path: root/make/build.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'make/build.xml')
1 files changed, 897 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/make/build.xml b/make/build.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..887c257b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,897 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ - Ant build for JOCL. This build has been tested with ANT 1.8.0. The
+ - optional.jar that contains the optional ANT tasks must be in the ANT
+ - classpath (typically the ant/lib directory).
+ -
+ - A clean download of JOCL is required for this build.
+ -
+ - This build has no dependence on environment variables; the needed
+ - ones (e.g. java.home, ANT_HOME) are all set by the Ant wrapper shell
+ - script, by the virtual machine, or elsewhere. However, on all platforms,
+ - the C compiler and linker should be in the path. All other paths that
+ - need to be set are in host.properties.
+ -
+ - NOTE: because the GlueGen config files have their own relative paths
+ - which cannot be overridden by GlueGen, GlueGen MUST be run from
+ - the "make" directory. This also means that this build.xml MUST
+ - be run from the "make" directory.
+ -
+ - Public targets:
+ - all: (default; autodetects OS and chooses C compiler from jocl.properties)
+ - clean: clean all built
+ - javadoc: create the standard developer Javadoc
+ -
+ - Thanks to Rob Grzywinski and Artur Biesiadowski for the bulk of the
+ - ANT build, including the GlueGen and StaticGLInfo tasks, the building of
+ - the Java generated sources, the first and second phase Java compiles, and
+ - the building of the jar file. Thanks to Alex Radeski for the bulk of the
+ - port to the ant-contrib CPPTask framework. Thanks to Athomas Goldberg for
+ - the original OS detection code.
+ -->
+<project name="JOCL" basedir="." default="all">
+ <property name="project.root" value=".." />
+ <condition property="rootrel.build" value="build">
+ <not>
+ <isset property="rootrel.build"/>
+ </not>
+ </condition>
+ <property name="build" value="${project.root}/${rootrel.build}" />
+ <property name="gluegen.root" value="${project.root}/../gluegen" />
+ <property name="gluegen.build" value="${gluegen.root}/${rootrel.build}" />
+ <!-- This is the version of JOCL you are building -->
+ <property name="jocl.build.number" value="manual-build"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build}" />
+ <exec dir="." executable="git" logError="true" failonerror="false" failifexecutionfails="false"
+ output="${build}/localbranch.raw">
+ <arg line="branch --no-color"/>
+ </exec>
+ <exec dir="." executable="sed" logError="true" failonerror="false" failifexecutionfails="false"
+ outputproperty="jocl.build.branch">
+ <arg line="-e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\1/' ${build}/localbranch.raw"/>
+ </exec>
+ <property name="jocl.build.branch" value="manual"/> <!-- fallback -->
+ <exec dir="${project.root}" executable="git" logError="true" failonerror="false" failifexecutionfails="false"
+ outputproperty="jocl.build.commit">
+ <arg line="rev-parse HEAD"/>
+ </exec>
+ <property name="jocl.build.commit" value="manual"/> <!-- fallback -->
+ <!-- Pull in GlueGen cpptasks build file -->
+ <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/gluegen-cpptasks.xml" />
+ <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/jogamp-archivetasks.xml" />
+ <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/jogamp-androidtasks.xml" />
+ <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/jogamp-env.xml" />
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Load user properties which override build defaults.
+ -->
+ <target name="load.user.properties">
+ <property name="user.properties.file" value="${user.home}/jocl.properties" />
+ <property file="${user.properties.file}" />
+ <echo message="Loaded ${user.properties.file}. (optionally)" />
+ <property file="${user.home}/gluegen.properties" />
+ <echo message="Loaded ${user.home}/gluegen.properties." />
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Declare all paths and user defined variables.
