path: root/demos/RectRenderSpeed
diff options
authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2000-11-18 06:43:49 +0000
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2000-11-18 06:43:49 +0000
commit880653d31a8f1ff8384fdbc75b84934bceecfdb8 (patch)
treebdafb71416f176d2a4b73bf716c9dc3f13685a8b /demos/RectRenderSpeed
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/RectRenderSpeed')
9 files changed, 1420 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demos/RectRenderSpeed/GL4JCanvas.java b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/GL4JCanvas.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7366ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/GL4JCanvas.java
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+import java.io.*;
+import gl4java.GLContext;
+import gl4java.awt.GLCanvas;
+// class definition.
+public class GL4JCanvas extends gl4java.awt.GLCanvas
+ private int _canvas_wid_pix;
+ private int _canvas_hei_pix;
+ private int _num_colors = 50;
+ private boolean refresh_gl = false;
+// method constructor.
+public GL4JCanvas (int wid_pix, int hei_pix)
+ super (wid_pix, hei_pix);
+ _canvas_wid_pix = wid_pix;
+ _canvas_hei_pix = hei_pix;
+// method preInit
+public void preInit ()
+ stereoView = false;
+public void preSetDblBuffer(boolean dblBuffer)
+ doubleBuffer = dblBuffer;
+// method init
+public void init ()
+// method display
+public void display ()
+ boolean loc_err;
+ loc_err = false;
+ if(scripting_modes_number>0)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<scripting_modes_number; i++)
+ {
+ System.out.println("trying mode: "+scripting_modes[i]);
+ if(setRenderMode(scripting_modes[i])==false)
+ {
+ System.out.println("render mode: "+scripting_modes[i]+" not supported !");
+ continue;
+ }
+ gl_display();
+ }
+ cvsDispose();
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ if(refresh_gl)
+ {
+ refresh_gl = false;
+ gl_display ();
+ }
+public void setRefreshGL(boolean b)
+ refresh_gl = b;
+public void printTimeDelta(long startTime, int count)
+ long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis ();
+ System.out.println ("... elapsed time: "
+ +((double)(t1-startTime)/1000.0)+" Sec");
+ if(count>0)
+ System.out.println ("... rate: "
+ +(((double)(t1-startTime))*(1000.0/(double)count))
+ +" SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)");
+public double getTimeDeltaSecs(long startTime)
+ long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis ();
+ return (double)(t1-startTime)/1000.0;
+public static final String modes = new String (
+ " 0 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect\n"+
+ " 1 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv\n"+
+ " 2 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ " 3 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ " 10 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRect\n"+
+ " 11 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv\n"+
+ " 12 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ " 13 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ " 20 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect\n"+
+ " 21 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv\n"+
+ " 22 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ " 23 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ " 30 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect\n"+
+ " 31 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv\n"+
+ " 32 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ " 33 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ "100 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect\n"+
+ "101 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv\n"+
+ "102 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ "103 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ "110 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRect\n"+
+ "111 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv\n"+
+ "112 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ "113 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ "120 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect\n"+
+ "121 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv\n"+
+ "122 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ "123 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ "130 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect\n"+
+ "131 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv\n"+
+ "132 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ "133 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + GL_QUADS+ glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+
+ "\n" );
+public boolean useDisplayList = false;
+public boolean useSmoothShading = false;
+public boolean useRGB = false;
+public int[] scripting_modes = null;
+public int scripting_modes_number = 0;
+public void setScriptModes(int[] modes, int len)
+ scripting_modes=modes;
+ scripting_modes_number=len;
+ * renderMode
+ * 0 - glRect
+ * 1 - glRectiv
+ * 2 - POLYGON + glVertex2i
+ * 3 - QUADS + glVertex2i
+ */
+public int renderMode = 0;
+public int dez_mode = 0;
+public boolean setRenderMode(int mode)
+ useDisplayList = false;
+ useSmoothShading = false;
+ useRGB = false;
+ renderMode = 0;
+ if(mode>133 || mode<0)
+ return false;
+ dez_mode=mode;
+ if(mode>=100)
+ {
+ useDisplayList=true;
+ mode -= 100;
+ }
+ if(mode>=20)
