunks = 0;
- public int visibleTop = 0;
- public int visibleBottom = 0;
- public int visibleLeft = 0;
- public int visibleRight = 0;
- public int visibleFront = 0;
- public int visibleBack = 0;
- public int frustumCulledChunks = 0;
- public int frustumIntersectChunks = 0;
- public boolean renderChunk(Chunk chunk, boolean skipnew) {
- float d = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(chunk.getOffset().x + 8 - cameraBlock.x, 2)
- + Math.pow(chunk.getOffset().y + 8 - cameraBlock.y, 2)
- + Math.pow(chunk.getOffset().z + 8 - cameraBlock.z, 2));
- if (d > Options.renderDistance) {
- return skipnew;
- }
- testedChunks++;
- if (!chunk.inWorldRange()) {
- return skipnew;
- }
- Box box = new Box(chunk.getOffset().x, chunk.getOffset().y, chunk.getOffset().z, chunk.getOffset().x
- + chunk.getWidth(), chunk.getOffset().y + chunk.getHeight(), chunk.getOffset().z + chunk.getDepth());
- if (Game.instance.camera.frustum.quickClassify(box) == Classifier.OUTSIDE) {
- frustumCulledChunks++;
- return skipnew;
- }
- chunk.render();
- if (!chunk.isMeshCostructed) {
- if (!chunk.isAvailable()) {
- // System.out.println("not available " + chunk);
- chunk.request();
- return skipnew;
- }
- if (!chunk.isNeighborsAvailable()) {
- // System.out.println("not available " + chunk);
- chunk.requestNeighbors();
- return skipnew;
- }
- // compute visibility
- // System.out.println("available");
- // // boolean inside = true;
- // if (Game.camera.frustum != null) {
- // if (Game.camera.frustum.quickClassify(box) ==
- // Classifier.Classification.OUTSIDE) {
- // frustumCulledChunks++;
- // return;
- // }
- // }
- // } else if (Game.camera.frustum.test(box) == Classifier.INTERSECT)
- // {
- // inside = false;
- // frustumIntersectChunks++;
- // } else {
- // frustumCulledChunks++;
- // return;
- // }
- if (!chunk.isMeshCostructed) {
- if (skipnew) {
- return skipnew;
- }
- }
- if (!chunk.isMeshCostructed) {
- ChunkMeshBulder.instance.add(chunk);
- if (ChunkMeshBulder.instance.isFull()) {
- // System.out.println("queue is full, skipping");
- skipnew = true;
- }
- // System.out.println("not constructed");
- return skipnew;
- }
- return skipnew;
- } else {
- return skipnew;
- }
- }
- BlockLocation cameraBlock;
- ChunkLocation cameraChunk;
- int distance;
- public ChunkSlice chunkSlice;
- public void render() {
- if (!ChunkMeshBulder.instance.isAlive() && !ChunkMeshBulder.instance.isInterrupted()) {
- ChunkMeshBulder.instance.start();
- }
- if (null == chunkSlice) {
- chunkSlice = slice.getChunkSlice();
- }
- testedChunks = 0;
- visibleTop = 0;
- visibleBottom = 0;
- visibleLeft = 0;
- visibleRight = 0;
- visibleFront = 0;
- visibleBack = 0;
- frustumCulledChunks = 0;
- cameraBlock = Game.client.getScene().getPlayer().getCameraBlockLocation();
- cameraChunk = cameraBlock.getChunkLocation();
- ChunkLocation renderLoc;
- boolean skipnew = false;
- for (distance = 0; distance <= Options.renderDistance / 16; distance++) {
- if (distance > 0) {
- int shortDistance = distance - 1;
- renderLoc = new ChunkLocation(cameraChunk);
- for (renderLoc.x = cameraChunk.x - distance; renderLoc.x <= cameraChunk.x + distance; renderLoc.x += distance * 2) {
- // render ZY sides
- for (renderLoc.y = cameraChunk.y - distance; renderLoc.y <= cameraChunk.y + distance; renderLoc.y++) {
- for (renderLoc.z = cameraChunk.z - distance; renderLoc.z <= cameraChunk.z + distance; renderLoc.z++) {
- skipnew = renderChunk(chunkSlice.getChunk(renderLoc), skipnew);
- }
- }
- }
- for (renderLoc.z = cameraChunk.z - distance; renderLoc.z <= cameraChunk.z + distance; renderLoc.z += distance * 2) {
- // render XY sides
- for (renderLoc.x = cameraChunk.x - shortDistance; renderLoc.x <= cameraChunk.x + shortDistance; renderLoc.x++) {
- for (renderLoc.y = cameraChunk.y - distance; renderLoc.y <= cameraChunk.y + distance; renderLoc.y++) {
- skipnew = renderChunk(chunkSlice.getChunk(renderLoc), skipnew);
- }
- }
- }
- for (renderLoc.y = cameraChunk.y - distance; renderLoc.y <= cameraChunk.y + distance; renderLoc.y += distance * 2) {
- // render XZ sides
- for (renderLoc.x = cameraChunk.x - shortDistance; renderLoc.x <= cameraChunk.x + shortDistance; renderLoc.x++) {
- for (renderLoc.z = cameraChunk.z - shortDistance; renderLoc.z <= cameraChunk.z + shortDistance; renderLoc.z++) {
- skipnew = renderChunk(chunkSlice.getChunk(renderLoc), skipnew);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- renderLoc = new ChunkLocation(cameraChunk);
- skipnew = renderChunk(chunkSlice.getChunk(renderLoc), skipnew);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/ru/olamedia/olacraft/world/World.java b/src/ru/olamedia/olacraft/world/World.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e3d25f2..0000000
--- a/src/ru/olamedia/olacraft/world/World.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package ru.olamedia.olacraft.world;
-import ru.olamedia.olacraft.world.block.BlockRegistry;
-import ru.olamedia.olacraft.world.blockTypes.GrassBlockType;
-public class World {
- private BlockRegistry blockRegistry;
- public void setup() {
- blockRegistry = new BlockRegistry();
- blockRegistry.registerBlockType(GrassBlockType.class);
- }