+ -->
+ <target name="init" depends="jogamp.env.init, gluegen.cpptasks.detect.os">
+ <property name="jocl.build.id" value="${version.timestamp}"/>
+ <property name="jocl.version" value="${jogamp.version.base}-${version.timestamp}" />
+ <!-- The location and name of the configuration ANT file that will
+ - validate to ensure that all user-define variables are set. -->
+ <property name="validate.user.properties" value="${make}/validate-properties.xml" />
+ <!-- GlueGen properties. -->
+ <!-- NOTE that these require a checked-out GlueGen workspace as a -->
+ <!-- sibling of the JOCL workspace. -->
+ <property name="gluegen.make.dir" value="${gluegen.root}/make" />
+ <property name="gluegen.build.xml" value="${gluegen.make.dir}/build.xml" />
+ <property name="gluegen.jar" value="${gluegen.build}/gluegen.jar" />
+ <property name="gluegen-rt.jar" value="${gluegen.build}/gluegen-rt.jar" />
+ <property name="jogl.build" value="${project.root}/../jogl/build" />
+ <property name="jogl-all.jar" value="${jogl.build}/jar/jogl-all.jar" />
+ <!-- Create the classpath that includes GlueGen and
+ - ANTLR. This requires the user-defined "antlr.jar"
+ - property. -->
+ <path id="gluegen.classpath">
+ <pathelement location="${gluegen.jar}" />
+ <pathelement location="${antlr.jar}" />
+ </path>
+ <path id="javac.classpath">
+ <pathelement location="${gluegen.jar}" />
+ <pathelement location="${jogl-all.jar}" />
+ </path>
+ <!-- Names of directories relative to the project root.
+ Some of these are used in FileMappers later for dependence information
+ and need exact string matching, which is why they use file.separator
+ instead of "/". -->
+ <property name="rootrel.src" value="src" />
+ <!--property name="rootrel.src.java" value="${rootrel.src}/java" /-->
+ <property name="rootrel.src.java" value="${rootrel.src}" />
+ <!---property name="rootrel.src.c" value="${rootrel.src}/native" /-->
+ <property name="rootrel.src.c" value="resources" />
+ <property name="rootrel.src.generated" value="${rootrel.build}/gensrc" />
+ <property name="rootrel.generated.java" value="${rootrel.src.generated}/classes" />
+ <property name="rootrel.generated.c.jocl" value="${rootrel.src.generated}/native" />
+ <property name="rootrel.obj" value="${rootrel.build}/obj" />
+ <property name="rootrel.obj.jocl" value="${rootrel.obj}/jocl" />
+ <!-- The source directories. -->
+ <property name="src" value="${project.root}/${rootrel.src}" />
+ <property name="src.c" value="${project.root}/${rootrel.src.c}" />
+ <property name="src.java" value="${project.root}/${rootrel.src.java}" />
+ <property name="build" value="${project.root}/${rootrel.build}" />
+ <property name="tempdir" value="${project.root}/build-temp" />
+ <mkdir dir="${tempdir}" />
+ <!-- The generated source directories. -->
+ <property name="src.generated" value="${build}/gensrc" />
+ <property name="src.generated.java" value="${src.generated}/java" />
+ <property name="src.generated.c" value="${src.generated}/native/jocl" />
+ <!-- The compiler output directories. -->
+ <property name="classes" value="${build}/classes" />
+ <property name="obj" value="${project.root}/${rootrel.obj}" />
+ <property name="obj.jocl" value="${project.root}/${rootrel.obj.jocl}" />
+ <!-- Directories used for OpenCL header file preprocessing. -->
+ <property name="etc.build.dir" value="${build}/etc" />
+ <property name="headers.orig" value="${basedir}/resources/includes/CL_orig" />
+ <property name="headers.dest" value="${basedir}/resources/includes/CL" />
+ <!-- The headers from which Java files are generated -->
+ <property name="config" value="${project.root}/make/resources" />
+ <property name="stub.includes" value="${config}/includes" />
+ <property name="stub.includes.opencl" value="${config}" />
+ <property name="stub.includes.dir" value="resources" /> <!-- NOTE: this MUST be relative for FileSet -->