+ {
+ useSmoothShading=true;
+ mode -= 20;
+ }
+ if(mode>=10)
+ {
+ useRGB=true;
+ mode -= 10;
+ }
+ if(renderMode>3)
+ return false;
+ renderMode=mode;
+ return true;
+public String getGlobalModeDescription()
+ String str = dez_mode + ": ";
+ if(doubleBuffer)
+ str = str + "DoubleBuffer";
+ else
+ str = str + "FrontBuffer ";
+ if(useDisplayList)
+ str = str + " + COMPILED ";
+ else
+ str = str + " + IMMEDIATE";
+ if(useSmoothShading)
+ str = str + " + Smooth";
+ else
+ str = str + " + Flat ";
+ if(useRGB)
+ str = str + " + RGB ";
+ else
+ str = str + " + ColorIndex";
+ switch (renderMode)
+ {
+ case 0: str = str + " + glRect"; break;
+ case 1: str = str + " + glRectiv"; break;
+ case 2: str = str + " + POLYGON + glVertex2i"; break;
+ case 3: str = str + " + QUADS + glVertex2i"; break;
+ }
+ return str;
+public void gl_display ()
+ boolean debug;
+ boolean loc_err;
+ int [] ramp;
+ float [][] seis_amps = null;
+ MapAmpToIndex amp_mapper;
+ long t0, t1;
+ debug = false;
+ System.out.println(">MODE "+getGlobalModeDescription());
+ t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ loc_err = false;
+ ramp = MakeRampJ (_num_colors);
+ if ( ! loc_err)
+ {
+ if (debug)
+ {
+ for (int loopi = 0; loopi < _num_colors; loopi++)
+ {
+ System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- ramp ["+loopi+"] "
+ +ramp [loopi]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // plz_note- prepare seismic data for drawing
+ if ( ! loc_err)
+ {
+ // JAU: seis_amps = GetSeisData (1250, 800);
+ // seis_amps = GetSeisData (600, 400);
+ seis_amps = GetSeisData (1250, 800);
+ if (seis_amps == null)
+ {
+ // look_here- error_handling
+ loc_err = true;
+ System.out.println
+ ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- ERROR- call to "
+ +" _seis_data.GetSeisData returned "+seis_amps);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (debug) System.out.println
+ ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- call to GetSeisData succeeded");
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ {
+ for (int loopi = 0; loopi < seis_amps.length; loopi++)
+ {
+ for (int loopj = 0; loopj < seis_amps[0].length; loopj++)
+ {
+ if (loopi == 0 || loopi == seis_amps.length - 1)
+ {
+ if (loopj >= 80 && loopj < 120)
+ {
+ System.out.println
+ ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- seis_amps ["+loopi
+ +"]["+loopj+"] "+seis_amps [loopi][loopj]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println(">Time for fetching Seis-Data: "+
+ getTimeDeltaSecs(t1));
+ t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ // plz_note- setup mapper (maps from seismic amplitude to
+ // plz_note- color table index)
+ amp_mapper = new MapAmpToIndex (ramp, seis_amps);
+ System.out.println(">Time for map color-table: "+
+ getTimeDeltaSecs(t1));
+ t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ // plz_note-prepare openGL
+ if ( ! loc_err)
+ {
+ if (glj.gljMakeCurrent () == false)
+ {
+ System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- gljMakeCurrent"
+ +" is false");
+ loc_err = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! loc_err)
+ {
+ if (cvsIsInit () != true)
+ {
+ System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- cvsIsInit not true");
+ loc_err = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! loc_err)
+ {
+ if(!doubleBuffer)
+ gl.glDrawBuffer (GL_FRONT);
+ if(!useRGB)
+ gl.glClearIndex (0.0f); // 1.0 is black
+ gl.glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+ // set current color index
+ if(!useRGB)
+ gl.glIndexi (1);
+ gl.glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
+ gl.glLoadIdentity ();
+ // left, right top, bottom clip planes.
+ glu.gluOrtho2D (0.0f, (float) (this._canvas_wid_pix),
+ 0.0f, (float) (this._canvas_hei_pix));
+ // look_here- see OpenGL Programming Guide, page 182
+ //gl.glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
+ //gl.glLoadIdentity ();
+ // plz_note-
+ int num_trc = seis_amps.length;
+ int num_sam = seis_amps [0].length;
+ if (debug)
+ {
+ System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- num_trc "+num_trc);
+ System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- num_sam "+num_sam);
+ }
+ int rect_wid = (int) Math.ceil
+ ((double)((double) (this._canvas_wid_pix) / (double) (num_trc)));
+ rect_wid++;
+ int rect_hei = (int) Math.ceil
+ ((double)((double) (this._canvas_hei_pix)/ (double) (num_sam)));
+ rect_hei++;
+ if (debug)
+ {
+ System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- rect_wid "+rect_wid);
+ System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- rect_hei "+rect_hei);
+ }
+ int x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ int[] v1 = new int[3];
+ int[] v2 = new int[3];
+ int ramp_index;
+ int color_index;
+ double ratio;
+ int count = 0;
+ int rectList = -1;
+ {
+ // JAU
+ if(useDisplayList)
+ {
+ rectList = gl.glGenLists(1);
+ gl.glNewList(rectList, GL_COMPILE);
+ }
+ if(useSmoothShading)
+ gl.glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);
+ else
+ gl.glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);
+ if(renderMode==3)
+ gl.glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ // plz_note- for each column or trace
+ for (int loop_i = 0; loop_i < num_trc; loop_i++)
+ {
+ // plz_note- for each row or seismic amplitude
+ for (int loop_j = 0; loop_j < num_sam; loop_j++)
+ {
+ // plz_note- compute vertices.