+ <dirset id="stub.includes.fileset.all" dir=".">
+ <include name="${stub.includes.dir}/includes"/>
+ <include name="${stub.includes.dir}/stubs_includes/jvm"/>
+ <include name="${stub.includes.dir}/stubs_includes/gl"/>
+ <include name="${stub.includes.dir}/stubs_includes/common"/>
+ </dirset>
+ <fileset id="stub.includes.dependencies.fileset.1" dir="${stub.includes.dir}">
+ <include name="includes/CL/**" />
+ <include name="includes/GL3/**" />
+ </fileset>
+ <fileset id="stub.includes.dependencies.fileset.2" file="${gluegen.jar}" />
+ <fileset id="stub.includes.dependencies.fileset.3" dir=".">
+ <include name="*.cfg" />
+ <include name="*.java" />
+ <include name="*.c" />
+ </fileset>
+ <!--property name="stub.includes.gluegen.gg" value="${gluegen.root}/make/stub_includes/gluegen" /-->
+ <property name="stub.includes.gluegen.cc" value="${gluegen.root}/make/stub_includes/platform" />
+ <!-- The resulting jocl.jar. -->
+ <property name="jocl.jar" value="${build}/jocl.jar" />
+ <property name="jocl-android.jar" value="${build}/jocl-android.jar" />
+ <property name="jocl-android.apk" value="${build}/jocl-android-${android.abi}.apk" />
+ <path id="jocl_all.classpath">
+ <pathelement location="${gluegen-rt.jar}" />
+ <pathelement location="${jocl.jar}" />
+ </path>
+ <!-- Create the required output directories. -->
+ <mkdir dir="${src.generated.java}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${src.generated.c}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${classes}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${obj}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.jocl}" />
+ <property name="archive.name" value="jocl-${jocl.version}-${os.and.arch}" />
+ <property name="archive" value="${build}/${archive.name}" />
+ <condition property="useLinuxARMv6SFOptions">
+ <and>
+ <isset property="isLinuxARMv6"/>
+ <isset property="isAbiEabiGnuArmel"/>
+ <isset property="isCrosscompilation"/>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="useLinuxARMv6HFOptions">
+ <and>
+ <isset property="isLinuxARMv6"/>
+ <isset property="isAbiEabiGnuArmhf"/>
+ <isset property="isCrosscompilation"/>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isCLANG.i386">
+ <and>
+ <isset property="isCLANG"/>
+ <isset property="isI386"/>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <echo message="useLinuxARMv6SFOptions ${useLinuxARMv6SFOptions}" />
+ <echo message="useLinuxARMv6HFOptions ${useLinuxARMv6HFOptions}" />
+ <condition property="enable.jdk7.features">
+ <or>
+ <equals arg1="${target.targetlevel}" arg2="1.7"/>
+ <equals arg1="${target.targetlevel}" arg2="1.8"/>
+ </or>
+ </condition>
+ <echo message="enable.jdk7.features ${enable.jdk7.features}" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!-- GlueGen and BuildStaticGLInfo creation, task setup and Java file generation -->
+ <!--
+ - Build GlueGen
+ -->
+ <target name="build.gluegen" depends="init" unless="common.gluegen.build.done">
+ <property name="common.gluegen.build.done" value="true" />
+ <!-- Run the GlueGen build to ensure that the GlueGen ANT task
+ - has been built. -->
+ <ant antfile="${gluegen.build.xml}" dir="${gluegen.make.dir}" target="base.compile" inheritAll="false" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Java file generation -->
+ <!--
+ - Check to see whether we need to rebuild the generated sources.
+ -->
+ <target name="java.generate.check">
+ <!-- Blow away all target files if any dependencies are violated
+ (the uptodate task doesn't allow arbitrary source and target filesets but should) -->
+ <dependset>
+ <srcfileset refid="stub.includes.dependencies.fileset.1" />
+ <srcfileset refid="stub.includes.dependencies.fileset.2" />
+ <srcfileset refid="stub.includes.dependencies.fileset.3" />
+ <targetfileset dir=".">
+ <include name="${src.generated.java}/**/*.java" />
+ <include name="${src.generated.c}/**/*.c" />
+ </targetfileset>
+ </dependset>
+ <!-- Now check for the presence of one well-known file -->
+ <uptodate property="java.generate.skip"
+ targetfile="${src.generated.java}/com/jogamp/opencl/llb/CL.java">
+ <srcfiles refid="stub.includes.dependencies.fileset.1" />
+ <srcfiles refid="stub.includes.dependencies.fileset.2" />
+ <srcfiles refid="stub.includes.dependencies.fileset.3" />
+ </uptodate>
+ </target>
+ <target name="java.generate.copy2temp">
+ <copy todir="${tempdir}">
+ <fileset dir="${build}"
+ includes="gensrc/classes/**" />
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <target name="generate.jdk7.autocloseable" if="${enable.jdk7.features}">
+ <echo message="Generating JDK7+ AutoCloseable"/>
+ <copy file="${project.root}/src/com/jogamp/common/AutoCloseable.jtemplate"
+ tofile="${build}/gensrc/java/com/jogamp/common/AutoCloseable.java" overwrite="true">
+ <filterchain>
+ <replaceregex pattern="/\*extends java.lang.AutoCloseable\*/" replace="extends java.lang.AutoCloseable"/>
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <target name="generate.jdk6.autocloseable" unless="${enable.jdk7.features}">
+ <echo message="Generating JDK6 AutoCloseable"/>
+ <copy file="${project.root}/src/com/jogamp/common/AutoCloseable.jtemplate"
+ tofile="${build}/gensrc/java/com/jogamp/common/AutoCloseable.java" overwrite="true">
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <target name="make-build-utilities" depends="init">
+ <!--compile build utilities-->
+ <mkdir dir="${etc.build.dir}"/>
+ <javac destdir="${etc.build.dir}"
+ classpath="${ant.core.lib}"
+ fork="yes"
+ includeAntRuntime="false"
+ memoryMaximumSize="${javac.memorymax}"
+ source="${target.sourcelevel}"
+ target="${target.targetlevel}"
+ bootclasspath="${target.rt.jar}"
+ debug="${javacdebug}" debuglevel="${javacdebuglevel}">
+ <src path="${basedir}/../etc/src"/>
+ </javac>
+ <taskdef name="update-headers" classname="com.jogamp.ant.HeaderFileDownloader" classpath="${etc.build.dir}"/>
+ <taskdef name="uncomment-function-params" classname="com.jogamp.ant.FunctionParamUncommenter" classpath="${etc.build.dir}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="update-opencl-headers" depends="make-build-utilities">
+ <property name="registry.url" value="http://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/api/1.1/"/>
+ <!-- download new headers from OpenCL registry if necessary -->
+ <update-headers header="${headers.orig}/cl.h" url="${registry.url}cl.h"/>
+ <update-headers header="${headers.orig}/cl_gl.h" url="${registry.url}cl_gl.h"/>
+ <update-headers header="${headers.orig}/cl_gl_ext.h" url="${registry.url}cl_gl_ext.h"/>
+ <update-headers header="${headers.orig}/cl_ext.h" url="${registry.url}cl_ext.h"/>
+ <update-headers header="${headers.orig}/cl_platform.h" url="${registry.url}cl_platform.h"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="preprocess-opencl-headers" depends="make-build-utilities">
+ <mkdir dir="${headers.dest}"/>
+ <!--uncomment function names in c headers and copy modified files into include path-->
+ <uncomment-function-params src="${headers.orig}/cl.h" dest="${headers.dest}/cl.h"/>
+ <uncomment-function-params src="${headers.orig}/cl_gl.h" dest="${headers.dest}/cl_gl.h"/>
+ <!--nothing to uncomment in this headers-->
+ <copy file="${headers.orig}/cl_platform.h" toDir="${headers.dest}" overwrite="true"/>
+ <copy file="${headers.orig}/cl_ext.h" toDir="${headers.dest}" overwrite="true"/>
+ <copy file="${headers.orig}/cl_gl_ext.h" toDir="${headers.dest}" overwrite="true"/>
+ <copy file="${headers.orig}/cl_vendor_ext.h" toDir="${headers.dest}" overwrite="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <!--
+ - Setup the generating ANT tasks and use it to generate the Java files
+ - from the C OpenCL headers. This involves setting the taskdef and creating
+ - the classpath reference id then running the task on each header.