+ ratio = (double)(loop_i) / (double)(num_trc);
+ x1 = (int)(ratio * (double)(this._canvas_wid_pix));
+ x2 = x1 + rect_wid;
+ ratio = (double)(loop_j) / (double)(num_sam);
+ y1 = this._canvas_hei_pix -
+ (int)(ratio * (double)(this._canvas_hei_pix));
+ y2 = y1 + rect_hei;
+ // plz_note- set current color index
+ ramp_index = amp_mapper.GetColorIndex
+ (seis_amps [loop_i][loop_j]);
+ color_index = ramp [ramp_index];
+ if (debug && ((loop_i == 0 || loop_i == num_trc - 1)
+ && loop_j >= 80 && loop_j< 180))
+ {
+ System.out.print (" `gl_display-"
+ +" trc "+loop_i+", sam "+loop_j
+ +", amp "+seis_amps [loop_i][loop_j]);
+ System.out.print (", ramp_index "+ramp_index);
+ System.out.println (", color_index "+color_index);
+ }
+ if(!useRGB)
+ gl.glIndexi (color_index);
+ if(renderMode==0)
+ {
+ gl.glRecti (x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ } else if(renderMode==1)
+ {
+ v1[0]=x1; v1[1]=y1;
+ v2[0]=x2; v2[1]=y2;
+ gl.glRectiv (v1, v2);
+ } else {
+ if(renderMode==2)
+ gl.glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
+ if(renderMode>=2)
+ {
+ gl.glVertex2i(x1,y1);
+ gl.glVertex2i(x2,y1);
+ gl.glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ gl.glVertex2i(x1,y2);
+ }
+ if(renderMode==2)
+ gl.glEnd();
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(renderMode==3)
+ gl.glEnd( /* GL_QUADS */ );
+ // JAU
+ if(useDisplayList)
+ {
+ gl.glEndList();
+ }
+ else if(doubleBuffer)
+ glj.gljSwap ();
+ }
+ if(useDisplayList)
+ {
+ System.out.println (">`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: " +count);
+ System.out.println (">relative time: (display-list only)");
+ printTimeDelta(t1, count);
+ System.out.println (">absolute time: (display-list and calculations)");
+ printTimeDelta(t0, count);
+ } else {
+ System.out.println (">`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: " +count);
+ System.out.println (">relative time: (immediate only)");
+ printTimeDelta(t1, count);
+ System.out.println (">absolute time: (immediate and calculations)");
+ printTimeDelta(t0, count);
+ }
+ t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ if(useDisplayList)
+ {
+ gl.glCallList(rectList);
+ if(doubleBuffer)
+ glj.gljSwap ();
+ printTimeDelta(t0, count);
+ System.out.println (">relative time: (display-list called)");
+ printTimeDelta(t1, count);
+ System.out.println (">absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)");
+ printTimeDelta(t0, count);
+ gl.glDeleteLists(rectList, 1);
+ }
+ gl.glFlush ();
+ gl.glFinish ();
+ glj.gljFree ();
+ }
+// method reshape.
+public void reshape (int wid, int hei)
+// method
+// what the color is does not matter now.
+public int [] MakeRampJ (int num_colors)
+ boolean debug = false;
+ if (debug) System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`MakeRampJ- begin");
+ int [] rtn_array = new int [num_colors];
+ for (int loopi = 0; loopi < num_colors; loopi++)
+ {
+ rtn_array [loopi] = loopi;
+ }
+ if (debug) System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`MakeRampJ- end");
+ return rtn_array;
+// method
+// what the data is does not matter now.
+public float [][] GetSeisData (int wid, int hei)
+ boolean debug;
+ debug = false;
+ if (debug) System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`GetSeisData- begin");
+ float [][] rtn_array = new float [wid][];
+ for (int loopi = 0; loopi < wid; loopi++)
+ {
+ rtn_array [loopi] = new float [hei];
+ }
+ for (int loopi = 0; loopi < wid; loopi++)
+ for (int loopj = 0; loopj < hei; loopj++)
+ rtn_array [loopi][loopj] = (float) (Math.random ()) * 100.0f;
+ if (debug) System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`GetSeisData- end");
+ return rtn_array;
+// end of class GL4JCanvas
+// begin class definition
+class MapAmpToIndex extends Object
+ private boolean InitDone = false;
+ private int [] _color_ramp;
+ private float _max_amp = (float) 0.0;
+ private float _min_amp = (float) 0.0;
+// method MapAmpToIndex
+MapAmpToIndex (int [] ramp, float [][] data)
+ boolean debug;
+ debug = false;
+ InitDone = true;
+ if (debug) System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`MapAmpToIndex- begin");
+ // plz_note- set the color index data store
+ _color_ramp = new int [ramp.length];
+ System.arraycopy (ramp, 0, _color_ramp, 0, ramp.length);
+ if (debug)
+ {
+ System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`MapAmpToIndex- _color_ramp:");
+ for (int loopi = 0; loopi < _color_ramp.length; loopi++)
+ {
+ System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`MapAmpToIndex- _color_ramp ["
+ +loopi+"] "+_color_ramp [loopi]);
+ }
+ }
+ // plz_note- set the max, min amplitudes for scaling
+ for (int loopi = 0; loopi < data.length; loopi++)
+ {
+ for (int loopj = 0; loopj < data [0].length; loopj++)
+ {
+ if (data [loopi][loopj] > _max_amp)
+ _max_amp = data [loopi][loopj];
+ if (data [loopi][loopj] < _min_amp)
+ _min_amp = data [loopi][loopj];
+ }
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ {
+ System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`MapAmpToIndex- _max_amp "
+ +_max_amp);
+ System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`MapAmpToIndex- _min_amp "
+ +_min_amp);
+ }
+ if (debug) System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`MapAmpToIndex- end");
+// method GetColorIndex
+int GetColorIndex (float this_amp)
+ boolean debug;
+ int index;
+ int max_index;
+ float amp_range;
+ debug = false;
+ if (debug) System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`GetColorIndex- begin");
+ index = 0;
+ //if ( ! init)
+ {
+ max_index = _color_ramp.length - 1;
+ amp_range = _max_amp - _min_amp;
+ }
+ index = (int)
+ (((float)(max_index)) *
+ ((this_amp - _min_amp) / (_max_amp - _min_amp)));
+ if (debug) System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`GetColorIndex- end");
+ return index;
+// end of class MapAmpToIndex
+// end of file
diff --git a/demos/RectRenderSpeed/GL4JTests2.java b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/GL4JTests2.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8352c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/GL4JTests2.java
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+import GL4JCanvas;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.awt.event.*;
+// class definition.