+ -->
+ <target name="java.generate" depends="build.gluegen, generate.jdk6.autocloseable, generate.jdk7.autocloseable, java.generate.check, preprocess-opencl-headers" unless="java.generate.skip">
+ <!-- Add the GlueGen task to ANT -->
+ <taskdef name="gluegen" classname="com.jogamp.gluegen.ant.GlueGenTask"
+ classpathref="gluegen.classpath" />
+ <!-- Use the GlueGen task to generate the Java files -->
+ <echo message="context..."/>
+ <echo message="incl path ${toString:stub.includes.fileset.all}"/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-context-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ dumpCPP="false"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="program..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-program-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ dumpCPP="false"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="kernel..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-kernel-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ dumpCPP="false"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="queue..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-queue-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ dumpCPP="false"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="device..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-device-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ dumpCPP="false"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="memobj..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-mem-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ dumpCPP="false"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="image..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-image-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ dumpCPP="false"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="buffer..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-buffer-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ dumpCPP="false"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="sampler..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-sampler-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ dumpCPP="false"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="event..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-event-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ dumpCPP="false"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="platform..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-platform-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ dumpCPP="false"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="CL..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ dumpCPP="false"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="CLGL..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/clgl-if.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <echo message="GLImpl..."/>
+ <gluegen src="${stub.includes.opencl}/opencl.h"
+ outputRootDir="${build}"
+ config="${config}/cl-impl.cfg"
+ includeRefid="stub.includes.fileset.all"
+ emitter="com.jogamp.gluegen.procaddress.ProcAddressEmitter"
+ debug="false">
+ <classpath refid="gluegen.classpath" />
+ </gluegen>
+ <!-- Inform the user that the generators have successfully created
+ - the necessary Java files -->
+ <echo message="" />
+ <echo message="GlueGen has successfully generated files." />
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Compile the original and generated source.
+ -->
+ <target name="java.compile" depends="java.generate">
+ <javac destdir="${classes}"
+ includeantruntime="false"
+ memoryMaximumSize="${javac.memorymax}"
+ encoding="UTF-8"
+ source="${target.sourcelevel}"
+ target="${target.targetlevel}"
+ bootclasspath="${target.rt.jar}"
+ debug="${javacdebug}" debuglevel="${javacdebuglevel}">
+ <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
+ <src path="${src.java}" />
+ <src path="${src.generated.java}" />
+ </javac>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Compile the native C code for JOCL.
+ -->
+ <target name="rename.mingw.dll" if="isMingW">
+ <move file="${src}" tofile="${dest}" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="rename.dylib" if="isOSX">
+ <move file="${src}" tofile="${dest}" />
+ </target>
+ <macrodef name="c.build">
+ <attribute name="compiler.cfg.id" />
+ <attribute name="linker.cfg.id" />
+ <attribute name="output.lib.name" />
+ <attribute name="c.compiler.use-jawt" default="false"/>
+ <sequential>
+ <echo message="Output lib name = @{output.lib.name}" />
+ <echo message="compiler.cfg.id.base: @{compiler.cfg.id}"/>
+ <echo message="linker.cfg.id.base: @{linker.cfg.id}"/>
+ <!-- NOTE: the value of the debug and optimise attributes will not be overridden if already set externally -->
+ <property name="c.compiler.debug" value="false" />
+ <!-- Optimise flags one of { none, size, speed, minimal, full, aggressive, extreme, unsafe } -->
+ <property name="c.compiler.optimise" value="none" />
+ <condition property="c.compiler.use-debug">
+ <istrue value="${c.compiler.debug}"/>
+ </condition>
+ <patternset id="c.src.files">
+ <include name="${rootrel.generated.c.jocl}/*.c"/>
+ </patternset>
+ <echo message="Compiling @{output.lib.name}" />
+ <cc outtype="shared"
+ objdir="${obj}"