+public class GL4JTests2 implements ActionListener
+ private GL4JCanvas _glcanvas;
+ TextField tf_renderMode;
+// method constructor.
+public GL4JTests2 (String [] args)
+ boolean debug = true;
+ Frame outer_frame;
+ Frame inner_frame;
+ Panel inner_panel;
+ Container outer_container;
+ Container inner_container;
+ Button button;
+ int modes[]=new int[args.length];
+ int mode_number=0;
+ boolean dblBuffer=false;
+ if(args.length>0)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<args.length; i++)
+ {
+ if(args[i].equals("help"))
+ {
+ System.out.println(
+ "Arguments:\n"+
+ "\thelp - print this help\n"+
+ "\tdbl - use doublebuffer\n"+
+ "\t<mode> - render mode, where mode is one of the following integer values :\n"+ GL4JCanvas.modes);
+ } else if(args[i].equals("dbl"))
+ {
+ dblBuffer=true;
+ } else {
+ try {
+ modes[mode_number] =
+ Integer.valueOf(args[i]).intValue();
+ mode_number++;
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ System.out.println("wrong mode: "+args[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ System.out.println ("GL4JTests`constructor- begin\n modes:\n"+
+ _glcanvas.modes);
+ }
+ // build outer most frame and container.
+ outer_frame = new Frame ("The GL4Java Canvas Window");
+ // create a new canvas from GL4Java...
+ // _glcanvas = new GL4JCanvas (1250, 800);
+ // JAU: I have just a little screen at my place now :-) !
+ _glcanvas = new GL4JCanvas (640, 480);
+ outer_frame.add ("Center",_glcanvas);
+ _glcanvas.preSetDblBuffer(dblBuffer);
+ Panel renderPanel = new Panel();
+ if(mode_number==0)
+ {
+ // interactive mode
+ //
+ button = new Button ("Paint");
+ button.setActionCommand ("Button Pressed");
+ button.addActionListener (this);
+ renderPanel.add(button);
+ tf_renderMode = new TextField("0");
+ renderPanel.add(tf_renderMode);
+ outer_frame.add ("South", renderPanel);
+ }
+ outer_frame.pack ();
+ outer_frame.setVisible (true);
+ if(mode_number>0)
+ {
+ // scripting mode
+ //
+ _glcanvas.setScriptModes(modes, mode_number);
+ _glcanvas.setRefreshGL(true);
+ _glcanvas.repaint();
+ }
+// method actionPerformed.
+public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event)
+ String action_command;
+ /*
+ * Let's do the repaint thread save ...
+ */
+ int mode=0;
+ try {
+ mode = Integer.valueOf(tf_renderMode.getText()).intValue();
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ System.out.println("wrong mode: "+tf_renderMode.getText());
+ return;
+ }
+ if(_glcanvas.setRenderMode(mode)==false)
+ {
+ System.out.println("render mode not supported !");
+ System.out.println("use one of the following:\n"+
+ _glcanvas.modes);
+ return;
+ }
+ _glcanvas.setRefreshGL(true);
+ _glcanvas.repaint();
+// method main.
+public static void main (String[] args)
+ boolean debug = true;
+ GL4JTests2 gl4JTests1 = new GL4JTests2 (args);
+ //GL4JTests2 gl4JTests2 = new GL4JTests2 (args);
+// end of class GL4JTests.
diff --git a/demos/RectRenderSpeed/GL4JTests2.sh b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/GL4JTests2.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..405f1f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/GL4JTests2.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# run
+echo args: $*
+# run java with increased memory, classpath arg
+java -ms64m -mx64m GL4JTests2 $*
diff --git a/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Linux-300MHzPII-Mesa b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Linux-300MHzPII-Mesa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a17bfbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Linux-300MHzPII-Mesa
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+I used platform: RivaTNT2 with MesaNVidia driver und Linux glibc2 ! 120 MB RAM ! 300 MhZ PII ! Running under Java117NativeThreads+TYA & ShellScript GL4JTests2.sh ! args: help 0 1 2 3 100 101 102 103 Arguments: help - print this help dbl - use doublebuffer <mode> - render mode, where mode is one of the following integer values : 0 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect 1 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv 2 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 3 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 10 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRect 11 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv 12 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 13 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 20 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect 21 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv 22 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 23 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 30 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect 31 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv 32 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 33 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 100 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect 101 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv 102 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 103 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 110 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRect 111 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv 112 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 113 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 120 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect 121 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv 122 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 123 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 130 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect 131 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv 132 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 133 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + GL_QUADS+ glVertex2i(x2,y2); trying mode: 0 >MODE 0: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 8.238 >Time for map color-table: 0.632 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 24.793 Sec ... rate: 24.793 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 33.695 Sec ... rate: 33.695 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 1 >MODE 1: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 8.69 >Time for map color-table: 1.095 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 35.262 Sec ... rate: 35.262 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 45.095 Sec ... rate: 45.095 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 2 >MODE 2: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 7.502 >Time for map color-table: 1.272 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 44.177 Sec ... rate: 44.177 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 53.002 Sec ... rate: 53.002 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 3 >MODE 3: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 7.626 >Time for map color-table: 1.227 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 31.222 Sec ... rate: 31.222 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 40.135 Sec ... rate: 40.135 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 100 >MODE 100: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 8.431 >Time for map color-table: 0.435 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 15.316 Sec ... rate: 15.316 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 24.43 Sec ... rate: 24.43 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 24.477 Sec ... rate: 24.477 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 0.065 Sec ... rate: 0.065 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 24.555 Sec ... rate: 24.555 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 101 >MODE 101: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 8.556 >Time for map color-table: 0.405 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 23.98 Sec ... rate: 23.98 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 32.969 Sec ... rate: 32.969 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 32.97 Sec ... rate: 32.97 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 0.0 Sec ... rate: 0.0 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 32.971 Sec ... rate: 32.971 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 102 >MODE 102: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 8.849 >Time for map color-table: 0.433 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 36.812 Sec ... rate: 36.812 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 46.114 Sec ... rate: 46.114 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 46.115 Sec ... rate: 46.115 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 0.0 Sec ... rate: 0.0 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 46.116 Sec ... rate: 46.116 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 103 >MODE 103: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 8.511 >Time for map color-table: 0.426 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 23.532 Sec ... rate: 23.532 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 32.524 Sec ... rate: 32.524 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 32.55 Sec ... rate: 32.55 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 0.038 Sec ... rate: 0.038 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 32.626 Sec ... rate: 32.626 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Linux-300MHzPII-MesaRivaTNT2.txt b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Linux-300MHzPII-MesaRivaTNT2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af0e9e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Linux-300MHzPII-MesaRivaTNT2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+I used platform:
+RivaTNT2 with MesaNVidia driver und Linux glibc2 !
+120 MB RAM !
+300 MhZ PII !
+Running under Java117NativeThreads+TYA & ShellScript GL4JTests2.sh !
+args: help 0 1 2 3 100 101 102 103
+ help - print this help
+ dbl - use doublebuffer
+ <mode> - render mode, where mode is one of the following integer values :
+ 0 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect
+ 1 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+ 2 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 3 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 10 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRect
+ 11 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv
+ 12 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 13 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 20 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect
+ 21 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+ 22 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 23 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 30 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect
+ 31 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv
+ 32 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 33 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+100 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect
+101 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+102 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+103 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+110 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRect
+111 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv
+112 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+113 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+120 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect
+121 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+122 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+123 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+130 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect
+131 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv
+132 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+133 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + GL_QUADS+ glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+trying mode: 0
+>MODE 0: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 8.238
+>Time for map color-table: 0.632
+>`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000
+>relative time: (immediate only)
+... elapsed time: 24.793 Sec
+... rate: 24.793 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (immediate and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 33.695 Sec
+... rate: 33.695 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 1
+>MODE 1: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 8.69
+>Time for map color-table: 1.095
+>`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000
+>relative time: (immediate only)
+... elapsed time: 35.262 Sec
+... rate: 35.262 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (immediate and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 45.095 Sec
+... rate: 45.095 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 2
+>MODE 2: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 7.502
+>Time for map color-table: 1.272
+>`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000
+>relative time: (immediate only)
+... elapsed time: 44.177 Sec
+... rate: 44.177 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (immediate and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 53.002 Sec
+... rate: 53.002 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 3
+>MODE 3: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 7.626
+>Time for map color-table: 1.227
+>`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000
+>relative time: (immediate only)
+... elapsed time: 31.222 Sec
+... rate: 31.222 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (immediate and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 40.135 Sec
+... rate: 40.135 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 100
+>MODE 100: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 8.431
+>Time for map color-table: 0.435
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 15.316 Sec
+... rate: 15.316 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 24.43 Sec
+... rate: 24.43 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 24.477 Sec
+... rate: 24.477 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 0.065 Sec
+... rate: 0.065 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 24.555 Sec
+... rate: 24.555 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 101
+>MODE 101: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 8.556
+>Time for map color-table: 0.405
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 23.98 Sec
+... rate: 23.98 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 32.969 Sec
+... rate: 32.969 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 32.97 Sec
+... rate: 32.97 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 0.0 Sec