+ outfile="${obj}/@{output.lib.name}"
+ optimize="${c.compiler.optimise}"
+ debug="${c.compiler.debug}"
+ multithreaded="true"
+ exceptions="false"
+ rtti="false">
+ <fileset dir="${project.root}">
+ <patternset refid="c.src.files"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <compiler extends="@{compiler.cfg.id}" >
+ <sysincludepath path="${java.includes.dir}"/>
+ <sysincludepath path="${java.includes.dir.platform}"/>
+ <sysincludepath path="${stub.includes.gluegen.cc}"/>
+ <includepath path="resources/includes"/>
+ <!-- This is for the generated headers for handwritten C code -->
+ <includepath path="${src.generated.c}" />
+ <includepath path="${src.c}"/>
+ <!-- This must come last to not override real include paths -->
+ <!-- includepath path="stub_includes/macosx" if="isOSX" / -->
+ </compiler>
+ <linker extends="@{linker.cfg.id}" />
+ </cc>
+ <antcall target="rename.dylib" inheritRefs="true">
+ <param name="src" value="${obj}/lib@{output.lib.name}.dylib" />
+ <param name="dest" value="${obj}/lib@{output.lib.name}.jnilib" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="rename.mingw.dll" inheritRefs="true">
+ <param name="src" value="${obj}/lib@{output.lib.name}.so" />
+ <param name="dest" value="${obj}/@{output.lib.name}.dll" />
+ </antcall>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <target name="c.build.jocl" depends="init, gluegen.cpptasks.detect.os, gluegen.cpptasks.setup.compiler">
+ <echo message="compiler.cfg.id.base: ${compiler.cfg.id.base}"/>
+ <echo message="linker.cfg.id.base: ${linker.cfg.id.base}"/>
+ <c.build compiler.cfg.id="${compiler.cfg.id.base}"
+ output.lib.name="jocl"
+ linker.cfg.id="${linker.cfg.id.base}"/>
+ <antcall target="gluegen.cpptasks.striplibs" inheritRefs="true">
+ <param name="libdir" value="../${rootrel.build}/obj"/>
+ </antcall>
+ <!-- Create Java Web Start jar file from built file -->
+ <jar destfile="${build}/jocl-natives-${os.and.arch}.jar">
+ <fileset dir="../${rootrel.build}/obj">
+ <include name="*jocl.${native.library.suffix}" />
+ <include name="*soft_oal.${native.library.suffix}" />
+ <include name="*openal.${native.library.suffix}" />
+ <exclude name="*openal*.1*.${native.library.suffix}" />
+ </fileset>
+ </jar>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Build the jocl.jar file.
+ -->
+ <target name="jar" depends="init">
+ <!-- Prepare the manifest -->
+ <copy file="joclversion"
+ tofile="tempversion"
+ overwrite="true">
+ <filterset>
+ <filter token="VERSION" value="${jogamp.version}"/>
+ <filter token="BUILD_VERSION" value="${jocl.version}"/>
+ <filter token="SCM_BRANCH" value="${jocl.build.branch}"/>
+ <filter token="SCM_COMMIT" value="${jocl.build.commit}"/>
+ <filter token="BASEVERSION" value="${jogamp.version.base}" />
+ <filter token="JAR_CODEBASE_TAG" value="${jogamp.jar.codebase}"/>
+ </filterset>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- Build the jar excluding any build specific classes. -->
+ <jar manifest="tempversion" destfile="${jocl.jar}">
+ <fileset dir="${classes}">
+ <include name="com/jogamp/common/**" />
+ <include name="com/jogamp/opencl/**" />
+ </fileset>
+ </jar>
+ <copy file="${jocl.jar}" tofile="${jocl-android.jar}"/>
+ <antcall target="android.package" inheritRefs="true" />
+ <delete file="tempversion"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="android.package" depends="init" if="isAndroid">
+ <aapt.signed
+ jarsrcdir="${src.java}"
+ jarbuilddir="${build}"
+ jarbasename="jocl-android"
+ nativebuilddir="../${rootrel.build}/obj"
+ nativebasename=""
+ android.abi="${android.abi}"
+ androidmanifest.path="resources/android/AndroidManifest-jocl.xml"
+ androidresources.path="resources/android/res-jocl"
+ jarmanifest.path="tempversion"
+ version.code="${jogamp.version.int}"
+ version.name="${jogamp.version}" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Build the Javadocs for the sources.
+ - NOTE: these are not entirely correct as the javadocs targets depend
+ - on the platform specific build targets. To circumvent any
+ - errors, ensure that the source is built first.
+ -->
+ <target name="javadoc" depends="init, javadoc.init, javadoc.public, javadoc.dev, javadoc.zip"/>
+ <!-- copies ${gluegen-javadoc.path}/** to ${javadoc.root.path}/gluegen/
+ gluegen-javadoc.path is the parent folder of package-list:
+ gluegen-javadoc.path := build/javadoc/gluegen
+ with build/javadoc/gluegen/javadoc/package-list
+ -->
+ <target name="javadoc.gluegen" depends="init" if="gluegen-javadoc.path">
+ <delete dir="${javadoc.root.path}/gluegen" includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true" failonerror="false" />
+ <mkdir dir="${javadoc.root.path}/gluegen" />
+ <copy todir="${javadoc.root.path}/gluegen" failonerror="false">
+ <fileset dir="${gluegen-javadoc.path}" includes="**" />
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <target name="javadoc.init" depends="init">
+ <!-- property name="javadoc.link" value="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/" /-->
+ <!-- property name="javadoc.link" value="http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/" /-->
+ <property name="javadoc.link" value="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/" />
+ <!-- Link offline with relative URLs does not work.