+... rate: 0.0 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 32.971 Sec
+... rate: 32.971 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 102
+>MODE 102: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 8.849
+>Time for map color-table: 0.433
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 36.812 Sec
+... rate: 36.812 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 46.114 Sec
+... rate: 46.114 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 46.115 Sec
+... rate: 46.115 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 0.0 Sec
+... rate: 0.0 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 46.116 Sec
+... rate: 46.116 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 103
+>MODE 103: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 8.511
+>Time for map color-table: 0.426
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 23.532 Sec
+... rate: 23.532 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 32.524 Sec
+... rate: 32.524 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 32.55 Sec
+... rate: 32.55 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 0.038 Sec
+... rate: 0.038 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 32.626 Sec
+... rate: 32.626 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
diff --git a/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Linux-350MHzPII-Mesa b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Linux-350MHzPII-Mesa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..042252f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Linux-350MHzPII-Mesa
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+I used platform: RivaTNT2 with MesaNVidia driver und Linux glibc2 ! 120 MB RAM ! 350 MhZ PII ! Running under Java117NativeThreads+TYA & ShellScript GL4JTests2.sh ! args: help 0 1 2 3 100 101 102 103 args: help 0 1 2 3 100 101 102 103 Arguments: help - print this help dbl - use doublebuffer <mode> - render mode, where mode is one of the following integer values : 0 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect 1 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv 2 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 3 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 10 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRect 11 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv 12 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 13 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 20 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect 21 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv 22 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 23 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 30 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect 31 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv 32 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 33 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 100 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect 101 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv 102 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 103 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 110 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRect 111 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv 112 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 113 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 120 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect 121 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv 122 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 123 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 130 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect 131 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv 132 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 133 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + GL_QUADS+ glVertex2i(x2,y2); trying mode: 0 >MODE 0: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.723 >Time for map color-table: 0.417 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 34.165 Sec ... rate: 34.165 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 41.367 Sec ... rate: 41.367 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 1 >MODE 1: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.323 >Time for map color-table: 0.39 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 45.265 Sec ... rate: 45.265 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 52.034 Sec ... rate: 52.034 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 2 >MODE 2: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.878 >Time for map color-table: 0.4 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 46.561 Sec ... rate: 46.561 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 53.894 Sec ... rate: 53.894 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 3 >MODE 3: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.831 >Time for map color-table: 0.404 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 32.039 Sec ... rate: 32.039 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 39.329 Sec ... rate: 39.329 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 100 >MODE 100: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.777 >Time for map color-table: 0.4 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 10.559 Sec ... rate: 10.559 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 17.897 Sec ... rate: 17.897 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 43.379 Sec ... rate: 43.379 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 25.516 Sec ... rate: 25.516 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 43.455 Sec ... rate: 43.455 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 101 >MODE 101: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.37 >Time for map color-table: 0.4 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 15.623 Sec ... rate: 15.623 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 22.467 Sec ... rate: 22.467 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 42.516 Sec ... rate: 42.516 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 20.062 Sec ... rate: 20.062 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 42.594 Sec ... rate: 42.594 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 102 >MODE 102: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.319 >Time for map color-table: 0.401 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 26.708 Sec ... rate: 26.708 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 33.641 Sec ... rate: 33.641 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 67.779 Sec ... rate: 67.779 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 34.544 Sec ... rate: 34.544 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 68.186 Sec ... rate: 68.186 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 103 >MODE 103: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.671 >Time for map color-table: 0.409 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 17.646 Sec ... rate: 17.646 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 25.173 Sec ... rate: 25.173 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 58.663 Sec ... rate: 58.663 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 33.524 Sec ... rate: 33.524 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 58.752 Sec ... rate: 58.752 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Linux-350MHzPII-MesaRivaTNT2.txt b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Linux-350MHzPII-MesaRivaTNT2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..370ee97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Linux-350MHzPII-MesaRivaTNT2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+I used platform:
+RivaTNT2 with MesaNVidia driver und Linux glibc2 !
+120 MB RAM !
+350 MhZ PII !
+Running under Java117NativeThreads+TYA & ShellScript GL4JTests2.sh !
+args: help 0 1 2 3 100 101 102 103
+args: help 0 1 2 3 100 101 102 103
+ help - print this help
+ dbl - use doublebuffer
+ <mode> - render mode, where mode is one of the following integer values :
+ 0 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect
+ 1 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+ 2 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 3 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 10 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRect
+ 11 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv
+ 12 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 13 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 20 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect
+ 21 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+ 22 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 23 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 30 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect
+ 31 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv
+ 32 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 33 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+100 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect
+101 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+102 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+103 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+110 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRect
+111 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv
+112 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+113 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+120 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect
+121 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+122 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+123 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+130 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect
+131 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv
+132 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+133 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + GL_QUADS+ glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+trying mode: 0
+>MODE 0: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.723
+>Time for map color-table: 0.417
+>`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000
+>relative time: (immediate only)
+... elapsed time: 34.165 Sec
+... rate: 34.165 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (immediate and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 41.367 Sec
+... rate: 41.367 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 1
+>MODE 1: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.323
+>Time for map color-table: 0.39
+>`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000
+>relative time: (immediate only)
+... elapsed time: 45.265 Sec
+... rate: 45.265 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (immediate and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 52.034 Sec
+... rate: 52.034 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 2
+>MODE 2: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.878
+>Time for map color-table: 0.4
+>`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000
+>relative time: (immediate only)
+... elapsed time: 46.561 Sec
+... rate: 46.561 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (immediate and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 53.894 Sec
+... rate: 53.894 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 3
+>MODE 3: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.831
+>Time for map color-table: 0.404
+>`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000
+>relative time: (immediate only)
+... elapsed time: 32.039 Sec
+... rate: 32.039 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (immediate and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 39.329 Sec
+... rate: 39.329 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 100
+>MODE 100: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.777