+ Link online with relative URLs works,
+ so we have to assume the same relative online folder structure:
+ http://jogamp.org/deployment/jogamp-next/javadoc/gluegen/javadoc/
+ http://jogamp.org/deployment/jogamp-next/javadoc/jogl/javadoc/
+ http://jogamp.org/deployment/jogamp-next/javadoc/jogl/javadoc_dev/
+ http://jogamp.org/deployment/jogamp-next/javadoc/jogl/javadoc_jogl_spec/
+ http://jogamp.org/deployment/jogamp-next/javadoc/jogl/javadoc_nativewindow_spec/
+ gluegen rel URL: ../../gluegen/javadoc
+ build structure:
+ jogl.root: build/javadoc/jogl/<javadoc-type> (we have javadoc, javadoc_dev and javadoc_jogl_spec, ..)
+ gluegen.root: build/javadoc/gluegen/javadoc
+ to match the online gluegen rel URL, we need:
+ jogl.root: build/javadoc/gluegen/javadoc
+ -->
+ <property name="gluegen.link" value="../../gluegen/javadoc" />
+ <property name="javadoc.root.path" value="${build}/javadoc" />
+ <property name="javadoc.jocl.public.path" value="${javadoc.root.path}/jocl/javadoc" />
+ <property name="javadoc.jocl.dev.path" value="${javadoc.root.path}/jocl/javadoc_dev" />
+ <property name="javadoc.packagenames" value="com.jogamp.openal,com.jogamp.openal.util,com.jogamp.openal.sound3d" />
+ <property name="javadoc.dev.packagenames" value="${javadoc.packagenames},jogamp.openal" />
+ <!-- if gluegen-javadoc.path is not set, check in default location,
+ ${gluegen.root}/${rootrel.build}/javadoc/gluegen -->
+ <available file="${gluegen.build}/javadoc/gluegen/javadoc/package-list"
+ type="file"
+ property="gluegen-javadoc.path"
+ value="${gluegen.build}/javadoc/gluegen" />
+ <antcall target="javadoc.gluegen" inheritRefs="true" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="javadoc.zip" depends="javadoc.init">
+ <archive.7z destfile="${build}/javadoc.7z"
+ basedir="${javadoc.root.path}"
+ includes="jocl/**" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="javadoc.public" depends="javadoc.init">
+ <javadoc packagenames="${javadoc.packagenames}"
+ sourcepath="${src.java};${src.generated.java}"
+ destdir="${javadoc.jocl.public.path}" windowtitle="JOCL API"
+ encoding="UTF-8"
+ source="${target.sourcelevel}"
+ maxmemory="${javac.memorymax}"
+ stylesheetfile="${gluegen.make.dir}/doc/javadoc/stylesheet.css">
+ <classpath refid="jocl_all.classpath"/>
+ <link offline="true" href="${javadoc.link}" packagelistLoc="${gluegen.root}/make/142-packages" />
+ <link offline="false" href="${gluegen.link}" />
+ </javadoc>
+ <copy todir="${javadoc.jocl.public.path}/resources" overwrite="true">
+ <fileset dir="${gluegen.make.dir}/doc/javadoc/resources" includes="*" />
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <target name="javadoc.dev" depends="javadoc.init">
+ <!-- Build the internal developer Javadoc -->
+ <javadoc packagenames="${javadoc.dev.packagenames},${javadoc.dev.packagenames.platform}"
+ sourcepath="${src.java};${src.generated.java}"
+ destdir="${javadoc.jocl.dev.path}" windowtitle="JOCL API"
+ encoding="UTF-8"
+ source="${target.sourcelevel}"
+ maxmemory="${javac.memorymax}"
+ stylesheetfile="${gluegen.make.dir}/doc/javadoc/stylesheet.css">
+ <classpath refid="jocl_all.classpath"/>
+ <link offline="true" href="${javadoc.link}" packagelistLoc="${gluegen.root}/make/142-packages" />
+ <link offline="false" href="${gluegen.link}" />
+ </javadoc>
+ <copy todir="${javadoc.jocl.dev.path}/resources" overwrite="true">
+ <fileset dir="${gluegen.make.dir}/doc/javadoc/resources" includes="*" />
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <target name="developer-src-zip" depends="init">
+ <!--delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true" failonerror="false">
+ <fileset dir="${build}" includes="jocl-java-src.zip" />
+ </delete-->
+ <zip destfile="${build}/jocl-java-src.zip">
+ <fileset dir="${src.java}"/>
+ <fileset dir="${build}/gensrc"/>
+ </zip>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Build binary zip archives for developers -->
+ <target name="developer-zip-archive" depends="init,developer-src-zip" if="build.archiveon">
+ <!-- Clean up and create temporary directory -->
+ <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true" dir="${archive}" failonerror="false" />
+ <mkdir dir="${archive}" />
+ <copy file="${build}/artifact.properties" todir="${archive}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${archive}/jar" />
+ <copy todir="${archive}/jar">
+ <fileset dir="${build}" includes="jocl*.jar"/>
+ <fileset dir="${build}" includes="jocl*.apk"/>
+ </copy>
+ <mkdir dir="${archive}/lib" />
+ <copy todir="${archive}/lib">
+ <fileset dir="${build}/obj" includes="*.${native.library.suffix}"/>
+ </copy>
+ <mkdir dir="${archive}/jnlp-files" />
+ <copy todir="${archive}/jnlp-files">
+ <fileset dir="${project.root}/jnlp-files" includes="*" />
+ </copy>
+ <mkdir dir="${archive}/www" />
+ <copy todir="${archive}/www">
+ <fileset dir="${project.root}/www" includes="*" />
+ </copy>
+ <copy file="../README.txt" todir="${archive}"/>
+ <copy file="../LICENSE.txt" todir="${archive}"/>
+ <copy todir="${archive}" file="${build}/jocl-java-src.zip"/>
+ <archive.7z destfile="${build}/${archive.name}.7z"
+ basedir="${build}"
+ includes="${archive.name}/**" />
+ <!-- Clean up after ourselves -->
+ <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true" dir="${archive}" failonerror="false" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Clean up all that is built.
+ -->
+ <target name="clean" depends="init">
+ <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true">
+ <fileset dir="${build}" />
+ <fileset dir="${tempdir}" />
+ <fileset dir="${javadoc}" />
+ <fileset dir="${javadoc.dev}" />
+ <fileset dir="${headers.dest}" />
+ </delete>
+ <ant antfile="build-test.xml" target="clean"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Build everything.
+ -->
+ <target name="all" depends="jocl.build, test.compile, tag.build, developer-zip-archive"/>
+ <target name="jocl.build" depends="init">
+ <!-- Generate and compile the Java sources. -->
+ <antcall target="java.compile" inheritRefs="true" />
+ <!-- Compile the native C sources . -->
+ <antcall target="c.build.jocl" inheritRefs="true" />
+ <!-- build the jar/apk -->
+ <antcall target="jar" inheritRefs="true" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="tag.build" depends="init">
+ <copy file="${gluegen.build}/artifact.properties" todir="${build}" overwrite="true" failonerror="false"/>
+ <echo message='jocl.build.version=${jogamp.version}${line.separator}' file="${build}/artifact.properties" append="true"/>
+ <echo message='jocl.build.number=${jocl.build.number}${line.separator}' file="${build}/artifact.properties" append="true"/>
+ <echo message='jocl.build.id=${jocl.build.id}${line.separator}' file="${build}/artifact.properties" append="true"/>
+ <echo message='jocl.build.branch=${jocl.build.branch}${line.separator}' file="${build}/artifact.properties" append="true"/>
+ <echo message='jocl.build.commit=${jocl.build.commit}${line.separator}' file="${build}/artifact.properties" append="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - unit tests
+ -->
+ <target name="test.compile" depends="jocl.build">
+ <ant antfile="build-test.xml" target="test.compile" inheritRefs="true" inheritAll="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="test.auto.run" depends="test.compile">
+ <ant antfile="build-test.xml" target="test.auto.run" inheritRefs="true" inheritAll="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="junit.run" depends="test.compile">
+ <ant antfile="build-test.xml" target="junit.run" inheritRefs="true" inheritAll="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="test.manual.run" depends="test.compile">
+ <ant antfile="build-test.xml" target="test.manual.run" inheritRefs="true" inheritAll="true"/>
+ </target>