+>Time for map color-table: 0.4
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 10.559 Sec
+... rate: 10.559 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 17.897 Sec
+... rate: 17.897 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 43.379 Sec
+... rate: 43.379 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 25.516 Sec
+... rate: 25.516 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 43.455 Sec
+... rate: 43.455 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 101
+>MODE 101: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.37
+>Time for map color-table: 0.4
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 15.623 Sec
+... rate: 15.623 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 22.467 Sec
+... rate: 22.467 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 42.516 Sec
+... rate: 42.516 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 20.062 Sec
+... rate: 20.062 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 42.594 Sec
+... rate: 42.594 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 102
+>MODE 102: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.319
+>Time for map color-table: 0.401
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 26.708 Sec
+... rate: 26.708 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 33.641 Sec
+... rate: 33.641 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 67.779 Sec
+... rate: 67.779 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 34.544 Sec
+... rate: 34.544 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 68.186 Sec
+... rate: 68.186 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 103
+>MODE 103: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 6.671
+>Time for map color-table: 0.409
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 17.646 Sec
+... rate: 17.646 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 25.173 Sec
+... rate: 25.173 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 58.663 Sec
+... rate: 58.663 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 33.524 Sec
+... rate: 33.524 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 58.752 Sec
+... rate: 58.752 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
diff --git a/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Win32-400MHzPII-Matr b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Win32-400MHzPII-Matr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71ae1bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Win32-400MHzPII-Matr
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+I used platform: Matrox G200 with new driver ! Windows NT 4.0 SP5 ! 329 MB RAM ! 400 MhZ PII ! Running under Java2 & Cygwin32-Bash & ShellScript GL4JTests2.sh ! args: help 0 1 2 3 100 101 102 103 Arguments: help - print this help dbl - use doublebuffer <mode> - render mode, where mode is one of the following integer values : 0 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect 1 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv 2 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 3 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 10 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRect 11 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv 12 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 13 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 20 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect 21 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv 22 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 23 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 30 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect 31 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv 32 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 33 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 100 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect 101 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv 102 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 103 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 110 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRect 111 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv 112 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 113 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 120 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect 121 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv 122 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 123 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 130 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect 131 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv 132 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 133 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + GL_QUADS+ glVertex2i(x2,y2); trying mode: 0 >MODE 0: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631 >Time for map color-table: 0.05 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 60.858 Sec ... rate: 60.858000000000004 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 61.549 Sec ... rate: 61.549 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 1 >MODE 1: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631 >Time for map color-table: 0.04 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 67.547 Sec ... rate: 67.547 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 68.218 Sec ... rate: 68.218 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 2 >MODE 2: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631 >Time for map color-table: 0.05 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 8.782 Sec ... rate: 8.782 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 9.473 Sec ... rate: 9.473 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 3 >MODE 3: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631 >Time for map color-table: 0.04 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 7.051 Sec ... rate: 7.051 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 7.722 Sec ... rate: 7.722 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 100 >MODE 100: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.63 >Time for map color-table: 0.051 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 2.894 Sec ... rate: 2.894 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 3.575 Sec ... rate: 3.575 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 56.571 Sec ... rate: 56.571 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 52.996 Sec ... rate: 52.996 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 56.571 Sec ... rate: 56.571 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 101 >MODE 101: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631 >Time for map color-table: 0.04 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 4.867 Sec ... rate: 4.867 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 5.548 Sec ... rate: 5.548 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 59.245 Sec ... rate: 59.245000000000005 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 53.707 Sec ... rate: 53.707 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 59.255 Sec ... rate: 59.255 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 102 >MODE 102: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.641 >Time for map color-table: 0.05 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 25.947 Sec ... rate: 25.947 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 26.899 Sec ... rate: 26.899 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 34.35 Sec ... rate: 34.35 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 7.391 Sec ... rate: 7.391 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 34.35 Sec ... rate: 34.35 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 103 >MODE 103: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.791 >Time for map color-table: 0.05 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 7.671 Sec ... rate: 7.671 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 10.796 Sec ... rate: 10.796 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 16.314 Sec ... rate: 16.314 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 5.498 Sec ... rate: 5.498 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 16.334 Sec ... rate: 16.334 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) args: help 112 113 Arguments: help - print this help dbl - use doublebuffer <mode> - render mode, where mode is one of the following integer values : 0 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect 1 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv 2 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 3 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 10 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRect 11 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv 12 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 13 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 20 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect 21 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv 22 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 23 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 30 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect 31 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv 32 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 33 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 100 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect 101 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv 102 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 103 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 110 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRect 111 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv 112 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 113 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 120 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect 121 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv 122 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 123 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 130 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect 131 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv 132 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 133 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + GL_QUADS+ glVertex2i(x2,y2); trying mode: 112 >MODE 112: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.641 >Time for map color-table: 0.05 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 8.372 Sec ... rate: 8.372 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 9.073 Sec ... rate: 9.073 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 15.563 Sec ... rate: 15.563 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 6.49 Sec ... rate: 6.49 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 15.563 Sec ... rate: 15.563 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 113 >MODE 113: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631 >Time for map color-table: 0.05 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 6.159 Sec ... rate: 6.159 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 6.84 Sec ... rate: 6.84 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 12.147 Sec ... rate: 12.147 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 5.317 Sec ... rate: 5.317 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 12.157 Sec ... rate: 12.157 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Win32-400MHzPII-MatroxG200.txt b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Win32-400MHzPII-MatroxG200.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cba0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/RectRenderSpeed/perfomance-Win32-400MHzPII-MatroxG200.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+I used platform:
+Matrox G200 with new driver !
+Windows NT 4.0 SP5 !
+329 MB RAM !
+400 MhZ PII !
+Running under Java2 & Cygwin32-Bash & ShellScript GL4JTests2.sh !
+args: help 0 1 2 3 100 101 102 103
+ help - print this help
+ dbl - use doublebuffer
+ <mode> - render mode, where mode is one of the following integer values :
+ 0 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect
+ 1 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+ 2 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 3 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 10 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRect
+ 11 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv
+ 12 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 13 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 20 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect
+ 21 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+ 22 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 23 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 30 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect
+ 31 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv
+ 32 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 33 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+100 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect
+101 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+102 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+103 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+110 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRect
+111 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv
+112 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+113 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+120 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect
+121 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+122 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+123 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+130 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect
+131 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv
+132 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+133 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + GL_QUADS+ glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+trying mode: 0
+>MODE 0: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631
+>Time for map color-table: 0.05
+>`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000
+>relative time: (immediate only)
+... elapsed time: 60.858 Sec
+... rate: 60.858000000000004 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (immediate and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 61.549 Sec
+... rate: 61.549 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 1
+>MODE 1: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631
+>Time for map color-table: 0.04
+>`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000
+>relative time: (immediate only)
+... elapsed time: 67.547 Sec
+... rate: 67.547 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (immediate and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 68.218 Sec
+... rate: 68.218 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 2
+>MODE 2: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631
+>Time for map color-table: 0.05
+>`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000
+>relative time: (immediate only)
+... elapsed time: 8.782 Sec
+... rate: 8.782 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (immediate and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 9.473 Sec
+... rate: 9.473 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 3
+>MODE 3: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631
+>Time for map color-table: 0.04
+>`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000
+>relative time: (immediate only)
+... elapsed time: 7.051 Sec
+... rate: 7.051 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (immediate and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 7.722 Sec
+... rate: 7.722 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 100
+>MODE 100: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.63
+>Time for map color-table: 0.051
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 2.894 Sec
+... rate: 2.894 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 3.575 Sec
+... rate: 3.575 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 56.571 Sec
+... rate: 56.571 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 52.996 Sec
+... rate: 52.996 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 56.571 Sec
+... rate: 56.571 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 101
+>MODE 101: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631
+>Time for map color-table: 0.04
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 4.867 Sec
+... rate: 4.867 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 5.548 Sec
+... rate: 5.548 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 59.245 Sec
+... rate: 59.245000000000005 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 53.707 Sec
+... rate: 53.707 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 59.255 Sec
+... rate: 59.255 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 102
+>MODE 102: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.641
+>Time for map color-table: 0.05
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 25.947 Sec
+... rate: 25.947 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 26.899 Sec
+... rate: 26.899 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 34.35 Sec
+... rate: 34.35 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 7.391 Sec
+... rate: 7.391 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 34.35 Sec
+... rate: 34.35 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 103
+>MODE 103: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.791
+>Time for map color-table: 0.05
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 7.671 Sec
+... rate: 7.671 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 10.796 Sec
+... rate: 10.796 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 16.314 Sec
+... rate: 16.314 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 5.498 Sec
+... rate: 5.498 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 16.334 Sec
+... rate: 16.334 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+args: help 112 113
+ help - print this help
+ dbl - use doublebuffer
+ <mode> - render mode, where mode is one of the following integer values :
+ 0 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect
+ 1 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+ 2 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 3 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 10 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRect
+ 11 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv
+ 12 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 13 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 20 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect
+ 21 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+ 22 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 23 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 30 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect
+ 31 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv
+ 32 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+ 33 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+100 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect
+101 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+102 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+103 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+110 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRect
+111 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv
+112 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+113 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+120 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect
+121 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv
+122 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+123 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+130 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect
+131 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv
+132 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+133 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + GL_QUADS+ glVertex2i(x2,y2);
+trying mode: 112
+>MODE 112: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.641
+>Time for map color-table: 0.05
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 8.372 Sec
+... rate: 8.372 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 9.073 Sec
+... rate: 9.073 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 15.563 Sec
+... rate: 15.563 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 6.49 Sec
+... rate: 6.49 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 15.563 Sec
+... rate: 15.563 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+trying mode: 113
+>MODE 113: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i
+>Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631
+>Time for map color-table: 0.05
+>`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000
+>relative time: (display-list only)
+... elapsed time: 6.159 Sec
+... rate: 6.159 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list and calculations)
+... elapsed time: 6.84 Sec
+... rate: 6.84 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+... elapsed time: 12.147 Sec
+... rate: 12.147 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>relative time: (display-list called)
+... elapsed time: 5.317 Sec
+... rate: 5.317 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)
+>absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)
+... elapsed time: 12.157 Sec
+... rate: 12.157 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)